Unmasking Cybercrime with Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity Analytics
<p>The average cost of cybercrime.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Procedure of digital forensics techniques.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Structure of CNN model.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Structure of LSTM model.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Architecture of the proposed system.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The structure of the layers used.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Internal structure of the proposed CNN model.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Accuracy underfitting result of the CNN LSTM model of the IoT 23 dataset.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Loss underfitting result of the CNN LSTM model of the IoT 23 dataset.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Accuracy training and validation.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Loss training and validation.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- A deep learning model based on LSTM-CNN is proposed for investigating botnet traffic detection, with a focus on indicators of compromise, to enhance digital forensics and cyber threat intelligence, thereby helping to provide effective responses to cybercrime.
- By leveraging deep learning techniques, the proposed model has the potential to adapt to changing attack patterns and to learn intricate features automatically, thereby demonstrating adaptability to evolving advanced botnet techniques that evade detection.
- This study aims to discover hidden patterns and correlations in botnet activities that may not be apparent using traditional approaches. This is crucial in enhancing cyber threat intelligence and in facilitating proactive forensic measures.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Work
- -
- Convolutional Layer: It consists of multiple learnable filters that slide across the input. Each filter performs a dot product operation between its weights and a small region of the input, producing a feature map. The feature map highlights important patterns or features present in the input.
- -
- Activation Function: After the convolutional operation, an activation function is applied element-wise to the feature map. The activation function introduces non-linearity into the network, allowing it to learn complex relationships between the input and the extracted features.
- -
- Pooling Layer: Following the activation function, a pooling layer is often applied. Pooling reduces the spatial dimensions of the feature maps while retaining important information. Pooling helps to reduce the number of parameters, to decrease computational complexity, and to provide translational invariance.
- -
- Convolution and Pooling Layers: The convolutional and pooling layers are typically repeated multiple times in a CNN architecture to capture increasingly complex and abstract features. This allows the network to learn hierarchical representations of the input data, starting from simple low-level features and progressing to high-level features.
- -
- Flattening: After the convolutional and pooling layers have been applied, the resulting feature maps are flattened into a one-dimensional vector. This flattening operation reshapes the multi-dimensional feature maps into a single continuous vector, which serves as the input to the subsequent fully connected layers.
- -
- Fully Connected Layers: After flattening, fully connected layers are added to the network. These layers are similar to those found in traditional neural networks, where each neuron is connected to every neuron in the previous layer. Fully connected layers perform non-linear transformations on the input data and are responsible for making predictions based on the extracted features.
- -
- -
- Input and Output: At each time step in the sequence, the LSTM receives an input vector. The input can be a single value or a vector of multiple values. The LSTM processes the input and produces an output vector at the same time step.
- -
- Memory Cell: The memory cell is the core component of the LSTM. It maintains and updates its internal state based on the current input, the previous state, and the output of the previous time step. The memory cell has the ability to store and carry information over long durations, allowing the model to capture dependencies over time.
- -
- Forget Gate: The forget gate determines which information from the previous state should be forgotten or discarded. It takes the previous output and current input as inputs, and using a sigmoid activation function, it produces a forget gate vector. This vector selectively removes or keeps information from the previous state.
- -
- Input Gate: The input gate determines which new information should be stored in the memory cell. It takes the previous output and current input as inputs and produces an input gate vector. Additionally, it generates a candidate vector, which represents potential new information.
- -
- Output Gate: The output gate decides what information from the memory cell should be outputted. It takes the previous output and current input as inputs and produces an output gate vector using a sigmoid activation function. The memory cell state is passed through a tanh activation function to squash the values, and then, the output gate vector is applied to filter the values.
- -
3.1. CNN-LSTM Hybrid Model
3.1.1. Data Source
CTU-13 Dataset
- StartTime: the start time for capturing data traffic;
- Dur: the duration of capture of data traffic or duration of the attack on the devices;
- Proto: the protocol used in the traffic;
- SrcAddr: the source IP address;
- Sport: the source port address;
- Dir: the direction of data flow and attack;
- DstAddr: the destination IP address;
- Dport: the destination port address;
- State: the state during the capture;
- dTos: the destination type of service;
- TotPkts: the total number of packets transferred or received during the capture;
- TotBytes: the total size of packets transferred or received during the capture in bytes;
- SrcBytes: size of packets from the source;
- Label: attack tag (indicating whether it was a successful, background, or normal botnet attack).
