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Detailed Real-Time Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video

Published: 01 July 2008 Publication History


The paper presents a system for automatic, geo-registered, real-time 3D reconstruction from video of urban scenes. The system collects video streams, as well as GPS and inertia measurements in order to place the reconstructed models in geo-registered coordinates. It is designed using current state of the art real-time modules for all processing steps. It employs commodity graphics hardware and standard CPU's to achieve real-time performance. We present the main considerations in designing the system and the steps of the processing pipeline. Our system extends existing algorithms to meet the robustness and variability necessary to operate out of the lab. To account for the large dynamic range of outdoor videos the processing pipeline estimates global camera gain changes in the feature tracking stage and efficiently compensates for these in stereo estimation without impacting the real-time performance. The required accuracy for many applications is achieved with a two-step stereo reconstruction process exploiting the redundancy across frames. We show results on real video sequences comprising hundreds of thousands of frames.


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Published In

cover image International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Computer Vision  Volume 78, Issue 2-3
July 2008
160 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2008

Author Tags

  1. 3D reconstruction
  2. Depth map fusion
  3. Large scale modeling
  4. Plane sweeping
  5. Stereo vision
  6. Structure from motion
  7. Urban reconstruction


  • Article


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