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Volume 311, Issue COctober 2017
  • Elsevier Science Inc.
  • 655 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY
  • United States
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Performance of small-world feedforward neural networks for the diagnosis of diabetes

Small-world feedforward neural networks for the diagnosis of diabetes are considered.The NewmanWatts small-world model outperforms the WattsStrogatz model.The NewmanWatts small-world model yields the highest output correlation.The NewmanWatts small-...

New elliptic projections and a priori error estimates of H1-Galerkin mixed finite element methods for optimal control problems governed by parabolic integro-differential equations

In this paper, we discuss a priori error estimates of H1-Galerkin mixed finite element methods for optimal control problems governed by parabolic integro-differential equations. The state variables and co-state variables are approximated by the lowest ...

Coevolving allocation of resources and cooperation in spatial evolutionary games

In this article, the co-evolution of resources and cooperation in spatial evolutionary games is studied. Existence of competition in nature and human society derives from the confrontation between the limit of resources and the infinity of demands. As a ...

A phenomenological model for the aerodynamics of the knuckleball

The movement of a knuckleball depends on the seams of the baseball strongly, as a consequence a lift force proportional to the square of the ball velocity is occasioned. In this work we develop a model as a function of the position of the seams to ...

Stationary distribution and extinction of the DS-I-A model disease with periodic parameter function and Markovian switching

This paper introduces the DS-I-A model with periodic parameter function and Markovian switching. First, we will prove that the solution of the system is positive and global. Furthermore, we draw a conclusion that there exists nontrivial positive ...

An implicit three-dimensional fractional step method for the simulation of the corona phenomenon

The modeling of the corona effect has many technological applications especially in the power industry. The reduction of the computational burden of three dimensional simulations is a key factor in this area. Stability requirements may impose ...

Reliable state estimation of switched neutral system with nonlinear actuator faults via sampled-data control

This paper aims to solve the reliable state estimation problem of an uncertain switched neutral system subject to nonlinear actuator faults and time-varying delay by using sampled-data approach. To be precise, the well-known Luenberger estimator is ...

Decentralized adaptive delay-dependent neural network control for a class of large-scale interconnected nonlinear systems

This paper investigates the problem of adaptive decentralized control for a class of large-scale interconnected nonlinear systems with unknown time delays, and the unmeasured states. Compared with the existing results, the delay parameters are estimated ...

Stability analysis of linear systems with interval time-varying delays utilizing multiple integral inequalities

This paper is devoted to stability analysis of continuous-time delay systems with interval time-varying delays having known bounds on the delay derivatives. A parameterized family of LyapunovKrasovskii functionals involving multiple integral terms is ...

Inverse engineering preferences in simple games

A method for inverse engineering decision-makers preferences based on observable behaviour is designed. This technique allows analysts to narrow down the list of potential preference rankings of possible states in a conflict for each decision-maker ...

Global dynamics of an HIV model incorporating senior male clients

In this paper, a compartmental model for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among female sex workers and senior male clients is formulated. The qualitative analyses are carried out in terms of the basic reproduction number R0. The global ...

Efficient algorithm for the vertex cover Pk problem on cacti

Given a graph G=(V,E), the vertex cover Pk (VCPk) problem is to find a minimum set FV such that every path of order k in G contains at least one vertex from F. For any integer k 2, the VCPk problem for general graphs is NP-hard. The paper presents an ...

Analytic solutions of a microstructure PDE and the KdV and KadomtsevPetviashvili equations by invariant Painlev analysis and generalized Hirota techniques

Truncated Painlev expansions, invariant Painlev analysis, and generalized Hirota expansions are employed in combination to solve (partially reduce to quadrature) the integrable KdV and KP equations, and a nonintegrable generalized microstructure (GMS) ...

Linearized difference schemes for a BBM equation with a fractional nonlocal viscous term

This paper is concerned with the efficient finite difference schemes for a BenjaminBonaMahony equation with a fractional nonlocal viscous term. By using the weighted-shift GrnwaldLetnikov and the fractional centered difference formulae to approximate ...

Achieving higher order of convergence for solving systems of nonlinear equations

In this paper, we develop a class of third order methods which is a generalization of the existing ones and a method of fourth order method, then introduce a technique that improves the order of convergence of any given iterative method for solving ...

Two-walks degree assortativity in graphs and networks

Degree assortativity is the tendency for nodes of high degree (resp. low degree) in a graph to be connected to high degree nodes (resp. to low degree ones). It is usually quantified by the Pearson correlation coefficient of the degreedegree correlation. ...

A new collocation approach for solving systems of high-order linear Volterra integro-differential equations with variable coefficients

This paper contributes an efficient numerical approach for solving the systems of high-order linear Volterra integro-differential equations with variable coefficients under the mixed conditions. The method we have used consists of reducing the problem ...

Synchronization of nonlinear singularly perturbed complex networks with uncertain inner coupling via event triggered control

This study is concerned with the synchronization problem of nonlinear singularly perturbed complex networks with time-varying coupling delays. In an aim to shrink the treatment of network resources event triggered control strategy is proposed to achieve ...

A monotone finite volume scheme for diffusion equations on general non-conforming meshes

A nonlinear monotone finite volume scheme on general non-conforming meshes for diffusion equations is introduced, which deals with discontinuous tensor coefficients rigorously. Since the expression of normal flux depends on auxiliary unknowns defined at ...

Generalized convolution-type singular integral equations

In this paper, we study one class of generalized convolution-type singular integral equations in class {0}. Such equations are turned into complete singular integral equations with nodal points and further turned into boundary value problems for ...

Error estimates on a finite volume method for diffusion problems with interface on rectangular grids

The finite volume methods are frequently employed in the discretization of diffusion problems with interface. In this paper, we firstly present a vertex-centered MACH-like finite volume method for solving stationary diffusion problems with strong ...

Parameterized outer estimation of AE-solution sets to parametric interval linear systems

We consider linear algebraic equations, where the elements of the matrix and of the right-hand side vector are linear functions of interval parameters, and their parametric AE-solution sets, which are defined by applying universal and existential ...

A second order CrankNicolson scheme for fractional Cattaneo equation based on new fractional derivative

Recently Caputo and Fabrizio introduce a new derivative with fractional order which has the ability to describe the material heterogeneities and the fluctuations of different scales. In this article, a CrankNicolson finite difference scheme to solve ...

Multivector and multivector matrix inverses in real Clifford algebras

We show how to compute the inverse of multivectors in finite dimensional real Clifford algebras Cl(p, q). For algebras over vector spaces of fewer than six dimensions, we provide explicit formulae for discriminating between divisors of zero and ...

A MichaelisMenten type food chain model with strong Allee effect on the prey

Dynamical behaviours of a tritrophic food chain model with strong Allee effect in the prey are studied in this paper. Positivity and boundedness of the system are discussed. Some global results on extinction of the species are derived. Stability ...

A note on eventually SDD matrices and eigenvalue localization

It is shown by a counterexample that an eigenvalue localization set for matrices involved with a positive integer k, as one of the main theorems provided by Cvetkovi etal. (2015), does not hold in general for the case that k is odd. And then a new ...


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