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View all- Robinson WAkhlaghi ADeng TSyed A(2012)Discovery and diagnosis of behavioral transitions in patient event streamsACM Transactions on Management Information Systems10.1145/2151163.21511673:1(1-28)Online publication date: 10-Apr-2012
Cognitive accessibility aims to make content more accessible for people with cognitive impairments, such as the elderly and people with intellectual and learning disabilities. In this sense, it is possible to design an accessible user interface ...
Cognitive accessibility aims to make content more accessible for people with intellectual and learning disabilities. By following existing standards, it is possible to improve cognitive accessibility, making text content more readable and understandable ...
The concept of closed frequent similar pattern mining is introduced.Several lemmas to prune the search space are introduced and proved.A novel closed frequent similar pattern mining algorithm (CFSP-Miner), is proposed.CFSP-Miner is more efficient than ...
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