The findings have been presented in three themes, with sub themes within. Firstly, we detail the impact of VRChat on users wellbeing and behaviour, including improved confidence, a reduction in social and general anxiety and an increased sense of happiness and fulfillment. This theme also discusses the impact of VRChat on users both in VRChat and offline. Secondly, we describe the ways in which VRChat was used throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically how VRChat was used to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Finally, we describe how VRChat is being used as a tool for mental well-being, mainly for practicing social interaction and reducing negative thoughts and loneliness. Given that the themes all relate to mental health and wellbeing there is some overlap across themes.
5.1 VRChat provided new and safe opportunities for socialisation
This theme provides details of how users experienced improvements in their wellbeing and changes in their behaviour both in VRChat and in the offline world. Firstly, we present users’ experiences of becoming more confident when engaging socially with others and experiencing changes in their behaviour and ‘wellbeing needs’. This was mainly attributed to the anonymity provided by avatars and the acceptance of the wider VRChat community. Secondly, we outline the ways in which participants’ experiences of VRChat as a safe environment led to a reduction in anxiety and an improved sense of wellbeing. Thirdly, we discuss how the process of making friends and socializing in VRChat was the primary reason participants enjoyed the platform and kept returning. Lastly, we describe how some participants experienced dissatisfaction with their offline lives after using VRChat.
5.1.1 The use of VRChat led to perceived changes in users’ behaviour and wellbeing.
Many participants perceived changes in their manners and conduct since using VRChat. They described behavioural changes, such as becoming more outspoken and being comfortable with initiating conversation and approaching new people: “I gotta say that VRChat has definitely made me a lot more outspoken, confident and social like in real life and in game stuff like approaching people.” (P12, Male). Participants also highlighted that their ‘wellbeing needs’ had evolved during VRChat use. Whereas previously they would not have wanted or needed as much social interaction, they now relied on regular social connection, and they are able to access this every day through VRChat: “I talk to those guys [friends from VRchat] every day and it's perfect for me since I'm now extroverted so I kind of need that” (P3, Male). The appropriation of VRChat into their everyday lives gave them a new lens to examine their social priorities with participants describing how they were learning more about themselves through social engagement and exploring different sides of themselves in VRChat: “I'm not usually the sociable sort of person in real life so I wasn't really out and about before covid but being in VRChat has really let me like explore my extroverted side” (P15, Male).
Beyond self-reflection and learning more about themselves, participants also described how the use of the technology has made them “a bit of a different person”: “First starting out I was very shy, very socially awkward, not a very loud guy. But nowadays I'm big confident, pretty brave and I like to speak my mind.” (P5, Male). Multiple participants reported that using VRChat had allowed “exploring my extroverted side” (P3, Male) and had a lasting impact on their extroversion: “Like I'm becoming more extroverted as I play this game” (P15, Male). Participants reported that VRChat allows them to overcome insecurities and as they met more friends, they realised they enjoyed talking openly and sharing more: “in VRChat it just felt so natural to be able to talk with my own voice and I have never ever been this talkative in my life, but I am actually able to talk to strangers now and open up to them about a lot of things” (P4, Male). The reasons given by participants for this were that they realized they were only introverted in the offline world due to feeling insecure, being scared or being shy.
Participants explained that avatars help them escape physical insecurities experienced in their offline worlds giving them the confidence to socialise with others: “So even after the first couple conversations I had with people I got more confident, but I think that is because of the confidence an avatar gives you” (P5, Male). Without having to worry about their physical appearance, participants reported they could focus on their personality and form emotional connections with users: “it's like people just talk to your personality rather than your body. So I have a confidence because I'm not insecure about my personality, you know, I'm insecure about my body and that's taken away in here.” (P6, Female). Participants suggested that VRChat was impacting their offline world and making them more willing to be more talkative and less shy: “I'll be a little bit introverted in real life then I'll think ‘well I guess in VRchat I'm extroverted so why would I, why am I trying to be quieter here in real life?’ So it's less that I'm forgetting but more that it's changing how I act in general” (P1, Male).
5.1.2 The anonymity and perceived safety of VRChat led to a reduction in anxiety.
VRChat was described by all participants as a safe and risk-free space. One participant described feeling less anxious ‘walking around’ VRChat worlds because there was no physical threat of danger and the option to immediately travel to another world or block a user, provided a sense of social security: “And it's safe as well obviously cause you aren't actually going anywhere” (P6, Female). This freedom and sense of safety was supported by the design of an anonymous social setting, with participants describing the feeling of a safe environment where “you get a clean slate and you can just be whoever you want to be and nobody really knows any different because you are anonymous” (P13, Male).
