Emergent Biosensing Technologies Based on Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance
<p>Schematic representation of the disclosed topics.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Molecular recognition elements—an overview. A selective overview of molecular recognition elements: protein receptors, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, molecular imprinting polymer, cells, microorganisms, and aptamers.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Surface plasmon resonance—ATR via the Kretschmann configuration. Light is focused onto a metal film through a glass prism and the subsequent reflection is detected. At a certain incident angle (or resonance angle), the plasmons resonate at the same light frequency, resulting in the absorption of light at that angle. This determines a dark line in the reflected beam. That dark line contains a wealth of information. The resonance angle can be obtained by observing a dip in SPR reflection intensity. A shift in the reflectivity curve represents a molecular binding event taking place on or near the metal film, or a conformational change in the molecules bound to the film. By monitoring, this shift vs. time is possible to study the molecular binding events and binding kinetics.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Advantages of the use of near-infrared light. The fluorescence imaging technique with near-infrared is widely used due to its superior qualities since their range of absorbance and fluorescence corresponds to the region of highest transparency of biological tissues. In fact, at these wavelengths, the light penetrates deeper through animal tissue (because the combined effects of tissue absorbance and light scattering are at a minimum), and autofluorescence of biological tissues is less pronounced compared to the visible range.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Principle of the main in vivo detection systems. (<b>a</b>) Turn on (activatable or smart) probes are exogenously added and they light on upon the binding of the analyte (hydrogen ions, ROS, calcium, ClO, etc.). (<b>b</b>) Genetically encoded sensors arise from the fusion of an analyte binding domain to a fluorescence protein; they are expressed in cells and they can change their fluorescence features when binding to ligand. (<b>c</b>) Chemical-genetic reporters consist of an analyte binding domain fused to a fluorogen-activating protein tag. These proteins are not fluorescence but they are able to activate a cognate fluorogen that in turn becomes fluorescent when exited. Sensors for ions and other molecules are designed in order to light on only when they bind the analyte.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Based Biosensors
2.1. Food
2.2. Enviroment
2.3. Security
2.4. Health
3. Fluorescence-Based Biosensors
3.1. Food
3.2. Environment
3.3. Security
3.4. Health
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1-AMA | 1-AMinoAnthracene |
ACh | Acethylcoline |
AChE | AcetylCholinEsterase |
AFM1 | Aflatoxin M1 |
AL | Amide-Linked |
AOSNP | Activatable Organic Semiconducting NanoProbe |
ATC | AcetylThioCholine |
ATR | Attenuated Total Reflection |
Au/CS/GO | gold-Chitosan-Graphene Oxide |
BiFC | Bimolecular Fluorescent Complementation |
BphPs | Bacterial Phytochromes |
BRET | Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer |
BSA | Bovin Albumin Serum |
BTEX | Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-benzene and Xylene |
BV | BiliVerdin |
CA15-3 | Carbohydrate Antigen 15-3 |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
CCH | oncholepas oncholepas Hemocyanin |
CEA | CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen |
CFU | Colony-Forming Unit |
CMA | Cow Milk Allergy |
CpEGFP | circularly permuted Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein |
CPF | ChlorPyriFos |
CpFPs | circularly permuted Fluorescent Proteins |
CpYFP | circularly permuted Yellow Fluorescent Protein |
CRP | C-Reactive Protein |
CS–GO | Chitosan–Graphene Oxide |
CTA-NCC | hexadeCyltrimeThylAmmonium bromide-NanoCrystalline Cellulose |
CWAs | Chemical Warfare Agents |
DA | DopAmine |
DDVP | Dimethyl-Di-chloroVinyl Phosphate |
DNA | DeoxyriboNucleic Acid |
DNA-Cu/AgNCs | DNA-templated copper/silver nanoclusters |
EBV | Epstain Bain Virus |
EC-SPR | Electrochemical Surface Plasmon Resonance |
eGFP | enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein |
ELISA | Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay |
ER | Estrogen Receptor |
ER-LBD | Estrogen Receptor α-Ligand Binding Domain |
ERY | Erythromycin |
Ex-TFG | Excessively tilted fiber grating |
FAP | Fluorogen Activating Peptide |
