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Review: Energy-aware performance analysis methodologies for HPC architectures-An exploratory study

Published: 01 November 2012 Publication History


Performance analysis is a crucial step in HPC architectures including clouds. Traditional performance analysis methodologies that were proposed, implemented, and enacted are functional with the objective of identifying bottlenecks or issues related to memory, programming languages, hardware, and virtualization aspects. However, the need for energy efficient architectures in highly scalable computing environments, such as, Grid or Cloud, has widened the research thrust on developing performance analysis methodologies that analyze the energy inefficiency of HPC applications or their associated hardware. This paper surveys the performance analysis methodologies that investigates into the available energy monitoring and energy awareness mechanisms for HPC architectures. In addition, the paper validates the existing tools in terms of overhead, portability, and user-friendly parameters by conducting experiments at HPCCLoud Research Laboratory at our premise. This research work will promote HPC application developers to select an apt monitoring mechanism and HPC tool developers to augment required energy monitoring mechanisms which fit well with their basic monitoring infrastructures.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Journal of Network and Computer Applications  Volume 35, Issue 6
November, 2012
449 pages


Academic Press Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 November 2012

Author Tags

  1. Energy monitoring
  2. HPC
  3. Performance analysis
  4. Tools


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