The safety of the anonymous environment allowed participants to be more open with others to explore their social side: “it's just people talking to people but people are more open here because of that anonymity” (P9, Female). This anonymity also allowed participant to improve their confidence talking to strangers: “I've had less confidence in general and I'm very self-conscious but in VRChat I've had social experiences where all of these things I was nervous about are just gone so I get to get used to conversation” (P1, Male). This sense of safety also allowed participants to share more intimate aspects of their lives, with some participants explaining that VRChat was the first time they had experience talking about their feelings and having emotional conversations with others. They went onto explain how this was an “added bonus” (P14, Male) of using VRChat, with some participants being surprised at the improvement in their wellbeing: “I wasn't really able to talk to people before and I was scared of just going shopping but I feel that has improved by a lot. I didn't expect that to happen but it has and it's a nice side effect isn't it?” (P11, Male).
Participants described how the anonymity provided by avatars allowed them to have a mental break from their physical bodies, a source of anxiety. Some participants explained how their avatar has made them feel “more me than me” (P10, Male). When probed, these participants stated that this meant they felt more comfortable in their avatar persona than their physical self in the offline world. However, this comfort with their virtual selves had impact on their engagement and comfort with their offline world, with some beneficial reduction in anxiety around strangers’ judgement of their real bodies: “I don't really like my looks and my body and stuff but in VRchat I could use a different body to what I look like and I felt really comfortable in this type of body and nobody has to see my real self…. It has made me realise that maybe strangers in real life aren't that scary too” (P4, Male).
VRChat also provides a social safety, users reported that the anonymity ensured they do not need to worry about facing offline consequences for blocking or travelling options: “You know it's nice to know that you're not gonna encounter any danger and any danger you do encounter you can just block the person.” (P3, Male).
5.1.3 Socialising and creating friendship groups in VRChat improved users wellbeing and reduces loneliness.
Participants reported being surprised by the kindness and support of other users, which allowed them to more easily make friends in VRChat: “I thought it would be a lot harder to find someone to talk to but everyone in VRchat is very friendly and kind so it makes it easier to meet people” (P13, Male). The support from the community is one of the reasons participants reported feeling able to open up about their feelings, as the fear of judgement or rejection is much less than in the offline world: “people are here for actually chatting and those are the people that are really kind to each other, and they are also looking for friends. And that kindness is what's got me to open up and get better with my anxiety a lot.” (P4, Male).
Participants reported that the community has many shy and anxious users so there is a sense of commonality that can help form camaraderie and strong social bonds to other users. Participants described that the common experiences and the acceptance from the community improved their anxiety: “you don't have to worry so much and also…I'd say that also the people in VRchat, like especially the ones that you get to know, are more accepting, of your opinion, of anything you want to talk about” (P10, Male). The sense of a community allowed for virtual friendships to develop, and these personal connections were noted as one of the main reasons people continued to come back to VRchat: “I met the pack [group of friends] and that's when I really felt connection and when I noticed that I wanna play this all the time.” (P5, Male). One participant described how their view on loneliness and access to social connection changed with VRChat in their lives: “you can't be lonely when you have all these people in these worlds waiting to talk to you.” (P9, Female). This feeling was shared by other participants who felt VRChat had improved their: “state of mind”: “it's definitely helped my state of my mind and like my need for wanting to have people present” (P6, Female).
5.1.4 Experiencing dissatisfaction in the offline world due to using VRChat.
While all participants in the study were enthusiastic about their use of VRChat and the mental wellbeing benefits it bestowed (particularly in the context of social isolation caused by the pandemic), there were still unintended consequences to the immersive aspects of social VR. This included potentially unhealthy comparisons between online and offline worlds, with some participants describing feeling dissatisfied with their offline life once becoming accustomed to VRChat: “there are times I see people and think like ‘oh I wish I could block him or get away right now’ but then you remember you can't and you have to just put up with them.” (P11, Male). The inability to use features from VRChat in the offline world was also noted by participants with social anxiety, potentially making it harder to engage in real life: “I don't have experience of anything really on the outside world but I think if I were to go out I'd find it hard to not have some of the options like blocking and leaving worlds.” (P4, Male). Participants described missing features such as transporting away and blocking people in the offline world. Despite the benefit of engaging in social interactions online, those safety features acted like a crutch that was suddenly taken away in the offline world.