FAST | Fluorescence-Activating and Absorption-Shifting Tag |
FCS | Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy |
FEP | Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene |
FI | Fluorescence Intensity |
FITC | Fluorescein IsoThioCyanate |
FLISA | Fluorescence-Linked Immunosorbent Assay |
FP | Fluorescence Polarization |
FRET | Förster Resonance Energy Transfer |
FT-IR | Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy |
FTIR-SPR | Fourier Transform Infra-Red Surface Plasmon Resonance |
GO | Graphene Oxide |
GPCR | G Protein Coupled Receptor |
HER2 | Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 |
HMBR | 4-hydroxy-3-methylbenzylidene rhodanine |
IM-SPR | Intensity-Modulated Surface Plasmon Resonance |
InA | Internalin A |
Lac | Lactoferrin |
LoD | Limit of Detection |
LSPR | Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance |
MBL | Metal-Binding Loop |
mIFP | monomeric Infrared Fluorescent Protein |
MIP | Molecular Imprinting Polymer |
MIPs | Molecular Imprinting Polymers |
MIT | Molecular Imprinting Technology |
MMP-9 | Matrix Metalloproteinases-9 |
MMPs | Magnetic MicroParticles |
MRE | Molecular Recognition Element |
MRL | Maximum Residual Limit |
NAD | Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide |
NC | Nanocluster |
NDV | Newcastle Disease Virus |
NHS | N-hydroxy Succinimide |
NIR | Near InfraRed |
NIR-FP | Near InfraRed Fluorescent Protein |
NO | Nitric Oxide |
NPs | nanoparticles |
OBP | odorant binding protein |
OEG | Oligo-Ethylene Glycol |
OTC | Oxytetracycline |
PAMAM | PolyAMidoAMine |
PANI | polyaniline |
PAT | Patulin |
PBS | Phosphate Buffered Saline |
PCs | Photonic Crystals |
PenG | Penicillin G |
PR | Progesterone Receptor |
PSA | Prostate-Specific Antigen |
PSPR | Propagating Surface Plasmon Resonance |
PYP | Photoactive Yellow Protein |
QD | Quantum Dot |
RI | Refractive Index |
SAMs | Self Assembled Monolayers |
SECM | Scanning EleCtrochemical Microscopy |
SELEX | Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment |
sfGFP | superfolder Green Fluorescent Protein |
SiQD | Silicon Quantum Dots |
SNP | Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism |
SPME | Solid-Phase Microextraction |
SPR | Surface Plasmon Resonance |
SPRi | Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging |
SPRM | Surface Plasmon Resonance Microscopy |
SWNT | Single-Walled carbon NanoTube |
TC | TetraCycline |
TIR | Total Internal Reflection |
TIRF | Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence |
TNT | Trinitrotoluene |
tPSA | total Prostate-Specific Antigen |
TR-FIA | Time-Resolved Fluorescence-ImmunoAssay |
TTX | Tetrodotoxin |
UCNPs | Up Conversion Nanoparticles |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compound |
VOCs | Volatile Organic Compounds |
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Analyte | Method | Substrate/Sensing Layer | LoD | Ref. |
Food | ||||
Campylobacter jejuni | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 103 CFU/mL | [33] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.1 × 105 CFU/mL | [38] |
Salmonella typhimurium | SPR-ATR | C18 Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 2.5 × 105 CFU/mL | [34] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 105 CFU/mL | [35] |
Salmonella enteritidis | SPR-ATR | C18 Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 2.5 × 108 CFU/mL | [34] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 106 CFU/mL | [37] |
Salmonella choleraesuis | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 4.4 × 104 CFU/mL | [38] |
Escherichia coli O157:H7 | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 105 CFU/mL | [35] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.4 × 104 CFU/mL | [38] |
Yersinia enterocolitica | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 105 CFU/mL | [35] |
Legionella pneumophila | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 105 CFU/mL | [35] |
Listeria monocytogenes | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 107 CFU/mL | [36] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 1.0 × 106 CFU/mL | [37] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 3.5 × 103 CFU/mL | [38] |
Aflatoxin B1 | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.2 ng/gr | [39] |
Fumonisin B1 | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 50 ng/mL | [40] |
Enterotoxin B | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 100 fM | [41] |
Ricin | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 200 ng/mL | [42] |
Abrin | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 75 ng/mL | [43] |
Tetrodotoxin | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.3 ng/mL | [44] |
