Incentive-compatible distributed greedy protocols
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- Incentive-compatible distributed greedy protocols
Incentive compatible budget elicitation in multi-unit auctions
SODA '10: Proceedings of the twenty-first annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithmsIn this paper, we consider the problem of designing incentive compatible auctions for multiple (homogeneous) units of a good, when bidders have private valuations and private budget constraints. When only the valuations are private and the budgets are ...
Incentive-Compatible Learning of Reserve Prices for Repeated Auctions
How can an auctioneer optimize revenue by learning the reserve prices from the bids in the previous auctions? How should the long-term incentives and strategic behavior of the bidders be taken into account? Motivated in part by applications in online ...
Large fractions of online advertisements are sold via repeated second-price auctions. In these auctions, the reserve price is the main tool for the auctioneer to boost revenues. In this work, we investigate the following question: how can the auctioneer ...
Incentive-Compatible Learning of Reserve Prices for Repeated Auctions
WWW '19: Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web ConferenceMotivated by online advertising market, we consider a seller who repeatedly sells ex ante identical items via the second-price auction. Buyers’ valuations for each item are drawn i.i.d. from a distribution F that is unknown to the seller. We find that ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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