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Real-time Short Video Recommendation on Mobile Devices

Published: 17 October 2022 Publication History


Short video applications have attracted billions of users in recent years, fulfilling their various needs with diverse content. Users usually watch short videos on many topics on mobile devices in a short period of time, and give explicit or implicit feedback very quickly to the short videos they watch. The recommender system needs to perceive users' preferences in real-time in order to satisfy their changing interests. Traditionally, recommender systems deployed at server side return a ranked list of videos for each request from client. Thus it cannot adjust the recommendation results according to the user's real-time feedback before the next request. Due to client-server transmitting latency, it is also unable to make immediate use of users' real-time feedback. However, as users continue to watch videos and feedback, the changing context leads the ranking of the server-side recommendation system inaccurate. In this paper, we propose to deploy a short video recommendation framework on mobile devices to solve these problems. Specifically, we design and deploy a tiny on-device ranking model to enable real-time re-ranking of server-side recommendation results. We improve its prediction accuracy by exploiting users' real-time feedback of watched videos and client-specific real-time features.
With more accurate predictions, we further consider interactions among candidate videos, and propose a context-aware re-ranking method based on adaptive beam search. The framework has been deployed on Kuaishou, a billion-user scale short video application, and improved effective view, like and follow by 1.28%, 8.22% and 13.6% respectively.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (CIKM22-app005.mp4)
In short video applications, server-side recommender system suffers from delayed perception of users' real-time interests, and is unable to make instant adjustment. On-device recommender system perfectly solves these problems. We demonstrate the feasibility of on-device recommender system in Kuaishou, a billion-user scale short video application.


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    CIKM '22: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
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