The Changing Field of ICTD: Growth and Maturation of the Field, 2000–2010
We report the results of a content analysis of 948 papers from selected peer reviewed journals and conferences published between 2000 and 2010 in the academic literature on the interdisciplinary field of Information and Communication ...
Participatory Mapping with Indigenous Communities for Conservation: Challenges and Lessons from Suriname
The indigenous peoples of Southern Suriname depend on landscape services provided by intact, functioning ecosystems, but their use and reliance on natural landscapes is not well understood. In 2011, Conservation International Suriname (CIS) ...
A Framework for the Adoption of Electronic Customer Relationship Management Information Systems in Uganda
This study proposes a framework for the adoption of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e‐CRM) information systems in Uganda. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Primary data were gathered from Small and Medium ...
A Multipurpose Cadastral Framework for Developing Countries‐Concepts
Land acquisition and ownership for wealth creation has eluded most individuals in various regions of the Earth especially regions described as developing or less developed countries. Most European countries have developed multi‐purpose cadastre (...
A Preliminary Investigation of Islamic Websites’ Design Features that Influence Use: A Proposed Model
The growing availability of the Internet and advances in the use of technology among Muslims have led to an increase in the number of websites with an Islamic content. Currently, there is an emerging trend in the improvement of the design and ...
An Empirical Analysis of End‐User Participation in Software Development Projects in a Developing Country Context
Organizational information systems cannot produce any positive outcome unless the end‐users accept, adopt and use it. In this paper, we report the results of an investigation of the perception gap between end‐users and software developers ...
Rethinking Information Systems Projects Using Actor‐Network Theory: A Case of Malawi
Organisations invest heavily in Information Systems (IS) projects in the hope of realising business benefits. Yet reports persist of IS projects that all too often fail. Efforts to rescue the situation have so far yielded unsatisfactory results. ...