When Federated Learning Meets Watermarking: A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection
<p>Illustration of trigger set samples derived from an original image. (<b>A</b>) original image; (<b>B</b>) content-based trigger sample; (<b>C</b>) unrelated-based trigger sample; (<b>D</b>) noise-based trigger sample; (<b>E</b>) adversarial-based trigger sample. All images are taken from the CIFAR10 dataset [<a href="#B90-make-05-00070" class="html-bibr">90</a>] except (<b>C</b>), which comes from the MNIST dataset [<a href="#B91-make-05-00070" class="html-bibr">91</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>An example of the three possible scenarios of watermarking (<math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="bold">S</mi> <mn>1</mn> </msub> </semantics></math>–<math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="bold">S</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> </semantics></math>) in FL with one server and three clients. Green rectangles are the participants who follow the same watermarking procedure together. Red rectangles are those who are not enrolled in the watermarking procedure.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Progression of test accuracy and watermark detection rate during the training of a VGG16 [<a href="#B101-make-05-00070" class="html-bibr">101</a>] model with WAFFLE. The watermark detection rate is shown both before and after the <b>ReTrain</b> operation, as calculated using Equation (<a href="#FD11-make-05-00070" class="html-disp-formula">11</a>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Contributions
- We emphasize the foundational principle of secure federated learning and stress the importance of comprehensive security guarantees that align with the trust levels of the participants. This includes addressing various aspects such as training on non-Independently and Identically Distributed (non-I.I.D) data and ensuring robustness against poisoning and backdooring attacks.
- We conduct a comprehensive examination of the challenges concerning model watermarking in the context of federated learning.
- We expand upon the work presented in [16] by providing an in-depth analysis of nine currently available DNN watermarking schemes in the FL context along with their limitations.
- We bring attention to unresolved issues that necessitate further exploration.
1.2. Organization
2. Background
2.1. Federated Learning
- Setup:
- Central Server: A central server manages the overall training process and initiates model updates.
- Clients: These are the individual devices, such as smartphones, IoT devices, or computers, that participate in the training process. Each edge device has its local dataset that cannot be shared with the central server due to privacy concerns.
- Initialization:
- Initially, the central server initiates a global model (e.g., with random parameters) and distributes it to a subset of clients selected randomly at each round.
- Local Training:
- Each client trains the global model on its local dataset using its computational resources. The training is typically performed using gradient descent or a similar optimization algorithm.
- Model Update:
- After the local training is complete, the clients generate a model update (typically gradients) based on the locally processed data.
- Aggregation:
- The clients send their model updates back to the central server without sharing their raw data.
- The central server aggregates all received model updates to create a refined global model. This aggregation procedure can be completed in different ways [20,21,22,23,24]. To give an idea, the most common one is FedAvg [25] where the aggregation is completed by averaging the model weights (see Section 4.2).
- Iterative Process:
- Steps 3 to 5 are repeated for multiple rounds or epochs, allowing the global model to improve over time by leveraging knowledge from various clients.
- Centralized Model Deployment:
- Once the federated training process is complete, the final global model can be deployed from the central server to all clients for local inference.
2.2. DNN Watermarking
2.2.1. Requirements
- Pruning Attack: Setting the less useful weights of the model to zero.
- Fine-Tuning Attack: Re-training the model and updating its weights without decreasing accuracy.
- Overwriting Attack: Embedding a new watermark to replace the original one.
- Wang and Kerschbaum Attack: For static White-Box watermarking algorithms, it alters the weight distribution of the watermarked model, relying on visual inspection.
- Property Inference Attack: Training a discriminating model to distinguish watermarked from non-watermarked models, thereby detecting if a protected model is no longer watermarked.
- Another attack is the Ambiguity Attack, which forges a new watermark on a model, making it challenging for external entities, like legal authorities, to determine the legitimate watermark owner. This ambiguity prevents the legitimate owner from claiming the copyright of the intellectual property.
2.2.2. Related Works
- Initially, a target model M is considered, and a features extraction function is applied with a secret key . The features obtained can be a subset of the model weights, where indicates the indices of the selected weights. Alternatively, the features can be model activation maps for specific input data secretly chosen from a trigger set. These features are then utilized for watermark insertion and extraction.
