Recursive games: uniform value, Tauberian theorem and the Mertens conjecture “$$Maxmin=\lim v_n=\lim v_{\uplambda }$$”
We study two-player zero-sum recursive games with a countable state space and finite action spaces at each state. When the family of n-stage values $$\{v_n,n\ge 1\}$$ is totally bounded for the uniform norm, we prove the existence of the uniform value. Together with a result in Rosenberg and Vieille (Math Oper Res 39:23–35, 2000), we obtain a uniform Tauberian theorem for recursive game: $$(v_n)$$ converges uniformly if and only if $$(v_{\uplambda })$$ converges uniformly. We apply our main result to finite recursive games with signals (where players observe only signals on the state and on past actions). When the maximizer is more informed than the minimizer, we prove the Mertens conjecture $$Maxmin=\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } v_n=\lim _{{\uplambda }\rightarrow 0}v_{\uplambda }$$. Finally, we deduce the existence of the uniform value in finite recursive game with symmetric information.
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A Tauberian Theorem for Nonexpansive Operators and Applications to Zero-Sum Stochastic Games
We prove a Tauberian theorem for nonexpansive operators and apply it to the model of zero-sum stochastic game. Under mild assumptions, we prove that the value of the λ-discounted game converges uniformly when λ goes to zero if and only if the value of ...
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Mertens, Neyman and Rosenberg (Mertens et al., 2009) used the Mertens and Neyman theorem (Mertens and Neyman, 1981) to prove the existence of a uniform value for absorbing games with a finite state space and compact action sets. We provide an analogous ...
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