Quantum-Ordering Ambiguities in Weak Chern—Simons 4D Gravity and Metastability of the Condensate-Induced Inflation
:1. Introduction
2. Linear Axion Potential from Gravitational-Anomaly Condensates: A Brief Review
3. Effective (Mean-Field) Theory from “Re-Classicalization” and the Effect of the Number of GW Sources
4. Quantum-Ordering Ambiguities and Metastability of the gCS-Condensate-Induced Inflation
5. Periodic Modulations of the Axion Potential and Slow-Roll Inflationary Parameters
5.1. Target-Space Gauge Group Instantons and the KR Axion Potential
5.2. World-Sheet Instantons and Axions from String Compactification
6. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Well Defined Variational Principle in Gravitational Chern—Simons Theory
Appendix B. Graviton Propagation at Second Order in Perturbations and Two Scalar Modes in FLRW Spacetime
1 | The StRVM is based on massless fields of the closed sector of the underlying microscopic string theories [13,14], which is characterized by an Abelian gauge invariance of the spin-1 antisymmetric tensor (Kalb-Ramond (KR)) field (with denoting antisymmetry in the respective spacetime indices). Hence, the corresponding gravitational action of the StRVM depends only on the field strength of . In the framework of brane models [24,25,27], on the other hand, this symmetry might be broken, in which case there are other types of gravitational theories that depend explicitly on the B-field as well, which may also acquire a mass. Such models lead to more general cosmologies, with a rich and quite interesting structure, complementary in several aspects to that of StRVM, which have only recently started to be exploited [28]. |
2 | |
3 | It should be mentioned that RVM-type cosmologies arise quite naturally in quantum field theories, after integrating out massive matter modes in the path-integral, and appropriately subtracting the corresponding Ultra-Violet (UV) divergent vacuum contributions [15,16,17,18]. In such situations, the corresponding vacuum energy densities contain and (and higher order) terms, in contrast to our StRVM, where the highest power of the vacuum energy density is [1,3,5,6]. Nonetheless the metastable nature of the RVM vacuum energy is manifest in both approaches. |
4 | Our conventions and definitions used throughout this work are: signature of metric , Riemann Curvature tensor , Ricci tensor , and Ricci scalar . We also work in units . |
5 | For a rather detailed discussion on the well-definiteness of the variational principle in CS gravity we refer the reader to Appendix A. |
6 | The reader should note that, if the field b is a scalar, then the coupled axion-mixed-anomaly interaction term in the action (5) violates CP. Par contrast, the latter symmetry is preserved in the case of a pseudoscalar b field, which will be the focus of our interest here. |
7 | We cannot resist the temptation of noting at this point that in the action (5), the shift symmetry (11) implies that the corresponding Noether current is given by , which is thus covariantly conserved on account of the b field Euler-Lagrange field Equation (27). The presence of a gCS condensate, though, breaks this shift symmetry. Thus, although this implies a constant rate (30), nonetheless one does not encounter the case of Refs. [92,93] in which the exact shift symmetry of the Horndeski-like scalar field, , which exhibits a linear time dependence, leads to a primary hair for the corresponding stationary black hole solution, provided by the constant rate. |
8 | It is worthy of mentioning at this stage that the complex nature of the composite Hirzebruch operator (53) has been noted in passing in [89], but the authors attributed this behavior to the naive definition of the operator, implying that one should consider the hermitian conjugate so as to eliminate the imaginary parts. Par contrast, in our approach, as we shall discuss below, we attribute a non-trivial physical significance to the complex nature of (53), associated with the metastable nature of the quantum StRVM vacuum. |
9 | We remark for completion at this point that, in generic torsional Einstein-Cartan [81] or teleparallel theories [110,111,112] (including those with Nieh-Yan invariants [113]), there is a plethora of works addressing the observation of cosmological effects of torsion, e.g., on dark matter, via chiral GW [114,115], some of which might be detectable at current or future interferometers [116]. Our considerations in this work are different from those works, as they pertain to the effects of chiral GW on torsion-free CS anomaly condensates that lead to inflation. In this latter respect, as remarked in [6], the StRVM inflationary phenomenology is similar to the one proposed in [86,87,117] on inflationary birefringence induced by the gCS terms. Nonetheless, in view of the torsion interpretation of the antisymmetric tensor field strength , that characterises the underlying microscopic string theory, some of the methods of detection of the torsional effects mentioned in those references on Einstein-Cartan torsion [81] might also be applicable to our StRVM case. This will not be a topic discussed further here, but we may come back to it in the future. |
10 | We remark at this point that there exist similar examples of such quantum-ordering ambiguities in the framework of the Wheeler-de-Witt equation for the wave-function of the Universe [118,119,120]. For concreteness, we mention below two of them. One deals with a path-integral approach, in which these ambiguities can be related [121] to the choice of path-integral measure, and can be fixed, for instance, by requiring invariance under field redefinitions of the three (spatial components of the) metric and the lapse function. The other [122] studies the influence of the quantum ordering on the (non)existence of an initial singularity and the dark energy in the Universe, pointing to different scenarios of physical interest, according to the way of fixing the ambiguities. In our four-spacetime dimensional CS gravity case, a way of fixing the pertinent ordering ambiguities will be suggested below, based on the necessity of having a finite duration of the inflationary era, as suggested in the classical limit by the dynamical-system approach to the linear-axion inflation [6]. |
