Embedded computing systems and their applications encompass a wide range of research areas across many disciplines in computer science and engineering. Over the past decade, substantial research has gone into the design of general-purpose microprocessors with an emphasis on high-performance. The research in this highly successful effort was performed across "communities" that formed a vertically organized slice from CAD tools through architecture to highly sophisticated compilers. CASES aims to provide a common forum for researchers in various aspects of embedded systems to create a similar synergy that reaches across similarly vertically organized communitiesCASES began life as a workshop. There was a rapid growth in interest from both academic and industrial sectors. To accommodate this growth, it was reborn as a conference, with the first annual meeting being held in San Jose, California, in November 2000. CASES 2001 is the second symposium in the series.CASES 2001 has received about 80 paper submissions - a substantial increase from CASES 2000. The decision to include a paper was based on reviews submitted by the program and organizing committee members. These committees were representative of experts in the applications, architecture, compilers, and synthesis of embedded systems. They were also evenly balanced between industry and academe. The committee members ensured that each paper received three or more reviews. The recommendations from these reviews resulted in the selection of what we believe are 28 excellent papers. Unfortunately, the limited space available in the final program forced us to leave out a number of other excellent papersBesides the high quality technical paper presentations, CASES 2001 will feature two invited talks by distinguished speakers and a special session on Electronic Textiles.