IoT-23 Dataset
- Attack: The infected device attempts to take advantage of a vulnerability in another host as an attack.
- Benign: The connections do not show any suspicious or malicious activity.
- C&C: The infected device is connected to a Command & Control server.
- DDoS: The infected device executes a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.
- FileDownload: The infected device downloads a file.
- HeartBeat: The packets sent over this connection are used by the Command & Control server to keep track of the infected host.
- Mirai: The connections exhibit characteristics of a Mirai botnet.
- Okiru: The connections exhibit the characteristics of an Okiru botnet.
- PartOfAHorizontalPortScan: The connections are used to perform a horizontal port scan to gather information for potential future attacks.
- Torii: The connections have the characteristics of a Torii botnet.
3.1.2. Data Preparation
3.1.3. Model Architecture
Algorithm 1 Pseudo-code of CNN-LSTM |
3.1.4. Model Structures
Algorithm 2 Global steps of preprocessing, training, testing, and deployment |
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Accuracy (Success Rate)
4.2. Precision
4.3. False-Positive Rate (FPR)
4.4. Recall (Detection Rate)
4.5. F-Score (Harmonic Mean)
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CA | Cybersecurity Analytics |
CTI | Cyber Threat Intelligence |
DF | Digital Forensics |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
OSINT | Open-Source INTelligence |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
DL | Deep Learning |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
ML | Machine Learning |
FNN | Feedforward Neural Network |
WE | Word Embedding |
DRNN | Deep Recurrent Neural Network |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
BLSTM | Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory |
BiGRU | Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit |
TP | True Positive |
TN | True Negative |
FP | False Positive |
FN | False Negative |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
PCAP | Packet Capture |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values) |
IoT | Internet of Things |
C&C | Command and Control |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
List of mathematical symbols | |
X | Input data |
Y | Output |
W | Weight matrix |
b | Bias vector |
* | Convolution operation |
‖ | Concatenation operation |
Sigmoid activation function | |
tanh | Hyperbolic tangent activation function |
⊗ | Cross-correlation operation |
⊙ | Element-wise multiplication |
⊕ | Element-wise addition operation |
∇ | Gradient symbol |
∂ | Partial derivative symbol |
Model parameters | |
Mixing coefficient for combining original and synthetic samples in SMOTE |
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Work | Year | Journal | Method | Pros | Cons |
[23] | 2020 | High Speed Networks | ML | Effective in detecting patterns and anomalies | May require a large labled dataset |
[24] | 2020 | Applied Sciences | ML, DL | Capable of learning complex patterns | High computational complexity |
[25] | 2020 | Security and Communication Networks | ML | Can identify hidden patterns and correlations | Limitations in handlings new attacks |
[26] | 2021 | IEEE Internet of Things | Federated DL | Detection of zero-day botnet attacks | Synchronization and communication challenges |
[27] | 2021 | SN Computer Science | DL | Can learn intricate features | Requires large amounts of labled data |
[28] | 2022 | Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | Game theory, DL | Models the strategic behavior of attackers | Requires extensive computational resources |
