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Verus: A Practical Foundation for Systems Verification

Published: 15 November 2024 Publication History


Formal verification is a promising approach to eliminate bugs at compile time, before they ship. Indeed, our community has verified a wide variety of system software. However, much of this success has required heroic developer effort, relied on bespoke logics for individual domains, or sacrificed expressiveness for powerful proof automation.
Building on prior work on Verus, we aim to enable faster, cheaper verification of rich properties for realistic systems. We do so by integrating and optimizing the best choices from prior systems, tuning our design to overcome barriers encountered in those systems, and introducing novel techniques.
We evaluate Verus's effectiveness with a wide variety of case-study systems, including distributed systems, an OS page table, a library for NUMA-aware concurrent data structure replication, a crash-safe storage system, and a concurrent memory allocator, together comprising 6.1K lines of implementation and 31K lines of proof. Verus verifies code 3--61× faster and with less effort than the state of the art.
Our results suggest that Verus offers a platform for exploring the next frontiers in system-verification research. Because Verus builds on Rust, Verus is also positioned for wider use in production by developers who have already adopted Rust in the pursuit of more robust systems.

Supplemental Material

External - Case Studies and Reproducible Experiments for Verus: A Practical Foundation for Systems Verification
The artifact repository for the paper "Verus: A Practical Foundation for Systems Verification". It contains links to the verification case studies of systems software used to evaluate Verus, the sources for additional benchmarks of Verus and other verification tools, a guide on how to reproduce the results in the paper, and the scripts and packages necessary to reproduce the results.


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SOSP '24: Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 30th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
November 2024
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