Tylosin | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 2.5 µg/Kg | [45] |
Phenol | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 5 ppm | [46] |
Ascorbic acid | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Ag PANI MIP | 1.28 × 10−10 M | [47] |
Environment | ||||
Chlorpyrifos | EC-SPR | Au-coated thin glass/MIP Fe3O4-PDA NPs | 0.76 nM | [48] |
Atrazine | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Ag MIP | 1.92 × 10−14 | [50] |
VOCs (1-octanol) | SPRi | Au-coated thin glass/Biomimetic peptides | 375 ppb | [51] |
Pb2+ | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Ag-CS | 30 ppb | [52] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Ag-CS-GO | 30 ppb | [53] |
Co2+ | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/PAR-Cs-GO | 10 ppb | [54] |
Cu2+ | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/CTA-NCC-GO | 0.01 ppm | [55] |
Security | ||||
TNT | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.002 ng/mL | [57] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/PAMAM-antigen | 110 pg/mL | [58] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Au MIP | 5.1 × 10−5 M | [59] |
Capsaicinoids | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/OEG-antigen | 150 ppb | [60] |
Homovanillic acid | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Apten antigen | 150 ppb | [61] |
Health | ||||
Newcastle disease virus | LSPR | Fiber optic Ex-TFGs /Au-NP-Antibody | 25 pg/mL | [62] |
HIV-1 virus | LSPR | Au NP-coated thin glass/Antibody | 200 fg/mL | [63] |
Dengue virus | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 2 × 104 particles/mL | [64] |
Avian influenza A H7N9 virus | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 402 copies/mL | [65] |
Progesterone | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 170 pg/mL | [66] |
Estradiol | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 3.5 ng/mL | [67] |
Cortisol | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/OEG-antigen | 49 pg/mL | [68] |
Testosterone | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/OEG-antigen | 15.4 pg/mL | [69] |
Sulfamethazine | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.015 µg/mL−1 | [70] |
Sulfadiazine | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.052 µg/mL−1 | [70] |
Clenbuterol | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.4 ng/mL−1 | [71] |
Ethinylestradiol | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.5 ng/mL−1 | [71] |
Enrofloxacin | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 1.2 ng/mL−1 | [71] |
Tetracycline | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Ag MIP | 0.01 µM | [72] |
“ ” | SPR-ATR/LSPR | Fiber optic core/Ag NP/MIP | 2.2 × 10−9 M | [73] |
Oxytetracycline | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Ag MIP | 0.01 µM | [72] |
Erythromycin | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Ag MIP | 6.2 × 10−8 M | [74] |
Vitamin B3 | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Ag MIP | 0.5 mg/mL | [75] |
Nicotine | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core PMMA/Au MIP | 1.86 pM | [78] |
Epstain-Barr Virus | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.1 ng/mL | [81] |
Interleukin-6 | SPR-ATR | Fiber optic core/Antibody | 0.92 ng/mL | [82] |
Prostate-specific antigen | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 8.5 pM | [84] |
Carbohydrate antigen 15-3 | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 0.025 U/mL | [85] |
Carcinoembryonic antigen | EC-SPR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 0.5 ng/mL−1 | [86] |
C-reactive protein | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 0.1 ng/µl | [87] |
HER2 | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 11 ng/mL | [88] |
Progesterone receptor | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antigen | 3.56 ng/mL | [90] |
Metalloproteinases-9 | SPR-ATR | Au-coated thin glass/Antibody | 8 pg/mL | [91] |
BRCA1 | SPRi | Au-coated thin glass/Au NPs/DNA | 1 pM | [92] |
Cholesterol | SPR-FTIR | Au-coated thin glass/Cells | 9 mg/gr | [99] |
Volatile compound (octanal) | SPRi | Au-coated thin glass/Cells | 0.1 mM | [100] |
Analyte | Method | Sensing Element/Fluorescent Molecules | LoD/Dynamic Range | Ref. |
Food | ||||
Penicillin G | FP | Antibody/NIR-CF647 | 1.0 nmol/L | [134] |
Ciprofloxacin | FP | Antibody/NIR-CF647 | 1 ppb | [135] |
Amikacin | FS | Enzyme/fluorescein-5 maleimide | 40 nM | [122] |
Kanamycin A | FS | Enzyme/fluorescein-5 maleimide | 50 nM | [122] |
Gentamicin | FS | Enzyme/fluorescein-5 maleimide | 10 nM | [122] |
Neomycin | FS | Enzyme/fluorescein-5 maleimide | 7 nM | [122] |
Tobramycin | FS | Enzyme/fluorescein-5 maleimide | 5 nM | [122] |
