Modifications for the Differential Evolution Algorithm
<p>The effect of the usage of the new scheme for the differential weight.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Plot of function calls using the two modifications.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Time comparisons for a variety of test functions.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Box plot representation and Wilcoxon rank-sum test results of the comparison among the schemes for the differential weights. The stopping rule used was that proposed by Ali in Equation (<a href="#FD2-symmetry-14-00447" class="html-disp-formula">2</a>). A <span class="html-italic">p</span>-value of less than 0.05 (2-tailed) was used for statistical significance and is marked with bold.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Modifications
2.1. The Base Algorithm
Algorithm 1: DE algorithm. |
2.2. The New Termination Rule
2.3. The New Differential Weight
3. Experiments
3.1. Test Functions
- Bf1 (Bohachevsky 1) function defined as:
- Bf2 (Bohachevsky 2) function defined as:
- Branin function. The function is defined by with . The value of global minimum is 0.397887.with . The value of global minimum is −0.352386.
- CM function. The Cosine Mixture function is given by the equation:
- Camel function. The function is given by:
- Easom function. The function is given by the equation:
- Exponential function, defined as:The global minimum is located at with value . In our experiments we used this function with .
- Goldstein and Price functionThe function is given by the equation:
- Griewank2 function. The function is given by:The global minimum is located at the with value 0.
- Gkls function. , is a function with w local minima, described in [71] with and n a positive integer between 2 and 100. The value of the global minimum is −1 and in our experiments we have used and .
- Hansen function. , .
- Hartman 3 function. The function is given by:
- Hartman 6 function.
- Potential function. The molecular conformation corresponding to the global minimum of the energy of N atoms interacting via the Lennard-Jones potential [72] is used as a test case here. The function to be minimized is given by:In the current experiments three different cases were studied:
- Rastrigin function. The function is given by:The global minimum is located at with value −2.0.
- Rosenbrock function.This function is given by:The global minimum is located at the with . In our experiments we used this function with .
- Shekel 7 function.
- Shekel 5 function.
- Shekel 10 function.
- Sinusoidal function. The function is given by:The global minimum is located at with . In our experiments we used and and the corresponding functions are denoted by the labels SINU4, SINU8, SINU16 and SINU32, respectively.
- Test2N function. This function is given by the equation:The function has in the specified range and in our experiments we used . The corresponding values of global minimum is −156.664663 for , −195.830829 for , −234.996994 for and −274.163160 for .
- Test30N function. This function is given by:
3.2. Experimental Results
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Value |
NP | 10n |
F | 0.8 |
CR | 0.9 |
M | 20 |
Function | Static | Ali | Proposed |
BF1 | 1142 | 1431 | 847 |
BF2 | 1164 | 1379 | 896 |
BRANIN | 984 | 816 | 707 |
CM4 | 3590 | 7572 | 2079 |
CAMEL | 1094 | 18,849 | 685 |
EASOM | 1707 | 2014 | 1327 |
EXP2 | 532 | 323 | 449 |
