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Information system continuance usage: moderating role of habit

Published: 01 January 2017 Publication History


This study helps in the understanding of Indian customers' evaluation of loyalty and its antecedents. Extending the information system IS continuous usage theory, an empirical study has been carried out on the determinants affecting loyalty of the Indian customers using self-service technology web-store for online shopping. In this study, habit is proposed of having a negative moderating outcome effect and a positive moderating outcome effect on trust and loyalty and on satisfaction and loyalty respectively. This study also investigates the threshold characteristic of satisfaction and trust with the introduction of habit. Data collected from 245 customers strongly substantiates the research model. The empirical results demonstrate that trust, satisfaction and habit have positive impact on loyalty. The study also finds that a customer's past habitual experiences reduce the effects of trust on loyalty and satisfaction on loyalty. The details of the study, analysis and results are described in this paper.


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  1. Information system continuance usage: moderating role of habit



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    International Journal of Business Information Systems  Volume 26, Issue 2
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