5.2 The use of VRChat to alleviate loneliness and feelings of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 was a time of heightened mental health issues for many people for many reasons, not least because of enforced social isolation. Participants, like many other people, turned to VRChat and used it to improve their mental wellbeing and as an escape from the real world. Participants described contributing to and benefitting from a large support network of VRChat users over COVID-19: “being able to support people as well as get supported is pretty sweet.” (P9, Female). The help and support participants received from VRChat during COVID-19 was essential to maintain their wellbeing and allow them to satisfy the need to socialise: “obviously you can't go out IRL and just meet people or go see a movie or anything so I'd say VRchat has really helped me in that sense. Like I can now make plans, meet people, socialise and it's taken away the feeling of isolation and loneliness” (P1, Male).
Of the 15 participants, 5 started using VRChat during the COVID-9 global pandemic. Of the 10 that were already VRChat users, they all reported an increase in time spent in VRChat since the start of COVID-19. Many participants reported their regular use of VRChat over the past year was motivated by the global pandemic and the quarantine mandates. Participants identified VRChat as a way to stay social and meet other people during legally mandated quarantine and lockdowns that restricted physical interaction and movement: “when there was talk of quarantine I thought hey I wanna be ready for this shit so made the effort to meet people.” (P5, Male). Many people were lonely during COVID-19 quarantine periods with VRChat helping to alleviate this loneliness. Participants reported joining VRChat because of: “Loneliness because of the covid. It is very strict in our country with the covid so I can't meet my friends so yea I came to the VRchat to talk” (P13, Male).
As mentioned above, participants reported discovering different parts of themselves and exploring the social aspects of their personality. With participants unable to socialise in the offline world, VRChat allowed for a virtual world in which to socialize and in which to gain social connectedness: “I mean the thing is that my life became virtual because of covid but then it'll stay virtual cause of the people” (P9, Female). The importance of socialising also became apparent to some participants: “I don't think I realised until really covid hit about how much I actually like interacting with people” (P10, Male). VRChat therefore became a means for users “to feel less alone” (P7, Male) and satisfy their craving for social connection or needing a social outlet: "the help it's given me during this time [COVID-19] of…scratching that social itch has been immense and I'm very grateful for it" (P1, Male). Some participants even discussed how the feeling of offline loneliness is something that connects users in VRChat, as they find “[isolated] people like me” (P4, Male) and they share these experiences: “we are all lonely so we all want to talk and it's nice you know it's awesome” (P13, Male). The people they met and connected with were in similar situations to them with regards to shyness and confidence, and their connections and shared experience with other users has parallels to group therapy approaches to mental wellbeing.
For participants who used VRChat before the pandemic, they reported changing their use and becoming more reliant on it than before. For example, participants discussed how they used VRChat for gaming and having fun prior to the pandemic, but now that they were socially isolated, they use it ‘more seriously’ and engaged with a lot more people than before: “I was only really on it for the games before covid but now it's for the people.” (P11, Male). Participants reported an increased use of VRChat during lockdown periods and a reliance on the app to improve their mood and wellbeing: “I've been stuck at home for the entirety of the year so I've basically only been on here and I've gotten on here to meet new friends… VRChat definitely has changed my way of meeting people and being social” (P8, Male). Participants also discussed how VRChat brings positivity into their life despite being in mandated isolation: “I've just been on a rocket and met really pretty people and it gives you something to think about and to look forward to and at times where there's nothing to look forward to then that feeling means a lot.” (P9, Female). In a period of enforced isolation and social distancing, this technology was appropriated for mental wellbeing support by an increasing number of users.
Some participants linked lowered anxiousness and the relief of loneliness through their use and appropriation of VRChat into their everyday lives during the pandemic. Previous unhealthy habits such as overeating to counter loneliness could be replaced by instead socializing in an environment that did not exacerbate social anxiety: “it's really scratched my loneliness itch even though I'm super anxious I get lonely like if there is no one present or talking to me I just start eating myself alive so being able to just hop on and see people, even if its people I don't know, has made that a lot easier” (P6, Female). All the participants reported the personal social benefits of VRChat with most highlighting they have felt a reduction in loneliness: “in VRChat it's kind of easier to not be so lonely” (P13, Male).
5.3 VRChat used as an explicit mental health and wellbeing tool
VRChat became a tool for mental well-being because it provided a safe space for the participants, where they did not feel emotionally or physically threatened. Participants were able to practice social interaction and improve their social skills. Aspects such as mirrors and glitches scaffolded social interactions so they were not as scary, and participants’ comfort and familiarity with them allowed them to talk to others. Participants reported explicitly logging in to improve their mental well-being, and in one case, to explicitly reduce the possibility of self-harm. While the findings reported above have detailed the many ways in which VRChat impacts users mental health and wellbeing, this theme describes the ways in which VRChat was deliberately and consciously used as a tool for mental health and wellbeing by participants.