Paromomycin | FS | Enzyme/fluorescein-5 maleimide | 10 nM | [122] |
Fluoroquinolone | FP | Antibody/nanoparticles | 0.1 nM | [123] |
Sulfadimethoxine | FI | Aptamer/fluorescein amidite | 10 ng/mL | [124] |
Chloramphenicol | TR-FIA | Antibody/europium | 0.05 ng g−1 | [130] |
Fluoroquinolone | TR-FIA | Antibody/Europium | 0.053 μg/L | [131] |
Patulin | FP | Antibody/NIR DyLight IF800 | 0.06 μg/L | [136] |
Ochratoxin A | FCS | Antibody/FITC | 0.0078 ng | [137] |
17β-estradiol | FP | Antibody/CF647 | <10 pmol | [140] |
Hexestrol | FP | Receptor/coumestrol | 2.94 nM | [141] |
Dienestrol | FP | Receptor/coumestrol | 2.89 nM | [141] |
Diethylstilbestrol | FP | Receptor/coumestrol | 3.12 nM | [141] |
α-lactalbumins | FLISA | Antibody/CdSe/ZnS quantum dots | 0.1 ng/mL | [142] |
Lactoferrin | FP | Aptamer/FITC and Ag10NPs | 1.25 pM | [143] |
Gluten | FCS | Antibody/FITC | 0.006 ppm | [144] |
Environment | ||||
Testosterone | TIRF | Antibody | 0.2 ng/L | [147] |
Carbaryl | FI | Enzyme/silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) | 7.25 × 10−9 g/L | [155] |
Parathion | FI | Enzyme/silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) | 3.25 × 10−8 g/L | [155] |
diazinon | FI | Enzyme/silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) | 6.76 × 10−8 g/L | [155] |
Phorate | FI | Enzyme/silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) | 1.90 × 10−7 g/L | [155] |
Acetylcholinesterase | FI | Enzyme/nanoclusters DNA-Cu/AgNCs | 0.05 U/mL | [157] |
Acetylcholinesterase | FI | Enzyme/nanoclusters AuNCs | 2.0 × 10−6 U/mL | [158] |
DDVP | FI | Enzyme/nanoclusters AuNCs | 13.67 pM | [158] |
Benzene | FRET | Protein/ 1-aminoanthracene | 3.9 μg/m3 | [160] |
Security | ||||
Ricin A | FI | Protein/AuNCs | 400 nM | [164] |
Bacillus anthracis | FI | Antibody/silicon nitride surfaces | 103 CFU/mL | [165] |
Health | ||||
IL-1β | FI | Antibody/FITC | 8.91 pg/mL | [172] |
IL-6 | FI | Antibody/FITC | 1.33 pg/mL | [172] |
IL-10 | FI | Antibody/FITC | 6.12 pg/mL | [172] |
Dopamine | FI | Bi-functionalized carbon dots | 0.1 pM | [176] |
17β-estradiol | FI | Aptamer/fluorescent dye | 2.1 nM | [177] |
17β-estradiol | FI | Antibody/nanoparticles DC-AuNPs | 6.4 × 10−6 ng/mL | [178] |
Calcium ion | FI | Turn-on fluorescent probe | 2.70 × 10−7 M | [196] |
Calcium ion | FI | Receptor/mIFP | 0.01 to 1 μM a | [191] |
Calcium ion | FI | Receptor/GAF-sfGFP | 0.1 to 5 μM a | [193] |
Calcium ion | FI | Receptor/cpFAST | 0.04 to 0.2 μM a | [194] |
Hg2+ | FI | NIR-activatable probe-HCy−SeH | 10 to 60 μM a | [199] |
Hg2+ | FI | BPs (IFP1.4) | 32 μM | [201] |
MeHg+ | LRET | UCNPs/UCL | 0.18 ppb | [200] |
O2- | FI | NIR-activatable probe-HCy−SeH | 10 to 60 μM a | [199] |
NAD+ | FI | Enzyme/cpVenus | 30 μM to 1 mM a | [206] |
NAD+ | FI | Enzyme/cpYFP | 0.1 to 10 mM a | [207] |
NAD+ | BRET | Enzyme-cpLuc/Cy3 | 10−4 to 10−8 M a | [208] |
Acetylcholine | FI | Receptor/cpEGFP | 10 nM to 100 μM a | [209] |
Dopamine | FI | Receptor/cpEGFP | 10−6 to 10−8 M a | [210] |
Epinephrine | FI | Receptor/cpEGFP | 10−6 to 10−8 M a | [211] |
H2O2 | FI | Enzyme/NeonOxIrr | pH 5.5 to 7.5 a | [192] |
Nitric Oxide | FRET | FITC and DABCYL | 100 pM to 5 nM a | [216] |
hydrogen ion | FI | Pentamethine cyanine fluorophores | pH 1.0 to 4.0 a | [227] |
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Camarca, A.; Varriale, A.; Capo, A.; Pennacchio, A.; Calabrese, A.; Giannattasio, C.; Murillo Almuzara, C.; D’Auria, S.; Staiano, M. Emergent Biosensing Technologies Based on Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance. Sensors 2021, 21, 906. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21030906
Camarca A, Varriale A, Capo A, Pennacchio A, Calabrese A, Giannattasio C, Murillo Almuzara C, D’Auria S, Staiano M. Emergent Biosensing Technologies Based on Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance. Sensors. 2021; 21(3):906. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21030906
Chicago/Turabian StyleCamarca, Alessandra, Antonio Varriale, Alessandro Capo, Angela Pennacchio, Alessia Calabrese, Cristina Giannattasio, Carlos Murillo Almuzara, Sabato D’Auria, and Maria Staiano. 2021. "Emergent Biosensing Technologies Based on Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance" Sensors 21, no. 3: 906. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21030906
APA StyleCamarca, A., Varriale, A., Capo, A., Pennacchio, A., Calabrese, A., Giannattasio, C., Murillo Almuzara, C., D’Auria, S., & Staiano, M. (2021). Emergent Biosensing Technologies Based on Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance. Sensors, 21(3), 906. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21030906