1. Introduction
In this paper, we investigate an absolutely fundamental problem arising from the application of the operator method (integral operators) to fractional-order differential problems, namely, the problem of equivalence of differential and integral problems. This problem depends not only on the problem under consideration or on the definition of the solution adopted, but also on the assumptions made about the functions and, therefore, especially about the function spaces in which integral operators operate. This problem has been extensively discussed and commented on in [
We will begin by introducing the function spaces on which we will study fractional-order integral operators. We will then discuss a very large class of such operators, examine their properties, and consider the equivalence problem of differential and integral problems, in which the very classes of operators discussed will be useful. We are particularly interested in problems involving operators that depend on two orders of the derivatives. These problems are analogous to those for integral equations involving multiple derivatives of unknown functions of different orders, but in this case, we have a much more complicated problem because successive differentiations and integrations are not the same operations. Of particular importance, then, is the study of how to formulate differential problems in equivalent integral form. When we study fractional differential problems, the key point is to find their equivalent integral forms.
This is an absolutely essential and fundamental step in the study of differential equations of fractional order. Surprisingly, it is sometimes overlooked.
The results of Hardy and Littlewood [
2] are the origin of such studies for the Riemann–Liouville operator, and then this research continued in subspaces of the space of continuous functions (cf. [
1]). Already the first results of this kind, based on the paper [
2], showed clearly that the natural domains of the operators are Hölder spaces (cf. also [
5]). This is because the values of fractional operators always lie in Hölder spaces. For instance, it is known that for
, the fractional Riemann–Liouville integral operator
is bounded from
; hence, for
is Hölder continuous with exponent
, thus
is continuous.
However, this is not sufficient to study the equivalence problem, since outside the space of absolutely continuous functions, differential and integral problems are not necessarily equivalent. We need to construct Hölder spaces suitable for the problem under consideration and study the properties of integral and differential operators on these spaces. Recall that Hölder spaces are fundamental to studying singular integral operators at all.
The equivalence problem of fractional-order differential and integral problems is much more complicated for operators depending on two different orders (fractional). Such operators, apart from achieving greater generality of considerations, have many natural applications and are, therefore, worth studying. Thus, in this paper, we will deal with the Langevin and Bagley–Torvik equations. Note, that the results for Langevin-type equations are particularly interesting because of the need to study two different orders of fractional derivatives [
The study of equivalence problems in this paper will, therefore, focus on the equations of the Langevin boundary-value problems with Caputo-type fractional derivatives [
, combined with an appropriate initial or boundary condition. It is worth noting that such questions have been studied in
, an excessively large function space. We do not impose any ordering between
(cf. [
9] and references therein). We study the problems for several classes of tempered fractional-order derivatives obtaining a number of new results and each time establishing Hölder spaces suitable for the equivalence of differential and integral problems. The fractional Langevin equation was used for modeling of single-file diffusion and for a free particle driven by a power law type of noise. Also, the transformation of the Fokker–Planck equation, which corresponds to the Langevin equation with multiplicative white noise, into the Wiener process is made available for any prescription (cf. [
10]). Interesting applications of this equation are discussed in detail in [
This problem is also related to the Bagley–Torvik equation (with derivatives of order 2 and
, respectively). This equation can be used to model the motion of a rigid plate immersed in a Newtonian fluid and connected to a fixed point by a massless spring. Moreover, in [
12], they also showed applications of this fractional equation to the theory of viscoelasticity. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the fractional Langevin equation has been used to discuss Brownian motion and anomalous diffusion, which is useful in the study of generalized elastic models and in protein dynamics (see [
3] and references therein).
A more complete description of the two types of problems and their interrelationships can be found in [
3]. It is worth noting that in the classical fractional-order problem, we have
, and so far, only the operators that are not weakly singular (e.g., for
) have been studied. We will cover this case. A study of such problems with a purely mathematical motivation can be found in [
14], for instance.
