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Introduction to Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies Minitrack
Introduction to Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies Minitrack
A Motivational Thermostat Framework for Enhanced E-Learning Systems
Motivation has never been so important since the learning environment is evolving into a self-centered, distant learning. In this paper, we introduce a motivational thermostat framework, developed based on theoretically grounded pedagogy and motivation ...
Anchored Asynchronous Online Discussions: Facilitating Participation and Engagement in a Blended Environment
This research was conducted as a field experiment that explored the potential benefits of anchoring in asynchronous online discussions for business statistics classes. Many students tend to perform poorly in these classes, which are usually taught using ...
AskEris--A Many-to-One Communication Platform for Higher Education
In recent years much research has been conducted examining the opportunities of using modern Web 2.0 applications in teaching. Today, wikis, forums, pod casts or classical email communication are widely used media through which students can get in touch ...
Do Student-Instructor Co-created eLearning Materials Lead to Better Learning Outcomes? Empirical Results from a German Large Scale Course Pilot Study
Universities in Germany face increasing numbers of students, while resources are stagnating or shrinking. Especially large scale lectures suffer from a lack of individualization and interaction, often leading to inefficient learning outcomes and low ...
Engaging Students through Web 2.0 Technologies: Capturing the Long Tail of Student Participation
This paper applies the relatively new concept of the Long Tail to classroom environments thereby offering a new way of viewing student participation and engagement. We suggest that Web 2.0 technologies such as forums and wikis will appeal to the Long ...
Evaluating E-Assessment for Exercises that Require Higher-Order Cognitive Skills
Assessments are an integral part of teaching and learning. Since manual assessments are very time-consuming for teaching personnel, e-assessment systems have been created to support them. Today's systems do not support exercises that require higher-...
Experiences with Using Assessment Based, Double-Loop Learning to Improve Engineering Student's Design Skills
The problem with traditional engineering education revolves around the use of stove-pipe curricula, using passive lectures and cookbook laboratories with pre-determined results. Real-world engineering is open-ended and team-oriented requiring active ...
Integrating Blogging and Microblogging to Foster Learning and Social Interaction in Online Learning Communities
In this paper we explore a combination of social technologies and their use within higher education. Our research builds atop ongoing design science research looking to expand an existing online learning community (OLC) used at our university. Our new ...
iPad in Education: A Case Study of iPad Adoption and Use in a Primary School
Apple's iPad has attracted a lot of attention since its release in 2010 and one area in which it has been adopted is the education sector. The iPad's large multi-touch screen, sleek profile and the ability to easily download and purchase a huge variety ...
Learning to Work in Partially Distributed Teams: The Impact of Team Interaction on Learning Outcomes
Partially distributed teams (PDTs) consist of two or more sub teams that are separated geographically. This paper presents the results of a study of global partially distributed student teams collaborating over a five-week period. Over one thousand ...
Play for Performance: Using Computer Word Games to Improve Test-Taking Performance
The prevalence of high-stakes testing has increased substantially over the past decade. These tests, such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT strive to measure an individual's cognitive ability. Building off of the "serious gaming" literature, we developed a ...
Re-design and Evaluation of an Anchored Discussion System
This paper investigates the re-design and evaluation of an existing anchored discussion system. The purpose of the re-design is to focus social construction of knowledge on relevant information from online academic texts. We developed three prototype ...
Understanding E-Learning System Usage Outcomes in Hybrid Courses
E-learning systems are widely used in higher education. However, much of the research on elearning systems focuses on the technology and is limited to the adoption and utilization e-learning systems. In order to develop the potential advantages of e-...
Cognitive Load in Collaboration--Convergence
Collaboration is inherent to complex participatory multi-actor and multi-agent social technical systems. Supporting collaboration is challenging. One of the key production factors in collaboration is cognitive effort. Understanding cognitive load ...
Sparking Creativity: Improving Electronic Brainstorming with Individual Cognitive Priming
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the study of individual cognition in teams. Meanwhile, we learned that much of human behavior involves nonconscious cognition. Recent research has shown that it is possible to manipulate nonconscious ...
Time Pressure, Cultural Diversity, Psychological Factors, and Information Sharing in Short Duration Virtual Teams
The purpose of this research is to examine whether time pressure and cultural diversity influence psychological factors (i.e. motivation, and trust) in virtual teams. We also examine if the psychological factors shape information sharing in these teams. ...
Toward Better Solutions: An Analysis of the Ideation Literature in Light of Bounded Ideation Theory
Bounded ideation theory (BIT) proposes that the relationship between idea quantity and quality is limited by participant ability, scarcity of attention resources, mental and physical exhaustion, understanding of the problem, goal congruence, and the ...
Abstract Reasoning in Collaborative Modeling
This paper reports on a case study of abstract reasoning in a real collaborative modeling setting. The study was conducted according to the behavioral observation principles of human ethology. Our findings indicate a relation between an individual's ...
End-User Involvement and Team Factors in Business Process Modeling
We study the impact of end-user involvement and team factors on model quality and consensus. By end-user involvement we mean the degree to which participants of a modeling session are involved in the active creation of models, i.e. the drawing of the ...