Feasibility and individual rationality in two-person Bayesian games
We define feasible, posterior individually rational solutions for two-person Bayesian games with a single informed player. Such a solution can be achieved by direct signalling from the informed player and requires approval of both players after ...
Allocation games with caps: from Captain Lotto to all-pay auctions
A Lotto game is a two-person zero-sum game where each player chooses a distribution on nonnegative real numbers with given expectation, so as to maximize the probability that his realized choice is higher than his opponent’s. These games arise in ...
Common-value all-pay auctions with asymmetric information and bid caps
We study a class of two-player common-value all-pay auctions (contests) with asymmetric information under the assumption that one of the players has an information advantage over his opponent and both players are budget-constrained. We extend the ...
Dynamic moral hazard without commitment
We study a discrete-time model of repeated moral hazard without commitment. In every period, a principal finances a project, choosing the scale of the project and a contingent payment plan for an agent, who has the opportunity to appropriate the ...
Correlated equilibria of two person repeated games with random signals
In this work we extend a result of Lehrer (Math Oper Res 17(1):175–199, 1992a) characterising the correlated equilibrium payoffs in undiscounted two player repeated games with partial monitoring to the case in which the signals are permitted to be ...
The challenge of non-zero-sum stochastic games
For a broad definition of time-discrete stochastic games, their zero-sum varieties have values. But the existence of $$\epsilon $$-equilibrium for the corresponding non-zero-sum games has proven elusive. We present the problems associated with $$\...
Subgame-perfection in recursive perfect information games, where each player controls one state
We consider a class of multi-player games with perfect information and deterministic transitions, where each player controls exactly one non-absorbing state, and where rewards are zero for the non-absorbing states. With respect to the average ...
Eliciting performance: deterministic versus proportional prizes
Two standard schemes for awarding a prize have been examined in the literature. The prize is awarded $$(\pi _{D})$$ deterministically: to the contestant with the highest output; $$(\pi _{P})$$ probabilistically: to all contestants, with ...
Characterizations of solutions for games with precedence constraints
We generalize the characterizations of the positive core and the positive prekernel to TU games with precedence constraints and show that the positive core is characterized by non-emptiness (NE), boundedness (BOUND), covariance under strategic ...
Continuous-time limit of dynamic games with incomplete information and a more informed player
We study a two-player, zero-sum, dynamic game with incomplete information where one of the players is more informed than his opponent. We analyze the limit value as the players play more and more frequently. The more informed player observes the ...
Operator approach to values of stochastic games with varying stage duration
We study the links between the values of stochastic games with varying stage duration h, the corresponding Shapley operators $$\mathbf{T}$$ and $$\mathbf{T}_h= h\mathbf{T}+ (1-h ) Id$$ and the solution of the evolution equation $$\dot{f}_t = (\...
Values of vector measure market games and their representations
We offer a representation result for values of vector measure market games, proving that the value of a game is an “average of marginals”. As a direct result we obtain that the Mertens value is the unique continuous value on the space of vector ...
Projections and functions of Nash equilibria
We show that any non-empty compact semi-algebraic subset of mixed action profiles on a fixed player set can be represented as the projection of the set of equilibria of a game in which additional binary players have been added. Even stronger, we ...
The complexity of interacting automata
This paper studies the interaction of automata of size m. We characterise statistical properties satisfied by random plays generated by a correlated pair of automata with m states each. We show that in some respect the pair of automata can be ...