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Plan-Based Multi-robot Cooperation
Several issues arise if one wants to operate a team of autonomous robots to achieve complex missions. The problems range from mission planning taking into account the different robots capabilities to conflict free execution.This paper presents a general ...
Plan-Based Control for Autonomous Soccer Robots (Preliminary Report)
Robotic soccer has become a standard "real-world" testbed for autonomous robot control. This paper presents our current views on the use of plan-based control mechanisms for autonomous robotic soccer. We argue that plan-based control will enable ...
Reliable Multi-robot Coordination Using Minimal Communication and Neural Prediction
In many multi-robot applications, such as robot soccer, robot rescue, and exploration, a reliable coordination of robots is required. Robot teams in these applications should therefore be equipped with coordination mechanisms that work robustly despite ...
Collaborative Exploration of Unknown Environments with Teams of Mobile Robots
In this paper we consider the problem of exploring an unknown environment by a team of robots. As in single-robot exploration the goal is to minimize the overall exploration time. The key problem to be solved in the context of multiple robots is to ...
Mental Models for Robot Control
The paper investigates problems of real time control for complex long term behavior in dynamically changing environments, especially with regard to requirements arising in actual applications. The scenario of robotic soccer (RoboCup) is used for ...
Perceptual Anchoring: A Key Concept for Plan Execution in Embedded Systems
Anchoring is the process of creating and maintaining the correspondence between symbols and percepts that refer to the same physical objects. This process must necessarily be present in any physically embedded system that includes a symbolic component, ...
Progressive Planning for Mobile Robots (A Progress Report)
In this article, we describe a possibilistic/probabilistic conditional planner called PTLplan, and how this planner can be integrated with a behavior-based fuzzy control system called the Thinking Cap in order to execute the generated plans. Being ...
Reasoning about Robot Actions: A Model Checking Approach
Mobile robot control remains a difficult challenge in changing and unpredictable environments. Reacting to unanticipated events, interacting and coordinating with other agents, and acquiring information about the world remain difficult problems. These ...
Lifelong Planning for Mobile Robots
Mobile robots often have to replan as their knowledge of the world changes. Lifelong planning is a paradigm that allows them to replan much faster than with complete searches from scratch, yet finds optimal solutions. To demonstrate this paradigm, we ...
Learning How to Combine Sensory-Motor Modalities for a Robust Behavior
We are proposing here an approach and a system, called robel, that enables a designer to specify and build a robot supervision system which learns from experience very robust ways of performing a task such as "navigate to". The designer specifies a ...
Execution-Time Plan Management for a Cognitive Orthotic System
In this paper we discuss our work on plan management in the Autominder cognitive orthotic system. Autominder is being designed as part of an initiative on the development of robotic assistants for the elderly. Autominder stores and updates user plans, ...
Path Planning for Cooperating Robots Using a GA-Fuzzy Approach
We consider the difficult path planning problem for a team of robots working in the same workspace. Their navigation movements are determined by the fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) having a common knowledge base which consists of membership function ...
Performance of a Distributed Robotic System Using Shared Communication Channels
We have designed and built a set of miniature robots and developed a distributed software system to control them. We present experimental results on a surveillance taskin which multiple robots patrol an area and watch for motion. We discuss how the ...
Use of Cognitive Robotics Logic in a Double Helix Architecture for Autonomous Systems
This paper addresses the two-way relation between the architecture for cognitive robots on one hand, and a logic of action and change that is adapted to the needs of such robots on the other hand. The relation goes both ways: the logic is used within ...
The DD&P Robot Control Architecture (A Preliminary Report)
The paper presents current results of our work on DD&P, a two layer control architecture for autonomous robots. DD&P comprises a deliberative and a behavior-based part as two peer modules with no hierarchy among these two layers, as sketched in [HJZM98]...
Decision-Theoretic Control of Planetary Rovers
Planetary rovers are small unmanned vehicles equipped with cameras and a variety of sensors used for scientific experiments. They must operate under tight constraints over such resources as operation time, power, storage capacity, and communication ...