The main goal of this paper is to establish equivalence between appropriately defined solutions of a fractional differential boundary value problem and solutions of the corresponding integral equation. This type of equivalence is well known for functions from the space
3]. However, it is known that solutions of integral equations are Hölder continuous, so this space does not seem to be the best choice. With the results obtained, the paper was able not only to investigate the existence of continuous solutions of the Langevin equation (see [
15]), but also to demonstrate their existence in Hölder spaces. In this paper, we will identify corresponding differential and integral problems with tempered fractional-order derivatives and study the operators generating such equations on Hölder-type spaces. Due to the completely different norms and their properties, this requires a separate and deeper analysis. In the cases of interest, we will show the equivalence of differential and integral problems by bridging the gap in the current studies.
As an example of the application of the results obtained, the paper will be complemented by results on inhomogeneous Langevin-type problems.
2. Preliminaries
We begin by introducing the function spaces on which we will study fractional-order integral operators. Fractional integrals can improve local properties of functions, but fractional derivatives can have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mapping properties of fractional integrals in different function spaces. As we have already pointed out, Hölder continuity of solutions is strongly related to fractional-order problems (for example, [
5]). This type of space is, therefore, a natural candidate for equivalence studies of differential and integral problems of fractional order. We should start with the Hölder-type spaces. For the convenience of the reader, we will recall the basic concepts and facts.
, the Hölder space
consists of all functions
such that for
, there exists a constant
(independent on
) for which
. In addition, if
, we consider the so-called little Hölder spaces and we write
. Obviously,
if the following seminorm
is finite. Also, when
equipped with the norm
, it becomes a Banach space (cf. [
It is important to note that there is a relationship between the Hölder space and nowhere differentiable functions. There are functions that are Hölder continuous but not absolutely continuous, such as the Weierstrass function, and functions that are absolutely continuous but not Hölder continuous. For example, the function
defined by
is absolutely continuous on
, but
. However, for
, it is not difficult to show that
Obviously all embeddings are strict, e.g., the function for and is continuous, but not in any Hölder space of exponent . It is worth noting at this point that the embeddings between Hölder spaces and their embeddings in are compact (as a consequence of the Arzelá–Ascoli theorem), and so using compactness when studying operators acting between them will be a natural method, where otherwise either the norm contraction property or additional assumptions about the functions under study are needed. The embeddings of different Hölder spaces are not dense.
There are various modifications and generalizations of classical fractional integration operators that are widely used in both theory and applications. The following definition unifies various fractional integrals for integrable functions, allowing for the solution of initial and/or boundary value problems with different types of fractional integrals and derivatives to be solved in a unified way.
For the convenience of the reader, we will now recall all the definitions related to the class of integrals and fractional derivatives of interest. Let be a positive increasing function such that for all with . Throughout the paper, we will make these assumptions about the function .
Definition 1 ([
(ψ-tempered Riemann–Liouville fractional integral). The tempered ψ-Riemann-Liouville ψ-fractional integral of a given function of order and with parameter is defined by For completeness, we define
. Let us recall that
denotes the Mittag–Leffler function (see [
19], then see [
We can now define the concept of fractional differentiation [
21] and list the properties needed to prove the results (see also [
Definition 2. The ψ-tempered Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative of order , , and with parameter is defined as and where
It can easily be seen (see, e.g., [
25]) that
In this paper, we do not study classical Caputo, as it is not an inverse operator of the generalized integral operators under study, and its definition—although modeled on the Caputo idea—is nevertheless different.
Definition 3 (tempered Caputo fractional derivative).
The ψ-tempered Caputo fractional derivative of order and with parameter applied to the function is defined as The above definition of the derivative is very general and includes many other fractional integral operators which will be considered later. In order not to stray too far from the purpose of the paper, we will limit ourselves to citing the work of [
22], where the interested reader will find a discussion of the special cases covered by our definition.
Let us describe now the acting condition for little Hölder spaces.
Lemma 1 ([
5], Lemmas 2 and 3).
Let be a positive increasing function such that for all with . For any such that Also, according to ([
5], Lemma 3), there exists a constant
such that
Recall that for any
, we have
However, we have
Lemma 2 ([
5], Theorem 5).
