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Improving trust modeling through the limit of advisor network size and use of referrals

Published: 01 April 2013 Publication History


This paper explores potential improvements to the trust modeling of agents in multi-agent systems when a social network of advisors is employed as part of the trust modeling, and in particular, examines means of optimizing the number of advisors that should be maintained in the social network. We propose three such improvements, two directly relating to the limit of advisor network size by either setting a maximum size for a buyer's advisor network or setting a minimum trustworthiness threshold for agents to be accepted into that advisor network, and a third which uses an advisor referral system in combination with one of the first two network-limiting techniques. We provide experimental results in defence of our approach for two distinct trust modeling systems, and show how these optimizations can improve, sometimes significantly, the accuracy of different trust models (in the context of electronic marketplaces). We believe that the proposed techniques will be very useful for trust researchers seeking to improve the accuracy of their own trust models by setting the size and composition of advisor networks.


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cover image Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications  Volume 12, Issue 2
April, 2013
77 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 April 2013

Author Tags

  1. Buyer and seller agents
  2. Electronic marketplaces
  3. Multi-agent systems
  4. Referral
  5. Social network of advisors
  6. Trust modeling


  • Article


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