- The embedding of a watermark message b involves regularizing M using a specific regularization term . This regularization term ensures that the projection function applied to the selected features encodes the watermark b in a predetermined watermark space, which depends on the secret key . The goal is to achieve the following after training:To preserve the accuracy of the target model, the watermarked model is usually derived from M through a fine-tuning operation parameterized with the following loss function:
- The watermark retrieval process is relatively straightforward. It involves using both the features extraction function and the projection function as follows:
- Content Watermarking: Incorporating meaningful content into images from the training dataset. The model should be activated by this content and provide the corresponding predefined label. In our example, the text “TEST” serves as the trigger for the model.
- Unrelated Watermarking: Images that are irrelevant from the main task of the model. Each image has an associated label (like in [75]) or each sample can have its specific output. In our example, some images from the MNIST dataset are used to trigger the model.
- Noise Watermarking: Adding a specific noise to images from the train set. Then, the model classifies any images with this specific noise as a predefined label. In our example, we add a small Gaussian noise to trigger the model.
- True adversaries: Samples that are misclassified by the model while being close to being well classified.
- False adversaries: Well-classified samples from which we add an adversarial perturbation without changing their classification.
3. Watermarking for Federated Learning
3.1. Definition
- (S1)
- Server: The server is in charge of watermarking the global model.
- (S2)
- Clients: One or multiple clients watermark their updates in order to watermark the global model.
- (S3)
- Server and clients: The server and the clients collaborate to watermark the global model together.
- Capacity: When multiple clients want to insert their own message , the watermarking technique needs to avoid possible conflict between the different inserted . The number of bits needs to be then enough.
- Generality: In a real FL scenario, many additional mechanisms are added for security and privacy such as robust aggregation functions (Section 4.2) or differential privacy [93] (Section 4.5). The watermarking technique must be applied independent of these mechanisms.
- Efficiency: The cost generated by the embedding process is more crucial in FL. For example, in a cross-device architecture, clients have low computation power and they cannot perform many operations. The watermarking techniques must take this parameter into account.
- Secrecy: If all parties are not enrolled in the watermarking process, the watermark should not be detected. In particular, if one or some clients are trying to watermark the global model, their updates need to be similar to benign updates. Otherwise, the server can use a defensive aggregation function to cancel the FL watermarking process (as described in Section 2.1).
- Robustness: Since the model can be redistributed for any clients or the server, the watermark must track who is the traitor. Traitor tracing is the fact that each actor of the federation has a unique watermark that can be used to uniquely identify the owner in addition to a global watermark.
3.2. Related Works
3.2.1. WAFFLE
- PreTrain: Train an initialized model with the trigger set until the model has good accuracy on this set.
- ReTrain: Fine-tune the model with the trigger set until the model has learned the watermark.
3.2.2. FedIPR
- Black-Box Watermark: Each client generates a trigger set using the Projected Gradient Descent technique in a small Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained with the local data.
- White-Box Watermark: Each client generates a random secret matrix and a location in the Batch-Normalization layers to embed its message.
3.2.3. FedTracker
- Global Black-Box Watermark: A trigger set is generated using the WAFFLEPattern method [17].
- White-Box Watermark: The server generates a random secret matrix and a fingerprint for each client.
3.2.4. Scheme of Liu et al.
3.2.5. FedRight
3.2.6. FedCIP
3.2.7. Yang et al. Scheme
3.2.8. Merkle-Sign
3.2.9. FedZKP
4. Discussion
4.1. Trigger-Set-Based Watermarking on the Server Side
- Have access to its private dataset ;
- Train the model on both the main task dataset and its trigger set at the same time.
4.2. Aggregation Functions
4.3. Clients Selection
4.4. Cross-Device Setting
4.5. Differential Privacy and Homomorphic Encryption
4.6. Watermarking for Non-Client–Server Framework
4.7. Attacks from Clients and/or Server Sides
- Client-side solutions—None of these solutions have undergone testing with poisoning detection mechanisms such as anomaly detection, and only a few of them consider defensive aggregation functions like Krum and GeoMed.
- Server-side solutions—Black-Box watermarking is still challenging since the training data are not available for the server. And no watermarking algorithm has been found compatible with cryptographic tools like homomorphic encryption (HE).
- Other FL architectures—Only one method is compatible with peer-to-peer FL, and no solution is proposed for split learning. No solution has been tested with the cross-device setting, despite its importance in FL.
- Data distribution—Only a small portion of the proposed solutions have been tested in non-I.I.D scenarios, and none have been experimented with in vertical data distribution.
- FL framework—Despite the number of proposed FL watermarking solutions, no FL framework integrates such a tool as presented in Table 1.
