How Spatial Resolution Affects Forest Phenology and Tree-Species Classification Based on Satellite and Up-Scaled Time-Series Images
"> Figure 1
<p>The study area located in northeast China with major vegetation cover types in the background (<b>a</b>), and sampling plots of the four deciduous tree species, including <span class="html-italic">Betula platyphylla</span> (Bp; n = 330), <span class="html-italic">Larix gmelinii</span> (Lg; n = 330), <span class="html-italic">Quercus mongolica</span> (Qm; n = 331), and <span class="html-italic">Populus davidiana</span> (Pd; n = 329), overlaid on a Landsat-8 imagery (21 June 2018) in the background (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The methodological framework developed in this study.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Time-series image training NDVI curves for different deciduous tree species of (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">Betula platyphylla</span>, (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">Larix gmelinii</span>, (<b>c</b>) <span class="html-italic">Quercus mongolica</span>, (<b>d</b>) <span class="html-italic">Populus davidiana</span>. The symbol # refers to the up-scaled images, the same below.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>SOS of different forest species at multiscale time-series NDVI data. The letters’ differences denote for a given image resolution significant differences (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The OA (<b>a</b>) and kappa (<b>b</b>) of classification results of deciduous species at different image resolutions. The uppercase letters differences above the error bar refer to a significant difference between the two-given datasets, while lowercase letters differences denote for a given image resolution significant differences (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Feature importance for the forest tree species identification using the eight LSP metrics across different image resolutions. Cumulative bars on the side illustrate the sum of the importance for each phenological metric.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Comparison of accuracy for the producer (<b>a</b>) and user (<b>b</b>) of four deciduous species combining LSP metrics and NDVI from multiscale time-series images.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The distributions of forest tree species landscape in the study region based on the combination of time-series NDVI and LSP metrics in different resolutions, including (<b>a</b>) 4 m, (<b>b</b>) 10 m, (<b>c</b>) 16 m, and (<b>d</b>) 30 m. EG-forest means evergreen forest.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Data Resources and Preprocessing
2.2.2. Collection of Forest Inventory Data
2.2.3. Calculation of Forest Phenological Metrics
2.2.4. Classification and Accuracy Assessment
3. Results
3.1. Multiscale Sequence NDVI Curve of Different Deciduous Forest Stands
3.2. Multiscale SOS Results by Satellite Images
3.3. Multiscale Classification by Satellite Images and Up-Scaled Images
3.4. Contributions of Different LSP Metrics to Multiscale Tree Species Classification
3.5. Comparisons of Accuracy for Producer and User of Dominant Tree Species
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Month | Imaging Date (Gaofen-2) | Imaging Date (Sentinel-2) | Imaging Date (Gaofen-1) | Imaging Date (Landsat-8) |
January | 20180121 | 20180120 | 20180117 | 20180111 |
February | 20180215 | 20180214 | 20180214 | 20180212 |
March | 20180316 | 20180311 | 20180311 | 20180316 |
April | 20180430 | 20180415 | 20180418 | 20180417 |
May | 20180510 | 20180515 | 20180515 | 20180519 |
June | 20180608 | 20180614 | 20180621 | 20180620 |
July | 20180722 | 20180729 | 20180722 | 20180706 |
August | 20180816 | 20180823 | 20180820 | 20180823 |
September | 20170920 | 20170922 | 20180916 | 20180924 |
October | 20181019 | 20181017 | 20181019 | 20181025 |
November | 20181118 | 20181121 | 20181120 | 20181126 |
December | 20181213 | 20181216 | 20181215 | 20181213 |
Species Name | Picture | Main Characteristics |
Larix gmelinii (Lg) | | A deciduous tree (30 m), D.B.H. 90 cm or so. The barks are taupe, and the branches consist of obvious long branches and short branches. Light-loving, cold-resistant, drought-resistant. Mainly distributed in Northeast China as well as the mountainous areas from eastern Inner Mongolia to eastern Siberia of Russia. |
Populus davidiana (Pd) | | A deciduous tree (25 m), D.B.H. 60 cm or so. The barks are gray or gray-green, and the leaves are ovate or nearly round with incised margin. Light-loving, cold-resistant, and soil are adaptable. Mainly distributed in valleys of high mountains in Northeast China, Northwest China, North China and Southwest China. |
Betula platyphylla (Bp) | | A deciduous tree (27 m), D.B.H. 80 cm or so. The barks are white and smooth or local cracking, and the leaves are ovate with a jagged margin. Light-loving, cold-loving, and soil adaptable. Mainly distributed in Northeast China, North China and the mountainous areas on the outer edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. |
Quercus mongolica (Qm) | | A deciduous tree (30 m), D.B.H. 60 cm or so. The barks are dark taupe, the branches are purplish-brown, the leaves are obovate with around margin. Light-loving, soil adaptable. Mainly distributed in Northeast China and part of northern North China. |
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Satellite Sensor | Revisit Interval (day) | Spatial Resolution (m) | Swath Width (km) | Radiometric Resolution (bit) | Blue (μm) | Green (μm) | Red (μm) | Near-Infrared (μm) |
Gaofen-2 PMS | 4 | 4 | 45 | 10 | 0.45–0.52 | 0.52–0.59 | 0.63–0.69 | 0.77–0.89 |
Sentinel-2 MSI | 5 | 10 | 290 | 12 | 0.46–0.52 | 0.54–0.58 | 0.65–0.68 | 0.79–0.90 |
Gaofen-1 WFV | 4 | 16 | 800 | 10 | 0.45–0.52 | 0.52–0.59 | 0.63–0.69 | 0.77–0.89 |
Landsat-8 OLI | 16 | 30 | 185 | 12 | 0.45–0.52 | 0.53–0.60 | 0.63–0.68 | 0.85–0.89 |
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Xu, K.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, W.; Zhao, P.; Yue, J.; Deng, Y.; Geng, J. How Spatial Resolution Affects Forest Phenology and Tree-Species Classification Based on Satellite and Up-Scaled Time-Series Images. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2716.
Xu K, Zhang Z, Yu W, Zhao P, Yue J, Deng Y, Geng J. How Spatial Resolution Affects Forest Phenology and Tree-Species Classification Based on Satellite and Up-Scaled Time-Series Images. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(14):2716.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Kaijian, Zhaoying Zhang, Wanwan Yu, Ping Zhao, Jibo Yue, Yaping Deng, and Jun Geng. 2021. "How Spatial Resolution Affects Forest Phenology and Tree-Species Classification Based on Satellite and Up-Scaled Time-Series Images" Remote Sensing 13, no. 14: 2716.
APA StyleXu, K., Zhang, Z., Yu, W., Zhao, P., Yue, J., Deng, Y., & Geng, J. (2021). How Spatial Resolution Affects Forest Phenology and Tree-Species Classification Based on Satellite and Up-Scaled Time-Series Images. Remote Sensing, 13(14), 2716.