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Developing the Creative Abilities and Competencies of Future Digital Professionals

Published: 01 September 2018 Publication History


This article describes the development of recommendations for using the project thinking approach in training and university education of future digital economy specialists. An overview of the key design thinking methodologies is presented. Recommendations for implementing the design thinking approach in academic disciplines are given through an example of a step-by-step description of a specific case. The design thinking approach aims to develop a person's creative abilities through empirical rules and experience, emotional intelligence and recognizing the value of other people's opinions. The article describes the methods used in design thinking: visualization tools (empathy, customer journey, and stakeholder maps), Customer Development tools, guerrilla ethnography, POV articulating, and rapid prototyping.
The article also presents the primary tools used in design workshops for developing innovative ideas and adaptive problem solving. A case in formulating design thinking, titled "How can one improve the impression left on the students of professional refresher courses?" is detailed and accompanied by comments on the solutions the participants of presented design workshops.


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  1. Developing the Creative Abilities and Competencies of Future Digital Professionals



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
    Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics  Volume 52, Issue 5
    September 2018
    59 pages



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 September 2018

    Author Tags

    1. IT education
    2. competency-based learning
    3. design thinking
    4. digital competence
    5. digital economy
    6. information technology
    7. innovation
    8. soft skills


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