Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR
"> Figure 1
<p>Map of Wellington region showing areal extent of indigenous forest in dark green. Indigenous forest occurs primarily in the Taraua, Rimutaka, and Aorangi mountain ranges. Map grid is the New Zealand Transverse Mercator.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Map of forest physiognomic types following support vector machine (SVM) classification of spectral and structural information from Sentinel-1 and 2, PALSAR (Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) in transect across the Tararua ranges. Map grid is the New Zealand Transverse Mercator. Broadleaved-podocarp (olive); Beech-broadleaved-podocarp (dark green); Beech-broadleaved (green-blue); Broadleaved (lime); Beech (blue).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Plot of Sentinel-1 ratio of VH/VV versus 97th percentile of canopy height for Beech forest (crosses) and Broadleaved-podocarp forest (circles).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Forest Physiognomic Types
3. Methods
3.1. Sentinel-2 imagery
3.2. Processing of Sentinel-2 Imagery to Standardised Reflectance
3.3. Segmentation of Sentinel-2 imagery
3.4. Processing of Sentinel-1 SAR imagery
3.5. Processing of PALSAR Imagery
3.6. Production of Canopy Height Model
3.7. Ground Data
3.8. Support Vector Machine Classification
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sentinel-2 band 2 | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 3 | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 4 | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 5 | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 8 | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 11 | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 12 | ||||||||||||
Mean of CHM | ||||||||||||
97th perc. of CHM | ||||||||||||
Sentinel-1 VH/VV | ||||||||||||
PALSAR HH | ||||||||||||
Accuracy (%) | 80.05 | 80.03 | 78.42 | 75.78 | 78.96 | 78.20 | 79.65 | 79.45 | 80.44 | 79.61 | 79.77 | 78.20 |
Sentinel-2 band 2 | ||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 3 | ||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 4 | ||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 8 | ||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 11 | ||||||||||
Sentinel-2 band 12 | ||||||||||
Mean of CHM | ||||||||||
97th perc. of CHM | ||||||||||
Sentinel-1 VH/VV | ||||||||||
Accuracy (%) | 80.48 | 78.68 | 75.29 | 78.57 | 78.68 | 79.89 | 79.87 | 79.90 | 80.55 | 78.33 |
Sentinel-2 band 2 | |||
Sentinel-2 band 3 | |||
Sentinel-2 band 4 | |||
Sentinel-2 band 5 | |||
Sentinel-2 band 8 | |||
Sentinel-2 band 11 | |||
Sentinel-2 band 12 | |||
Mean of CHM | |||
97th percentile of CHM | |||
Sentinel 1 VH/VV | |||
Accuracy (%) | 72.67 | 78.48 | 80.05 |
Forest Physiognomic Type | Short | Medium | Tall | Total (ha) |
Podocarp | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Broadleaved-podocarp | 6886 | 25,032 | 3985 | 35,902 |
Beech-broadleaved-podocarp | 0 | 9929 | 6418 | 16,347 |
Beech-broadleaved | 9815 | 52,593 | 862 | 63,270 |
Broadleaved | 5733 | 2869 | 113 | 8715 |
Beech | 8454 | 8237 | 106 | 16,797 |
Total indigenous forest | 141,031 | |||
Total land area | 811,727 |
Physiognomic Types | Name of Forest Alliance | Number of Plots |
Beech-broadleaved forest | Kāmahi-hardwood forest Silver beech-broadleaf forest Silver beech-red beech-kāmahi forest | 7 3 16 |
Beech-broadleaved-podocarp forest | Kāmahi-Southern rata forest and tall shrubland Pepperwood-hardwood forest and successional shrubland Kāmahi forest Kāmahi-silver fern forest | 12 27 8 |
Beech forest | Black/mountain beech forest (subalpine) Black/mountain beech – silver beech forest/subalpine shrubland Black/mountain beech forest Silver beech – red beech – black/mountain beech forest Silver beech forest with mountain lacebark and weeping matipo Hard beech – kāmahi forest | 1 10 1 1 |
Broadleaved-podocarp forest | Kāmahi–podocarp forest Mahoe forest Tawa forest Silver fern – mahoe forest Pepperwood – fuchsia – broadleaf forest Mataī forest Towai – tawa forest | 1 12 12 3 13 |
Application | EcoSat Forests | LCDB | Physiognomic Types |
Biodiversity management | Yes | Yes/No | Yes |
Carbon inventory | No | No | Yes |
Weed control | No | No | No |
Pest control | Yes/No | No | Yes |
Ungulate management | Yes/No | No | Yes |
Disease management | No | No | Yes/No |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Dymond, J.R.; Zörner, J.; Shepherd, J.D.; Wiser, S.K.; Pairman, D.; Sabetizade, M. Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1911.
Dymond JR, Zörner J, Shepherd JD, Wiser SK, Pairman D, Sabetizade M. Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(16):1911.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDymond, John R., Jan Zörner, James D. Shepherd, Susan K. Wiser, David Pairman, and Marmar Sabetizade. 2019. "Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR" Remote Sensing 11, no. 16: 1911.
APA StyleDymond, J. R., Zörner, J., Shepherd, J. D., Wiser, S. K., Pairman, D., & Sabetizade, M. (2019). Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR. Remote Sensing, 11(16), 1911.