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The role of service-oriented architecture as a part of the business model

Published: 01 February 2016 Publication History


Digitalisation is affecting business models of many enterprises and changing the way information work is done. Service-oriented architecture SOA is one way of implementing this change, but despite its capability to model services on a business level, the enterprises are not able to link the value of the services with the related investments. This paper proposes the use of ontology as a tool to make service-oriented architecture an integrated part of the business model. This linkage enables the SOA investments to be evaluated as a part of the value delivery process of the enterprises.


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  1. The role of service-oriented architecture as a part of the business model



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    International Journal of Business Information Systems  Volume 21, Issue 3
    February 2016
    134 pages
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    Inderscience Publishers

    Geneva 15, Switzerland

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    Published: 01 February 2016


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