5. Perspectives
- As mentioned by Boenisch [52], like most centralized watermarking techniques, FL watermarking is designed and tested for image classification tasks. FedIPR [18] is the only method that extends the experimental testing to Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Thus, it is of interest to design new FL watermarking techniques for other tasks such as Object Detection [119], Semantic Segmentation [120], Regression [121], Conversational [122], and so on.
- It is worth noting that each state-of-the-art method has been experimented with non-standardized parameters, as illustrated in Table 3, Table 5, and Table 6. Furthermore, the majority of authors have not shared their source codes, making reproducibility and method comparison challenging. Table 6 summarizes the performance of each method. Given that they were tested with different datasets, model architectures, and parameters, making a fair comparison is inherently difficult. Nonetheless, it is evident that these methods have achieved commendable performance. As a final observation, it is worth mentioning that the tested models and datasets may not fully align with the realities of federated learning frameworks in domains such as health care [123] and IoT [124], as discussed in Section 4.4.
- Merkle-Sign [105] and FedZKP [88] are the only two proposals that present a rigorous ownership verification process based on cryptographic security. Such a verification protocol is also a research axis that needs to be investigated. This is of interest, for example, to counteract ambiguity and spoiling attacks or to enable traitor tracing.
- In Table 1, we have listed eleven open-source federated learning frameworks. Half of these frameworks are designed for research purposes, while the other half serve industrial purposes. Unfortunately, none of these solutions includes a watermarking feature or a pipeline to facilitate the integration and experimentation of such protection measures, as has been completed for differential privacy, homomorphic encryption, multi-party computation, and trusted execution environments [8,11,12,13,29,30]. Furthermore, as discussed in Section 4.5, it is worth noting that proposed federated learning watermarking solutions do not always account for the presence of these other security mechanisms within their frameworks.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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FL Frameworks | Developed by | Purpose | Security Protocols Provided |
Fed-BioMed [39] | INRIA | Research | DP, HE |
TensorFlow Federated [40] | Research | DP | |
PySyft [41] | OpenMined | Research | MPC, DP, HE, PSI |
Flower [42] | Flower Labs GmbH | Industrial | DP |
FATE [43] | WeBank | Industrial | HE, DP, MPC |
OpenFL [44] | Intel | Industrial | TEE |
IBM Federated Learning [45] | IBM | Industrial | DP, MPC |
NvFlare [46] | Nvidia | Industrial | HE, DP, PSI |
Clara [47] | Nvidia | Industrial | DP, HE, TEE |
Property | Description |
Fidelity | The watermarked model needs to have performances as close as possible compared to the model without watermark. |
Capacity | The capacity of a technique to embed multiple watermarks. |
Reliability | Demonstrate a low false negative rate, enabling legitimate users to accurately identify their intellectual property with a high level of certainty. |
Integrity | Demonstrate a low false positive rate, preventing unjustly accusing honest parties with similar models of intellectual property theft. |
Generality | The capacity of a watermarking technique to be applied independently of the architecture of the model. |
Efficiency | The performance cost generated by the embedding and verification process of the watermarking. |
Robustness | The capacity to resist against attacks aiming at removing the watermark. |
Secrecy | The watermark should be secret and undetectable. |
Existing Works | Verification | Watermarks Embedding | Security Tools Compatibility | Clients Selection | Poisoning Defense | ||||
DP | HE | MPC | TEE | Aggregation | Anomaly Detector | ||||
WAFFLE [17] | Black-Box | Server | ◐ | - | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ |
FedIPR [18] | White-Box and Black-Box | Client(s) | ⬤ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ◐ |
FedTracker [94] | White-Box and Black-Box | Server | ◐ | - | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ |
