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DTW-NN: : A novel neural network for time series recognition using dynamic alignment between inputs and weights

Published: 05 January 2020 Publication History


This paper describes a novel model for time series recognition called a Dynamic Time Warping Neural Network (DTW-NN). DTW-NN is a feedforward neural network that exploits the elastic matching ability of DTW to dynamically align the inputs of a layer to the weights. This weight alignment replaces the standard dot product within a neuron with DTW. In this way, the DTW-NN is able to tackle difficulties with time series recognition such as temporal distortions and variable pattern length within a feedforward architecture. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DTW-NNs on four distinct datasets: online handwritten characters, accelerometer-based active daily life activities, spoken Arabic numeral Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), and one-dimensional centroid-radii sequences from leaf shapes. We show that the proposed method is an effective general approach to temporal pattern learning by achieving state-of-the-art results on these datasets.


Proposes Dynamic Time Warping Neural Network, a feed-forward network for time series.
DTW-NN uses a temporal kernel-like function in replace of a typical inner product.
DTW-NN uses dynamic programming to align weights and inputs.
We evaluate on Unipen 1a, 1b, 1c, UCI Spoken Arabic, UCI ADL, and Flavia leaf shapes.


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cover image Knowledge-Based Systems
Knowledge-Based Systems  Volume 188, Issue C
Jan 2020
541 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 05 January 2020

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  1. Neural networks
  2. Dynamic time warping
  3. Temporal kernel
  4. Time series
  5. Dynamic programming


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