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A sharp numerical method for the simulation of Stefan problems with convective effects

Published: 15 December 2022 Publication History


We present a numerical method for the solution of interfacial growth governed by the Stefan model coupled with incompressible fluid flow. An algorithm is presented which takes special care to enforce sharp interfacial conditions on the temperature, the flow velocity and pressure, and the interfacial velocity. The approach utilizes level-set methods for sharp and implicit interface tracking, hybrid finite-difference/finite-volume discretizations on adaptive quadtree grids, and a pressure-free projection method for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The method is first verified with numerical convergence tests using a synthetic solution. Then, computational studies of ice formation on a cylinder in crossflow are performed and provide good quantitative agreement with existing experimental results, reproducing qualitative phenomena that have been observed in past experiments. Finally, we investigate the role of varying Reynolds and Stefan numbers on the emerging interface morphologies and provide new insights around the time evolution of local and average heat transfer at the interface.


Sharp numerical solver for the solution of Stefan problems with convective effects.
Finite-difference/finite-volume, level-set, and pressure-free projection methods.
Efficient computation using adaptive quadtree grids.
Apply sharp boundary conditions and calculate accurate gradients at the interface.
Validation/investigation of interface morphology and interfacial heat transfer.


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  • (2023)Adjoint-based optimization of two-dimensional Stefan problemsJournal of Computational Physics10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111875475:COnline publication date: 15-Feb-2023

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          Published In

          cover image Journal of Computational Physics
          Journal of Computational Physics  Volume 471, Issue C
          Dec 2022
          1138 pages


          Academic Press Professional, Inc.

          United States

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          Published: 15 December 2022

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          1. Level-set method
          2. Quadtree
          3. Stefan
          4. Navier-Stokes


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          • (2023)Adjoint-based optimization of two-dimensional Stefan problemsJournal of Computational Physics10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111875475:COnline publication date: 15-Feb-2023

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