[29] | 2022 | IEEE INFOCOM | Extreme learning | Fast and efficient learning | Requires fine-tuning for optimal performance |
[30] | 2023 | Computers & Security | BiGRU-RNN | Improved accuracy in detecting IoT botnet attacks | Has increased complexity and resources requirements |
[31] | 2023 | Computer Science | SVM | Adaptable to dynamic botnet | Requires extensive computation resources |
[32] | 2023 | Future Generation Computer Systems | Active learning | Minimizes the labeling cost for the IoT botnet detection | Did not explore the implications and relation of specific features |
Id | IRC | SPAM | CF | PS | DDoS | FF | P2P | US | HTTP |
1 | X | X | X | ||||||
2 | X | X | X | ||||||
3 | X | X | X | ||||||
4 | X | X | X | ||||||
5 | X | X | X | ||||||
6 | X | ||||||||
7 | X | ||||||||
8 | X | ||||||||
9 | X | X | X | X | |||||
10 | X | X | X | ||||||
11 | X | X | X | ||||||
12 | X | ||||||||
13 | X | X | X |
Scenarios | Type | Capture Name | Malware/Device | Duration | Number of Packets | Total Flows |
Scenario 1 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-34-1 | Mirai | 24,000 | 233,000 | 23,146,000 |
Scenario 2 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-43-1 | Mirai | 1000 | 82,000,000 | 67,321,810,000 |
Scenario 3 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-44-1 | Mirai | 2000 | 1,309,000 | 238,000 |
Scenario 4 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-49-1 | Mirai | 8000 | 18,000,000 | 5,410,562,000 |
Scenario 5 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-52-1 | Mirai | 24,000 | 64,000,000 | 19,781,379,000 |
Scenario 6 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-20-1 | Torii | 24,000 | 50,000 | 3,210,000 |
Scenario 7 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-21-1 | Torii | 24,000 | 50,000 | 3,287,000 |
Scenario 8 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-42-1 | Trojan | 8000 | 24,000 | 4,427,000 |
Scenario 9 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-60-1 | Gagfyt | 24,000 | 271,000,000 | 3,581,029,000 |
Scenario 10 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-17-1 | Kenjiro | 24,000 | 109,000,000 | 54,659,864,000 |
Scenario 11 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-36-1 | Okiru | 24,000 | 13,000,000 | 13,645,107,000 |
Scenario 12 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-33-1 | Kenjiro | 24,000 | 54,000,000 | 54,454,592,000 |
Scenarios | Type | Capture Name | Malware/Device | Duration | Number of Packets | Total Flows |
Scenario 13 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-8-1 | Hakai | 24,000 | 23,000 | 10,404,000 |
Scenario 14 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-35-1 | Mirai | 24,000 | 46,000,000 | 10,447,796,000 |
Scenario 15 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-48-1 | Mirai | 24,000 | 13,000,000 | 3,394,347,000 |
Scenario 16 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-39-1 | IRCBot | 7000 | 73,000,000 | 73,568,982,000 |
Scenario 17 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-7-1 | Linux, Mirai | 24,000 | 11,000,000 | 11,454,723,000 |
Scenario 18 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-9-1 | Linux, Hajime | 24,000 | 6,437,000 | 6,378,294,000 |
Scenario 19 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-3-1 | Muhstik | 36,000 | 496,000 | 156,104,000 |
Scenario 20 | Malicious | CTU-IoT-Malware-Cap-1-1 | Hide and Seek | 112,000 | 1,686,000 | 1,008,749,000 |
Scenario 21 | Benign | CTU-Honeypot-Cap-7-1 | Soomfy Doorlock | 1400 | 8276 | 139,000 |
Scenario 22 | Benign | CTU-Honeypot-Cap-4-1 | Phillips HUE | 24,000 | 21,000,000 | 461,000 |
Scenario 23 | Benign | CTU-Honeypot-Cap-5-1 | Amazon Echo | 5400 | 398,000,000 | 1,383,000 |
