A Tight Upper Bound on the Bayesian Probability of Error
In this paper, we present a new upper bound on the minimum probability of error of Bayesian decision systems for statistical pattern recognition. This new bound is continuous everywhere and is shown to be tighter than several existing bounds such as the ...
Recognizing Characters in Scene Images
An effective algorithm for character recognition in scene images is studied. Scene images are segmented into regions by an image segmentation method based on adaptive thresholding. Character candidate regions are detected by observing gray-level ...
Rotation and Gray Scale Transform Invariant Texture Identification using Wavelet Decomposition and Hidden Markov Model
In this correspondence, we have presented a rotation and gray scale transform invariant texture recognition scheme using the combination of quadrature mirror filter (QMF) bank and hidden Markov model (HMM). In the first stage, the QMF bank is used as ...
Boundary-Constrained Morphological Skeleton Minimization and Skeleton Reconstruction
A new algorithm for minimizing a morphological skeleton entitled boundary-constrained skeleton minimization (BCSM), as well as a new algorithm for reconstructing an original image from its minimized skeletal structure termed boundary-constrained ...
Retrieving Shape Information from Multiple Images of a Specular Surface
In many remote sensing and machine vision applications, the shape of a specular surface such as water, glass, or polished metal must be determined instantaneously and under natural lighting conditions. Most image analysis techniques, however, assume ...
A Speech Understanding and Dialog System with a Homogeneous Linguistic Knowledge Base
This article presents the speech understanding and dialog system EVAR. All levels of linguistic knowledge are used both to control the analysis process and for the interpretation of an utterance. All kinds of knowledge are integrated in a homogeneous ...
Acquiring 3-D Models from Sequences of Contours
This paper explores shape from contour for acquiring 3-D graphics models. In this method, a continuous sequence of images is taken as an object rotates. A smooth convex shape can be estimated instantaneously from its contour and by the first derivative ...
The Visual Hull Concept for Silhouette-Based Image Understanding
Many algorithms for both identifying and reconstructing a 3-D object are based on the 2-D silhouettes of the object. In general, identifying a nonconvex object using a silhouette-based approach implies neglecting some features of its surface as ...
Texture Segmentation using 2-D Gabor Elementary Functions
Many texture-segmentation schemes use an elaborate bank of filters to decompose a textured image into a joint space/spatial-frequency representation. Although these schemes show promise, and although some analytical work has been done, the relationship ...
Locating Perceptually Salient Points on Planar Curves
This paper describes the underlying ideas and algorithmic details of a computer program that performs at a human level of competence for a significant subset of the curve partitioning task. It extends and rounds out the technique and philosophical ...