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3D Person Re-Identification Based on Global Semantic Guidance and Local Feature Aggregation

Published: 01 June 2024 Publication History


Person re-identification (Re-ID) has played an extremely crucial role in ensuring social safety and has attracted considerable research attention. 3D shape information is an important clue to understand the posture and shape of pedestrians. However, most existing person Re-ID methods learn pedestrian feature representations from images, ignoring the real 3D human body structure and the spatial relationship between the pedestrians and interferents. To address this problem, our devise a new point cloud Re-ID network (PointReIDNet), designed to obtain 3D shape representations of pedestrians from point clouds of 3D scenes. The model consists of modules, namely global semantic guidance module and local feature extraction module. The global semantic guidance module is designed by enhancing the point cloud feature representation in similar feature neighborhoods and to reduce the interference caused by 3D shape reconstruction or noise. Further, to provide an efficient representation of point clouds, we propose space cover convolution (SC-Conv), which efficiently encodes information on human shapes in local point clouds by constructing anisotropic geometries in the coordinate neighborhoods. Extensive experiments are conducted on four holistic person Re-ID datasets, one occlusion person Re-ID dataset and one point cloud classification dataset. The results exhibit significant improvements over point-cloud-based person Re-ID methods. In particular, the proposed efficient PointReIDNet decreases the number of parameters from 2.30M to 0.35M with an insignificant drop in performance. The source code is available at: <uri>https://github.com/changshuowang/PointReIDNet</uri>.


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IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology  Volume 34, Issue 6
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