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She's Reddit: : A source of statistically significant gendered interest information?

Published: 01 July 2019 Publication History


Information about gender differences in interests is necessary to disentangle the effects of discrimination and choice when gender inequalities occur, such as in employment. This article assesses gender differences in interests within the popular social news and entertainment site Reddit. A method to detect terms that are statistically significantly used more by males or females in 181 million comments in 100 subreddits shows that gender affects both the selection of subreddits and activities within most of them. The method avoids the hidden gender biases of topic modelling for this task. Although the method reveals statistically significant gender differences in interests for topics that are extensively discussed on Reddit, it cannot give definitive causes, and imitation and sharing within the site mean that additional checking is needed to verify the results. Nevertheless, with care, Reddit can serve as a useful source of insights into gender differences in interests.


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  1. She's Reddit: A source of statistically significant gendered interest information?
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        Published In

        cover image Information Processing and Management: an International Journal
        Information Processing and Management: an International Journal  Volume 56, Issue 4
        Jul 2019
        421 pages


        Pergamon Press, Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 July 2019

        Author Tags

        1. Social web
        2. Reddit
        3. Discussion board
        4. Gender
        5. Interests


        • Research-article


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