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- research-articleAugust 2019
A Toolbox for Information System Evaluation
ICBDT '19: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data TechnologiesPages 283–290https://doi.org/10.1145/3358528.3358537An information system (IS) measures toolbox is proposed for evaluating implemented IS. The toolbox supports the evaluator in his action from the definition stage to the results one. The software is based on the content, context, process (CCP) framework ...
- research-articleJune 2016
Exploring the path to success
Information and Management (IMAN), Volume 53, Issue 4Pages 447–466https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2015.11.001We synthesize previous research on information technology (IT) management and benchmarking into a concept relationship map on strategic IT benchmarking success.We find that there is much literature on how to obtain strategic IT benchmarking (SITBM) ...
- articleJanuary 2016
How information system investment evaluation is being initiated: an actor network theory perspective
Determining whether investments in information technology IT have an impact on firm performance has been and continues to be a major problem for information system IS researchers and practitioners. To better understand the often far-reaching ...
- articleDecember 2010
Linking the Effects of ERP to Organizational Performance: Development and Initial Validation of an Evaluation Method
Information Systems Management (TFISM), Volume 27, Issue 1Pages 25–41https://doi.org/10.1080/10580530903455122The present study proposes and tests an adaptable method to evaluate the contribution of an ERP system to organizational performance. Using a process-based approach, the method was developed from a review of the IS evaluation literature, and then ...
- articleSeptember 2010
An empirical investigation of employee portal success
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), Volume 19, Issue 3Pages 184–206https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsis.2010.06.002Employee portals are utilized by many companies to improve companies' information exchange, communication, and employee collaboration, as well as to better support their business processes. Owing to limited IT budgets and the need to justify investments ...
- articleJuly 2008
Towards an integrated measurement of IS project performance: The project performance scorecard
Information Systems Frontiers (KLU-ISFI), Volume 10, Issue 3Pages 331–345https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-008-9083-6Determining the contribution of information system (IS) projects is a difficult endeavour. This research presents a framework for evaluating and measuring IS project performance that seek to address this problem while moving away from the reliance on ...
- articleApril 2008
Integrated model-driven business evaluation methodology for strategic planning
International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS), Volume 3, Issue 4Pages 333–355https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBIS.2008.018037An Integrated Model-driven Business Evaluation (IMoBe) methodology is proposed to solve three problems. Firstly, the need to have an extensive business performance measurement framework that can pinpoint causal relationships between the organisation's ...
- ArticleOctober 2007
Providing a holistic perspective to evaluating e-service quality in web-based systems: a multi-stakeholder approach
SAICSIT '07: Proceedings of the 2007 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countriesPages 97–105https://doi.org/10.1145/1292491.1292503Over a period spanning approximately twenty five years IS researchers have been plagued by the problem of how to evaluate IS effectiveness or success. After the advent of the WWW in the 1990s, questions have arisen regarding the relevance of previously ...
- ArticleSeptember 2007
Analysis of mobile and pervasive applications from a corporate investment perspective
EC-Web'07: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on E-commerce and web technologiesPages 78–88Mobile and Pervasive applications have received considerable attention over the last few years, extending the application boundaries of modern information and communication technology. However, the successful adoption of such systems in an enterprise ...
- articleSeptember 2003
A Model for Evaluating E-Commerce Based on Cost/Benefit and Customer Satisfaction
Information Systems Frontiers (KLU-ISFI), Volume 5, Issue 3Pages 265–277https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025645210350Today's business managers face increased pressures to make sure that E-commerce (EC) investment has certain paybacks. They are attempting to find which investment will contribute effectively to their business benefits, thus determining whether money ...
- articleMarch 2003
Performance measure of information systems (IS) in evolving computing environments: an empirical investigation
Information and Management (IMAN), Volume 40, Issue 4Pages 243–256https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-7206(02)00007-1This paper argues that the contingent evaluation approach can help an organization to evaluate the impact of information systems (IS) on business performance. The structure of IS is one of the most important factors in applying the contingent approach, ...
- articleJune 2002
Measuring organizational IS effectiveness: an overview and update of senior management perspectives
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems (SIGMIS), Volume 33, Issue 2Pages 11–28https://doi.org/10.1145/513264.513270This paper reports the views of 80 senior IT managers about IT evaluation approaches, and the benefits that IT provides for their organizations. Their views were obtained through a survey mailed to medium to large organizations in both Europe and the ...
- articleSeptember 1998
Information technology and the nature of managerial work: from the productivity paradox to the Icarus paradox?
Modern organizations are investing heavily in information technology (IT) with the objective of increasing overall profitability and the productivity of their knowledge workers. Yet, it is often claimed that the actual benefits of IT are disappointing ...
- articleSeptember 1997
A Respecification and Extension of the DeLone and McLean Model of IS Success
Information Systems Research (INFORMS-ISR), Volume 8, Issue 3Pages 240–253https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.8.3.240DeLone and McLean's DeLone, W. H., E. R. McLean. 1992. Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable. Inform. Systems Res.31 60--95. comprehensive review of different information system success measures concludes with a model of “...
- articleApril 1996
A process oriented framework for assessing the business value of information technology
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems (SIGMIS), Volume 27, Issue 2Pages 68–81https://doi.org/10.1145/243350.243363In the current competitive environment, the need for better management of all organizational resources, and specifically IT, requires comprehensive assessment of their contribution to firm performance. However, there is little empirical evidence that IT ...
- articleMarch 1994
User Response Data: The Potential for Errors and Biases
Information Systems Research (INFORMS-ISR), Volume 5, Issue 1Pages 48–73https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.5.1.48Surveys that require users to evaluate or make judgments about information systems and their effect on specific work activities can produce misleading results if respondents do not interpret or answer questions in the ways intended by the researcher. ...