Dataset | Without Sampling | CallBacks | Random under Sampler | SMOTE | SMOTE Tomek | Borderline SMOTE | ADASYN | |
Accuracy | CTU13 | 0.997520 | 0.998044 | 0.971556 | 0.997805 | 0.995140 | 0.993538 | 0.993538 |
IoT23 | 0.952365 | 0.945287 | 0.892822 | 0.896551 | 0.945287 | 0.892836 | 0.896751 | |
Precision | CTU13 | 0.886515 | 0.868871 | 0.195595 | 0.761460 | 0.588351 | 0.701167 | 0.517816 |
IoT23 | 0.736959 | 0.845727 | 0.995560 | 0.995560 | 0.997780 | 0.999970 | 0.999989 | |
Recall | CTU13 | 0.736959 | 0.845727 | 0.995560 | 0.995560 | 0.997780 | 1 | 1 |
IoT23 | 0.991621 | 1 | 0.886644 | 0.890587 | 1 | 0.886660 | 0.890785 | |
F-Score | CTU13 | 0.804848 | 0.857143 | 0.326955 | 0.862915 | 0.740222 | 0.824337 | 0.682317 |
IoT23 | 0.975221 | 0.971874 | 0.939904 | 0.942116 | 0.971874 | 0.939912 | 0.942233 | |
FPR | CTU13 | 0.000659 | 0.000892 | 0.028612 | 0.002179 | 0.004879 | 0.002978 | 0.006507 |
IoT23 | 0.725878 | 1 | 0.000437 | 0.000402 | 1 | 0.000455 | 0.000175 |
Dataset | Without Sampling | CallBacks | Random under Sampler | SMOTE | SMOTE Tomek | Borderline SMOTE | ADASYN | |
Accuracy | CTU13 | 0.997135 | 0.991959 | 0.935047 | 0.987422 | 0.977201 | 0.972064 | 0.972064 |
IoT23 | 0.944316 | 0.889367 | 0.945266 | 0.892805 | 0.962097 | 0.878699 | 0.892822 | |
Precision | CTU13 | 0.872011 | 0.455946 | 0.091452 | 0.330241 | 0.224216 | 0.190368 | 0.195288 |
IoT23 | 0.958250 | 0.995851 | 0.945288 | 0.999970 | 0.154402 | 0.995798 | 0.958250 | |
Recall | CTU13 | 0.688124 | 0.821310 | 0.935627 | 0.790233 | 0.928968 | 0.970936 | 0.930078 |
IoT23 | 0.983963 | 0.886658 | 0.999976 | 0.886627 | 0.996670 | 0.875372 | 0.983963 | |
F-Score | CTU13 | 0.769231 | 0.586371 | 0.166617 | 0.465816 | 0.361243 | 0.970936 | 0.316048 |
IoT23 | 0.970936 | 0.938087 | 0.971863 | 0.939894 | 0.267381 | 0.931710 | 0.970936 | |
FPR | CTU13 | 0.000706 | 0.006849 | 0.064957 | 0.011200 | 0.022462 | 0.000892 | 0.027643 |
IoT23 | 0.740679 | 0.063824 | 0.999965 | 0.000455 | 0.038144 | 0.063824 | 0.970936 |
Work | Year | Method | Dataset | Accuracy |
[42] | 2018 | PSI Graph CNN Classifier | IoTPOT-IotBotnet | 92% |
[43] | 2019 | Decision Tree | CTU-13 | 97.54% |
[44] | 2019 | MEFC | Real life dataset | 87.04% |
[45] | 2019 | Hybrid feature selection | NSL-KDD UNSW-NB15 | 91.27% |
[23] | 2020 | Reinforcement learning | ISOT, P2P, ISCX | 98.3% |
[46] | 2021 | Representativeness-based instance selection | KDD Cup 99 | 94.25% |
[47] | 2021 | Sparse autoencoder | NSL-KDD CIC-IDS2017 AWID | 98.10% |
[29] | 2022 | Extreme learning | MedBIoT | 97.7% |
[30] | 2023 | SVM DT MLP | CTU-13 | 92% |
[32] | 2023 | Active learning | MedBIoT | 97% |
[48] | 2023 | BiGRU-RNN | IoT-bot | 97% |
Proposed | 2023 | Hybrid CNN-LSTM | CTU-13 IoT-23 | 98.74% 98.29% |
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Djenna, A.; Barka, E.; Benchikh, A.; Khadir, K. Unmasking Cybercrime with Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity Analytics. Sensors 2023, 23, 6302. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23146302
Djenna A, Barka E, Benchikh A, Khadir K. Unmasking Cybercrime with Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity Analytics. Sensors. 2023; 23(14):6302. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23146302
Chicago/Turabian StyleDjenna, Amir, Ezedin Barka, Achouak Benchikh, and Karima Khadir. 2023. "Unmasking Cybercrime with Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity Analytics" Sensors 23, no. 14: 6302. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23146302
APA StyleDjenna, A., Barka, E., Benchikh, A., & Khadir, K. (2023). Unmasking Cybercrime with Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity Analytics. Sensors, 23(14), 6302. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23146302