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PKT: fast color-based spatial model for human skin detection

Published: 01 September 2021 Publication History


We present a new detection method for color-based object detection, which can improve the performance of learning procedures in terms of speed, accuracy, and efficiency, using spatial inference, and algorithm. We applied the model to human skin detection from an image; however, the method can also work for other machine learning tasks involving image pixels. We propose (1) an improved RGB/HSL human skin color threshold to tackle darker human skin color detection problem. (2), we also present a new rule-based fast algorithm (packed k-dimensional tree --- PKT) that depends on an improved spatial structure for human skin/face detection from colored 2D images. We also implemented a novel packed quad-tree (PQT) to speed up the quad-tree performance in terms of indexing. We compared the proposed system to traditional pixel-by-pixel (PBP)/pixel-wise (PW) operation, and quadtree based procedures. The results show that our proposed spatial structure performs better (with a very low false hit rate, very high precision, and accuracy rate) than most state-of-the-art models.


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Index Terms

  1. PKT: fast color-based spatial model for human skin detection
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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Multimedia Tools and Applications
      Multimedia Tools and Applications  Volume 80, Issue 21-23
      Sep 2021
      1592 pages


      Kluwer Academic Publishers

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2021
      Accepted: 14 April 2021
      Revision received: 03 February 2021
      Received: 21 June 2019

      Author Tags

      1. Image processing
      2. Skin detection
      3. Information retrieval
      4. Spatial data Modelling
      5. Interpolation
      6. Classification
      7. Pattern recognition
      8. Tree data structure
      9. Computer vision


      • Research-article


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