11 | The situation may be thought of as being somewhat analogous to that encountered in the Dirac Lagrangian for spin-1/2 fermions, which are also non-classical objects. The naively defined Lagrangian density is non-hermitian, with the imaginary parts being associated with the total divergence of the corresponding Noether current: . One can maintain hermiticity upon defining a particular ordering by replacing by the operator , with defined as: . In our case, the operator on the left-hand side of (85) is proportional to the four-divergence of the gCS topological current, and the symmetric ordering (86) may be thought of as corresponding to the specific ordering that renders the operators in (83) and (84) hermitian. |
12 | Notice that our arguments below on estimating the life time of the inflationary vacuum are based on the study of the path-integral partition function of GW perturbations in the case of a single source of GW. This suffices, because, as we discussed above, the case of sources can be studied by simply raising the partition function of a single source to the N-th power, (44), . Hence all the necessary information is encoded in a single-source GW path integral. |
13 | The situation is somewhat analogous to the celebrated Vafa-Witten theorem on the impossibility of the spontaneous breaking of Parity in vector-like theories [123,124], which is based on similar energetics arguments. Nonetheless, in our case, the presence of imaginary parts of the gCS condensate is not interpreted as implying that the formation of the condensate is not possible, but rather that, once it is formed via GW, quantum effects destabilize it, thereby causing the RVM-inflationary vacuum to decay, with a life time determined by these imaginary parts. |
14 | Representing the decaying vacuum of the StRVM as an open system is a concept familiar from the theory of decaying particles with a finite width, which are represented as open quantum mechanical Lindblad systems [131,132]. There, the environment, which the unstable particle interacts with, is provided by enlarging the original Hilbert space by states representing the decay products. In the StRVM, as we have mentioned, the environment consists of the entire spectrum of the massive string states. |
15 | |
16 | Notice that with the + sign choice of the cosine term in the potential, there is no mass term generated for the axion b during the inflationary phase. In StRVM such masses could be generated at post-inflationary eras, e.g., during the QCD epoch, as a result of the anomalous coupling of the b field to the Pontryagin term involving the gluon-field strengths [2]. |
17 | The pertinent equations of motion are therefore affected only very mildly by the presence of the shift-symmetry breaking periodic modulations of the axion potential, and thus the main qualitative features of the StRVM inflation, discussed previously in the literature [1,3,5,6], and reviewed here, including the non-dilution of the KR field at the end of inflation, remain intact. A detailed, quantitative, discussion on the rôle of the potential (117) within the dynamical system approach, in the spirit of [6], will be presented in a future publication. |
18 | We stress once again that in our model, the cosmic time dependence of the axion field b is suppressed during the entire duration of inflation, due to the order of magnitude of the initial value (109). Otherwise, the parameters would exhibit appreciable oscillatory behavior with time. |
19 | |
20 | Here is dimensionless, and the perturbative expansion is in powers of the weak field . This is to be contrasted with a coupling-constant() expansion in which one considers , where has dimensions of mass. |
21 | |
22 | Notice that covariant derivatives are reduced to partial derivatives upon the application of Dirichlet boundary conditions. |
23 | Suppose that is a vector. Then, we can decompose, |
24 | The reader’s attention is called to the different conventions between our work and that of [158], especially the definition of the Ricci tensor. |
25 | In order to clarify that the conditions and consist of 4 independent conditions, observe that these two conditions are linearly dependent. When this dependence is taken into account there are 4 independent conditions, which read; and . |
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Dorlis, P.; Mavromatos, N.E.; Vlachos, S.-N. Quantum-Ordering Ambiguities in Weak Chern—Simons 4D Gravity and Metastability of the Condensate-Induced Inflation. Universe 2025, 11, 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe11010015
Dorlis P, Mavromatos NE, Vlachos S-N. Quantum-Ordering Ambiguities in Weak Chern—Simons 4D Gravity and Metastability of the Condensate-Induced Inflation. Universe. 2025; 11(1):15. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe11010015
Chicago/Turabian StyleDorlis, Panagiotis, Nick E. Mavromatos, and Sotirios-Neilos Vlachos. 2025. "Quantum-Ordering Ambiguities in Weak Chern—Simons 4D Gravity and Metastability of the Condensate-Induced Inflation" Universe 11, no. 1: 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe11010015
APA StyleDorlis, P., Mavromatos, N. E., & Vlachos, S.-N. (2025). Quantum-Ordering Ambiguities in Weak Chern—Simons 4D Gravity and Metastability of the Condensate-Induced Inflation. Universe, 11(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe11010015