Liu et al. [95] | Black-Box | Client | ◐ | ⬤ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | - | - |
FedCIP [96] | White-Box | Client(s) | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ⬤ | ◐ | ◐ |
FedRight [97] | White-Box | Server | ◐ | - | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ |
Yang et al. [98] | Black-Box | Client | ◐ | ⬤ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | - | - |
FedZKP [96] | White-Box | Client(s) | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ |
Merkle-Sign [99] | White-Box and Black-Box | Server | ◐ | - | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ | ◐ |
Existing Works | Watermarks Embedding | Trigger Set | Evasion Attack | Backdoor Detection [100] |
WAFFLE [17] | Server | Noise | ⬤ | ⬤ |
Merkle-Sign [105] | Server | Generated by Auto-Encoder | - | - |
FedTracker [94] | Server | Noise | ⬤ | ⬤ |
FedIPR [18] | Client(s) | Adversarial Examples | - | - |
Liu et al. [95] | Client | Noise | - | - |
Yang et al. [98] | Client | Noise | - | - |
Existing Works | Framework | Task | Maximum Number of Clients | Aggregation Function | Non-I.I.D Repartition of Training Set |
WAFFLE [17] | PySyft, Pytorch | Image Classification | 100 | FedAvg | ⬤ |
FedIPR [18] | Pytorch | Image Classification, NLP | 100 | FedAvg, Trim-Mean, Bulyan, Multi-Krum | ⬤ |
FedTracker [94] | - | Image Classification | 50 | FedAvg | ⬤ |
Liu et al. [95] | - | Image Classification | 100 | FedAvg | - |
FedCIP [96] | - | Image Classification | 10 | FedAvg | ⬤ |
FedRight [97] | - | Image Classification | 100 | FedAvg | - |
Yang et al. [98] | - | Image Classification | 100 | FedAvg | - |
FedZKP [96] | - | Image Classification | 50 | FedAvg | - |
Merkle-Sign [99] | - | Image Classification | 200 | Gradient Average [105] | - |
Existing Works | Model Used | Dataset | Baseline | Fine Tuning | Pruning |
Acc. (WDR) | Acc. (WDR) | Acc. (WDR) | |||
WAFFLE [17] | VGG | CIFAR10 | 85.8 (99.0) | 85.6 (96.2) | 85.0 (47.0) |
MNIST | 98.9 (100.0) | 98.7 (98.0) | 97.0 (47.0) | ||
FedIPR [18] | AlexNet | CIFAR10 | 91.7 (99.0) | 91.7 (98.0) | 78.0 (99.0) |
ResNet | CIFAR100 | 76.9 (99.0) | - (-) | - (-) | |
FedTracker [94] | VGG | CIFAR10 | 88.6 (99.1) | - (99.1) | 83.0 (84.5) |
AlexNet | CIFAR10 | 84.3 (82.6) | - (82.6) | 73.0 (52.4) | |
Liu et al. [95] | VGG | CIFAR10 | 84.2 (100.0) | - (87.0) | 78.0 (71.0) |
LeNet | MNIST | 99.3 (100.0) | - (97.5) | 98.4 (100.0) | |
FedCIP [96] | ResNet | CIFAR10 | 82.0 (100.0) | - (100.0) | - (92.0) |
FedRight [97] | VGG | CIFAR10 | 86.0 (100.0) | - (87.0) | 85.13 (62.85) |
LetNet | MNIST | 96.0 (100.0) | - (100.0) | 93.5 (58.1) | |
Yang et al. [98] | VGG | CIFAR10 | 82.4 (99.7) | - (99.7) | 68.3 (87.9) |
LeNet | MNIST | 99.2 (99.2) | - (99.2) | 99.2 (100.0) | |
FedZKP [96] | AlexNet | CIFAR10 | 91.5 (100.0) | 91.5 (99.0) | - (-) |
ResNet | CIFAR100 | 77.2 (100.0) | - (-) | 51.0 (100.0) | |
Merkle-Sign [99] | ResNet | CIFAR10 | 89.1 (100.0) | - (-) | - (-) |
CIFAR100 | 62.5 (100.0) | - (-) | - (-) | ||
MNIST | 99.6 (100.0) | - (-) | - (-) | ||
Fashion | 93.8 (100.0) | - (-) | - (-) |
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Share and Cite
Lansari, M.; Bellafqira, R.; Kapusta, K.; Thouvenot, V.; Bettan, O.; Coatrieux, G. When Federated Learning Meets Watermarking: A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 2023, 5, 1382-1406. https://doi.org/10.3390/make5040070
Lansari M, Bellafqira R, Kapusta K, Thouvenot V, Bettan O, Coatrieux G. When Federated Learning Meets Watermarking: A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. 2023; 5(4):1382-1406. https://doi.org/10.3390/make5040070
Chicago/Turabian StyleLansari, Mohammed, Reda Bellafqira, Katarzyna Kapusta, Vincent Thouvenot, Olivier Bettan, and Gouenou Coatrieux. 2023. "When Federated Learning Meets Watermarking: A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection" Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 5, no. 4: 1382-1406. https://doi.org/10.3390/make5040070
APA StyleLansari, M., Bellafqira, R., Kapusta, K., Thouvenot, V., Bettan, O., & Coatrieux, G. (2023). When Federated Learning Meets Watermarking: A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Intellectual Property Protection. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 5(4), 1382-1406. https://doi.org/10.3390/make5040070