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SHUBHCHINTAK: An efficient remote health monitoring approach for elderly people

Published: 01 November 2022 Publication History


With the proliferation of IoT technology, it is anticipated that healthcare services, particularly for the elderly persons, will become a major thrust area of research in the coming days. Aim of this work is to design a fit-band containing multiple sensors to provide remote healthcare services for the elderly persons. An application has been designed to capture health data from the fit-band, pre-process the data and then send them to cloud for further analysis. A wireless Bluetooth enabled connection is proposed to establish communications between sensors and the application for data transmission. In the proposed application, there are three different front-end interfaces for three different users: system administrator, patient and doctor. The data collected from the patient’s fit-band are sent to a cloud data storage, where the data will be analyzed to detect anomaly (e.g., heart attack, sleep apnea, etc.). A Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model is proposed for anomaly detection. For the classification of anomaly, a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model is proposed. In the presence of anomaly, the system immediately connects a doctor through a phone call. A prototype system termed as Shubhchintak has been developed in Android/IOS environment and tested with a number of users. The fit-band provides data tracking with an overall accuracy of 99%; the system provides a response with 3000 requests in less than 100 ms. Also, Shubhchintak provides a real-time feedback with an accuracy of 97%. Shubhchintak is also tested by patients and doctors of a nearby hospital. Shubhchintak is shown to be a simple to use, cost effective, comfortable, and efficient system compared to the existing state of the art solutions.


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  • (2023)RETRACTED ARTICLE: Drug discovery through Covid-19 genome sequencing with siamese graph convolutional neural networkMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-023-15270-883:1(61-95)Online publication date: 10-May-2023

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            Published In

            cover image Multimedia Tools and Applications
            Multimedia Tools and Applications  Volume 81, Issue 26
            Nov 2022
            1364 pages


            Kluwer Academic Publishers

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 November 2022
            Accepted: 30 May 2022
            Revision received: 08 November 2021
            Received: 18 October 2020

            Author Tags

            1. Remote health monitoring
            2. Wireless sensors
            3. Health anomaly for elderly people
            4. Cloud-based application
            5. Artificial intelligence approach to health data classification


            • Research-article


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            • (2023)RETRACTED ARTICLE: Drug discovery through Covid-19 genome sequencing with siamese graph convolutional neural networkMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-023-15270-883:1(61-95)Online publication date: 10-May-2023

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