5.3.1 The use of VRChat as a tool to improve wellbeing and reduce negative thoughts.
Beyond the implicit implication that the reduction of isolation and loneliness was beneficial to mental health, some participants explicitly stated they use VRChat as a method for improving their wellbeing, giving them something to look forward to and reducing loneliness: “I definitely use it for an improvement to wellbeing like having somewhere to go Friday and Saturday evenings and hanging out with people uhm it's definitely and always something I can look forward to during the week, so yeah it's definitely something that improves my wellbeing.” (P7, Male). VRChat was viewed as a tool for participants to remedy low moods and boredom: “I'd say it's definitely something I know I can go to when my mood is low or when I'm just bored and like need that social side of things.” (P1, Male). The benefits of using social VR helped participants feel better about their offline lives, however some participants noted this was not their only motivation for use, describing their use of VRChat as an escape from the offline world: “whilst I do use it as an escapism like most people I know that it's doing good things for me in the real world too so there's like 2 motivations to come in here.” (P10, Male)
In some cases, participants described that VRChat had reduced negative or potentially self-harm inflicting behaviours: "I will be straight up. I probably wouldn't still be around if it wasn't for this game. I deal with a lot of my own personal issues IRL and having a bit of a lifeline to just these people that I can just talk with and not be judged for what I am just is a really enjoyable thing" (P5, Male). Talking to other users about emotions and feelings was described by most participants in this study, with one participant describing how this led to seeking support in the offline world: “In here I've been talking to people about how I've been feeling outside for a long time and after doing that for so long I then found confidence to get a therapist and start the work” (P10, Male). The support and positivity from the community was often described as the primary motivation for users returning to VRChat: “When you get nice interactions, they just keep coming and I have started to play VRchat every night for like 6 hours from that point.” (P4, Male). Participants described that once they had met friends and made social connections, they experienced a more positive mental state and then began using VRChat as a method of improving their wellbeing: “I got to see the social benefits and now yeah I would say I use it to improve my mood” (P14, Male).
5.3.2 Using VRChat to practice social interaction.
Participants were using VRChat as a means to self-reflect and learn about themselves, particularly around social aspects of their personalities. Participants were able to practice and hone these social skills as they became more comfortable with the cultural context. Participants described having to practice approaching strangers in VRChat, with one participant describing using the “trial and error method” (P8, Male) to learn the best ways to start and maintain conversations and overcome anxieties surrounding social interaction. This was also described by a participant that visits virtual bars and clubs to practice socially interacting: “It's also something that you like can practise for example walking into a bar lobby where there's 30 people walking around and you can around and just practise talking to people” (P10, Male). Practicing social interactions was possible in VRChat in a way that wasn't possible in their offline worlds, as there was the safety of anonymity and the ability to transport immediately to another world if the social interaction did not go as planned.
The ability to pick and choose interactions and experiences within VRChat led to participants feeling “spoiled by VRChat” (P6, Female) as they could immediately block users they did not want to interact with. Some participants noted that this avoidance behavior was not something they felt positive about: “I don't like conflict so my big things is like I wouldn't want to stand up and address someone but in VR you just go block and then I'd no longer see the situation, I don't love the concept of just like hiding it but at least it lets me it lets me enjoy my space.” (P10, Male).
Given the inherently social nature of VRChat, participants reported having the confidence to approach strangers: “I know other people are here to socialise so it's less intimidating talking to a stranger” (P7, Male). There were also design features, in VRChat that allowed participants to practice social interactions more easily. Beyond the ability to travel immediately away from a situation, there are features that created a less pressured environment to encourage interaction. For example, there are mirrors in most of the worlds found in VRChat. The mirrors allow avatars to see their reflection and are used in multiple ways to enhance gameplay and social interaction. Participants described using mirrors as a method of easily interacting with others:” So you walk in you go to a mirror then you just start chatting and see if anyone else at that mirror talks back, easy”. (P8, Male). The mirrors are also considered a common feature across VRChat worlds providing a sense of safety through familiarity: “it's a feature that like unites worlds I guess and you just sort of know what to expect at a mirror so it's safe you know” (P8, Male). These features gave the participants the confidence to overcome their fears of socialising and practice starting and maintaining conversations.