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An extended transformation approach to inductive logic programming

Published: 01 October 2001 Publication History


Inductive logic programming (ILP) is concerned with learning relational descriptions that typically have the form of logic programs. In a transformation approach, an ILP task is transformed into an equivalent learning task in a different representation formalism. Propositionalization is a particular transformation method, in which the ILP task is compiled to an attribute-value learning task. The main restriction of propositionalization methods such as LINUS is that they are unable to deal with nondeterminate local variables in the body of hypothesis clauses. In this paper we show how this limitation can be overcome., by systematic first-order feature construction using a particular individual-centered feature bias. The approach can be applied in any domain where there is a clear notion of individual. We also show how to improve upon exhaustive first-order feature construction by using a relevancy filter. The proposed approach is illustrated on the “trains” and “mutagenesis” ILP domains.


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Leon S. Sterling

Research on inductive logic programming has advanced a long way since Shapiro’s original work on the model inference system, in the early 1980s. I am a researcher who has not been closely following the field in recent years, and I found this paper to be well worth reading. It starts with a concise but clear overview of the framework of inductive logic programming. It then presents the LINUS and DINUS transformation methods, which allow the learning of both propositional and relational descriptions. The examples used here are from chess end-games and family relationships. The meat of the paper is an extension of the previously described methods to allow for limited nondeterminacy, which is discussed in the context of the well-known problem of classifying trains traveling eastwards or westwards. My only reservation is that little effort has been made trying to characterize the limits of the methods, but hopefully that will arise from further research.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic  Volume 2, Issue 4
Special issue devoted to Robert A. Kowalski
Oct. 2001
224 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Published: 01 October 2001
Published in TOCL Volume 2, Issue 4


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  1. data mining
  2. inductive logic programming
  3. machine learning
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