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CIPCaD-Bench: Continuous Industrial Process datasets for benchmarking Causal Discovery methods

Published: 20 August 2022 Publication History


Causal relationships are commonly examined in manufacturing processes to support faults investigations, perform interventions, and make strategic decisions. Industry 4.0 has made available an increasing amount of data that enable data-driven Causal Discovery (CD). Considering the growing number of recently proposed CD methods, it is necessary to introduce strict benchmarking procedures on publicly available datasets since they represent the foundation for a fair comparison and validation of different methods. This work introduces two novel public datasets for CD in continuous manufacturing processes. The first dataset employs the well-known Tennessee Eastman simulator for fault detection and process control. The second dataset is extracted from an ultra-processed food manufacturing plant, and it includes a description of the plant, as well as multiple ground truths. These datasets are used to propose a benchmarking procedure based on different metrics and evaluated on a wide selection of CD algorithms. This work allows testing CD methods in realistic conditions enabling the selection of the most suitable method for specific target applications. The datasets are available at the following link: [https://github.com/giovanniMen]


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  • (2024)Causal Discovery from Temporal Data: An Overview and New PerspectivesACM Computing Surveys10.1145/370529757:4(1-38)Online publication date: 23-Nov-2024

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