Sensor-Enabled Multi-Robot System for Automated Welding and In-Process Ultrasonic NDE
<p>Sensor-enabled multi-robot welding and in-process NDE system.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Sensor-enabled multi-robot welding and in-process NDE system architecture. Overall process control was implemented on the NI cRIO, while the GUI and PAUT acquisition and storage were executed on a host PC.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Trajectory planning and on-the-fly sensor-based motion correction algorithm.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>(<b>a</b>) Example linear motion generated by the LMC; (<b>b</b>) trajectory distortion introduced by instantaneous adaptive correction d<sub>A</sub>; (<b>c</b>) target point offsetting through absolute adaptive correction D<sub>A</sub>.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) Open-loop welding of a sample with an uneven surface through a linear trajectory; the welding torch to sample distance changes along the weld; (<b>b</b>) closed-loop welding of a sample with an uneven surface through an adaptive trajectory; on-the-fly adjustment of torch offset is achieved through the measured arc voltage; the welding torch to sample distance is constant along the weld; the end point P<sub>T</sub> is shifted to P<sub>T</sub>’ as a result of the adaptive motion.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Multipass weld specification for 15 mm thick S275 steel bevelled with a 90° V-groove; a total of 21 passes are deposited over 7 layers; all linear dimensions are in millimetres.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Continuous post-weld ultrasonic imaging of artificially induced hydrogen crack. The crack was initiated 10 min after all welding passes were deposited and its growth was observed in time. The location of the crack was in the HAZ adjacent to the weld cap toe.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Ultrasonic sectorial scan of 90° V-groove multipass weld; (<b>a</b>) before welding the groove edge is detected as a reflector (green marker); (<b>b</b>) after 7 passes are deposited, the size of the groove edge indication is reduced (blue marker); (<b>c</b>) after all welding passes are deposited, the groove edge is no longer detected.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Interpass in-process UT inspection with a novel high-temperature PAUT roller probe.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Interpass ultrasonic image of artificially induced defect (Tungsten rod with 2.4 mm diameter) (red marker) with a false positive indication from the unwelded groove edge (green marker).</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Live-arc in-process weld UT with non-contact Lamb waves.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>On-the-fly adaptive welding control through live-arc UT sample measurement.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Live-arc PAUT inspection experiment.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental System
2.1. Hardware
2.2. Software
2.2.1. Real-Time Robotic Control
2.2.2. Trajectory Planning
2.2.3. Welding Sequence
3. Ultrasonic Inspection
3.1. Post-Process UT
3.2. Interpass In-Process UT
3.3. Live-Arc In-Process UT
4. Conclusions and Future Work
- 1.
- Post-process continuous UT—the initiation and growth of cold crack defects was observed and measured through a continuous inspection at regular intervals after the multipass weld was completely filled.
- 2.
- Interpass in-process UT—the challenges due to the complex sample geometry of the unfilled weld groove were demonstrated and the inspection results showed the defect detection capabilities through artificially induced defects.
- 3.
- Live-arc in-process UT—the deployment and application of three different ultrasonic sensors during live-arc welding deposition was outlined and the challenges and results were discussed.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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NSpect | IntACom | RABIT | URQC | VIEWS | This Work | |
Automated robotic NDE | | | | | | |
Adaptive motion | | | | | | |
FMC capture | | | | | | |
Real-time trajectory control | | | | | | |
Sensor integration independent from robot controller | | | | | | |
NDE integrated with manufacture | | | | | | |
High temperature inspection | | | | | | |
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Vasilev, M.; MacLeod, C.N.; Loukas, C.; Javadi, Y.; Vithanage, R.K.W.; Lines, D.; Mohseni, E.; Pierce, S.G.; Gachagan, A. Sensor-Enabled Multi-Robot System for Automated Welding and In-Process Ultrasonic NDE. Sensors 2021, 21, 5077.
Vasilev M, MacLeod CN, Loukas C, Javadi Y, Vithanage RKW, Lines D, Mohseni E, Pierce SG, Gachagan A. Sensor-Enabled Multi-Robot System for Automated Welding and In-Process Ultrasonic NDE. Sensors. 2021; 21(15):5077.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVasilev, Momchil, Charles N. MacLeod, Charalampos Loukas, Yashar Javadi, Randika K. W. Vithanage, David Lines, Ehsan Mohseni, Stephen Gareth Pierce, and Anthony Gachagan. 2021. "Sensor-Enabled Multi-Robot System for Automated Welding and In-Process Ultrasonic NDE" Sensors 21, no. 15: 5077.
APA StyleVasilev, M., MacLeod, C. N., Loukas, C., Javadi, Y., Vithanage, R. K. W., Lines, D., Mohseni, E., Pierce, S. G., & Gachagan, A. (2021). Sensor-Enabled Multi-Robot System for Automated Welding and In-Process Ultrasonic NDE. Sensors, 21(15), 5077.