EXP4 | 2421 | 1019 | 1494 |
EXP8 | 15,750 | 3670 | 5632 |
EXP16 | 160,031 | 15,150 | 21,416 |
EXP32 | 320,039 | 152,548 | 77,936 |
GKLS250 | 784 | 944 | 614 |
GKLS2100 | 772 | 1531 | 599 (0.97) |
GKLS350 | 1906 (0.93) | 3263 | 1275 (0.93) |
GKLS3100 | 1883 | 3539 | 1373 |
GOLDSTEIN | 988 | 818 | 769 |
GRIEWANK2 | 1299 (0.97) | 1403 | 883 (0.93) |
HANSEN | 2398 | 2968 | 1400 |
HARTMAN3 | 1448 | 836 | 1050 |
HARTMAN6 | 9489(0.97) | 4015(0.97) | 4667(0.80) |
POTENTIAL3 | 90,027 | 89,776 | 21,824 |
POTENTIAL4 | 120,387 (0.97) | 120,405 (0.33) | 45,705 (0.97) |
POTENTIAL5 | 150,073 | 150,104 | 83,342 |
RASTRIGIN | 1246 | 1098 (0.93) | 871 |
ROSENBROCK4 | 6564 | 9695 | 4499 |
ROSENBROCK8 | 44,240 | 72,228 | 13,959 |
ROSENBCROK16 | 160,349 (0.90) | 160,538 (0.60) | 53,594 |
SHEKEL5 | 5524 | 3810 | 3057 (0.83) |
SHEKEL7 | 5266 | 3558 | 2992 (0.87) |
SHEKEL10 | 5319 | 3379 | 3076 |
TEST2N4 | 4200 | 1980 | 2592 |
TEST2N5 | 7357 | 2957 | 4055 |
TEST2N6 | 12,074 | 4159 | 5836 |
TEST2N7 | 18,872 | 5490 | 7904 |
SINU4 | 3270 | 1855 | 2216 |
SINU8 | 23,108 | 6995 | 8135 |
SINU16 | 160,092 | 36,044 | 30,943 |
SINU32 | 213,757 (0.70) | 160,536 (0.53) | 83,369 (0.80) |
TEST30N3 | 1452 | 1732 | 959 |
TEST30N4 | 1917 | 2287 | 1378 |
Total | 1,564,515 (0.97) | 1,062,714 (0.96) | 506,404 (0.98) |
Function | Static | Ali | Proposed |
BF1 | 996 | 1124 | 889 |
BF2 | 926 | 1026 | 816 |
BRANIN | 878 | 900 | 730 |
CM4 | 1148 (0.70) | 1991 | 1103 |
CAMEL | 1049 | 904 (0.93) | 846 |
EASOM | 447 | 448 | 446 |
EXP2 | 470 | 461 | 467 |
EXP4 | 915 | 903 | 892 |
EXP8 | 1797 | 3558 | 1796 |
EXP16 | 3578 | 7082 | 3521 |
EXP32 | 7082 | 14,125 | 7022 |
GKLS250 | 498 | 576 | 493 |
GKLS2100 | 533 | 884 (0.97) | 515 |
GKLS350 | 823 | 1130 (0.93) | 814 (0.97) |
GKLS3100 | 858 | 1495 (0.97) | 829 (0.93) |
GOLDSTEIN | 945 | 993 | 915 |
GRIEWANK2 | 947 | 921 | 826 |
HANSEN | 2104 | 1949 | 1479 |
HARTMAN3 | 1017 | 1005 | 952 |
HARTMAN6 | 4679 (0.90) | 3744 (0.97) | 3128 (0.87) |
POTENTIAL3 | 21,473 | 2284 | 8197 |
POTENTIAL4 | 44,191 (0.43) | 3098 (0.33) | 24,659 (0.97) |
POTENTIAL5 | 75,910 | 3443 | 52,664 |
RASTRIGIN | 841 | 994 | 777 |
ROSENBROCK4 | 4934 | 7192 | 3300 |
ROSENBROCK8 | 29,583 | 49,696 | 10,907 |
ROSENBCROK16 | 160,349 | 160,538 (0.60) | 38,315 |
SHEKEL5 | 4389 (0.97) | 4266 | 2839 (0.83) |
SHEKEL7 | 3905 | 3685 | 2668 |
SHEKEL10 | 4049 | 3548 | 2629 |
TEST2N4 | 2785 | 2275 | 2221 |
TEST2N5 | 4481 | 3170 | 3122 |
TEST2N6 | 6852 | 4286 | 4296 |
TEST2N7 | 11971 | 5701 | 6267 |
SINU4 | 2322 | 1987 | 1755 |
SINU8 | 9990 | 6156 | 5113 |
SINU16 | 6892 | 3628 (0.97) | 16,905 |
SINU32 | 7235 (0.80) | 7438 (0.83) | 7218 |
TEST30N3 | 1033 | 1098 | 951 |
TEST30N4 | 1355 | 1444 | 1285 |
Total | 432,610 (0.98) | 321,166 (0.96) | 224,567 (0.99) |
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Charilogis, V.; Tsoulos, I.G.; Tzallas, A.; Karvounis, E. Modifications for the Differential Evolution Algorithm. Symmetry 2022, 14, 447.
Charilogis V, Tsoulos IG, Tzallas A, Karvounis E. Modifications for the Differential Evolution Algorithm. Symmetry. 2022; 14(3):447.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCharilogis, Vasileios, Ioannis G. Tsoulos, Alexandros Tzallas, and Evangelos Karvounis. 2022. "Modifications for the Differential Evolution Algorithm" Symmetry 14, no. 3: 447.
APA StyleCharilogis, V., Tsoulos, I. G., Tzallas, A., & Karvounis, E. (2022). Modifications for the Differential Evolution Algorithm. Symmetry, 14(3), 447.