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Cost of Cash: : Evidence from Cashiers

Published: 01 June 2021 Publication History


An important but overlooked cost of payments in retailing is the cost on checkout cashiers. This paper examines the compensating wage differential that cashiers require to handle payments in cash. First, a multicountry panel data study shows that cashier wages increase with retail cash usage, which is consistent with cashiers requiring compensation to handle cash. Second, in a discrete choice experiment where supermarket cashiers chose between collecting card and cash payments, eight of 10 cashiers preferred card to cash. Among those who preferred card, the median cashier required a wage premium of S$37.50 (US$27) a month to handle cash. The premium was lower among cashiers who are local, less risk averse, and younger. Third, in a laboratory study, subjects traded off earnings against stress. With higher frequency of cash payments, high earners experienced greater physiological stress than low earners. Earnings also increased with abilities in arithmetic and coping with stress. Collectively, these studies show that cashiers require higher wages to handle cash payments, in part due to higher stress. We offer policy, managerial, and research implications for job design, payment systems, and workplace stress.


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          cover image Service Science
          Service Science  Volume 13, Issue 2
          June 2021
          57 pages
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          Linthicum, MD, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 June 2021
          Accepted: 18 March 2021
          Received: 13 September 2020

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          1. payments
          2. cash
          3. stress
          4. compensating differential


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