Let be a positive increasing function such that for all with . For any such that , is continuous left-right inverse to on 3. BVP for Langevin Differential Equations
Let us now describe problems that take advantage of defining equivalent problems. We now turn to the Caputo-type fractional Langevin differential equation. In this section, we will consider the linear case. It is clear that our focus is on a purely fractional problem, i.e., a situation where the sum of the two fractional parameters,
, is less than one.
, combined with an appropriate initial or boundary condition.
As a direct consequence of our previous discussion of tempered derivatives of fractional order, it follows that we will consider the following integral form:
We will first study the formal form of the integral problem that is equivalent to the one we are studying. We will then verify the equivalence of these two problems in the spaces studied above. It is important to note that this equivalence depends strongly on the domain of the operators considered. Therefore,
for some constant
. Similarly,
Then, the formal integral form (of any solution) for (
2) has the following form:
According to ([
15], Lemma 5) and in view of Lemma 1, we see that if
, then (cf. Lemma 1)
and (
3) admits a Hölder continuous solution
It is unfortunate that, as shown in [
26], the relationship between the left inverse of the function
is not as straightforward as one might expect, if not in the space of absolutely continuous functions, then in Hölder spaces.
Therefore, the existence of a Hölder continuous solution to (
3) does not guarantee the existence of solutions to (
2). Many authors avoided the problem of showing the equivalence between the Caputo-type fractional differential problems and the corresponding integral forms by defining so-called mild-type solutions. Recall, that this type of solution is exactly defined to be a solution to an integral form of a Caputo-type fractional differential problem. Also, some authors avoided the problem of showing the equivalence by redefining the Caputo fractional derivative as
. Note that the definition (
4) of the Caputo fractional derivative coincides with the standard definition (3) on the space of absolutely continuous functions.
Considering spaces other than leads to mistakes about the equivalence of problems. We will explain this.
Remark 1. Even if , the equivalence between (2) and (3) fails outside : Let , f be Hölder continuous of some order less than 1. In view of the semi-group property of the ψ-tempered Riemann–Liouville fractional integral (see e.g., [5,15]), we can rewrite (3) asfor , , . Lemma 5 in [15], together with our observation that is in , give a reason to believe (5) admits a solution . Hence, by ([15], proof of Lemma 4) (see also ([20], Lemma 2.1)), we obtain . Therefore, Again,is meaningless when Remark 2. Even if , , the equivalence between (2) and (3) fails outside : Let , . Then, (2) takes the form Operation by implies From the above, we must conclude that Again, ([15], Lemma 5), along with our observation that is in , give reason to believe (5) admits a solution . Therefore, Thus,is meaningful for any continuous function . Remark 3. When , , the equivalence between (2) and (3) also fails outside : Let , . In this case, (2) takes the form Again, ([15], Lemma 5) along with our observation that , give reason to believe that (5) admits a solution . Therefore, Hence,is meaningless when In what follows, we have avoided the problem by showing the equivalence in a different way, using the following definition:
Remark 4. Obviously, in view of Lemma 1, the operator is well defined on the space for any exponent . Also, since (cf. [15]),it followsLet us also remark that, the operators coincide with the usual definition of ψ-tempered fractional integral operator on the space : For any , we know that ([15], Lemma 4) , then Since the integrals improve the continuity properties of functions, similarly as in Lemma 1, we can prove the following lemma for little Hölder spaces .
Theorem 1. Let be a positive increasing function such that for all with . For arbitrary , such that , we haveIn particular, for any with the operator maps the Hölder space into itself. Proof. Let
and define
. Since
), it follows in view of Lemma 1,
, for
so that
and note that
for any
. Therefore,
These estimates will, therefore, allow us to examine the Hölder continuity order for
. Our proof will follow the ideas from ([
5], proof of Theorem 5), although the estimates must be obtained in the case we are considering and are new. In order not to prolong this paper, we will limit ourselves to the differences in the main steps of the proof, details of which can be found by those interested in [
5]. To show in which Hölder space the values of this operator lie, the right side of this estimate can be split and examined separately:
We will now estimate the order of the Hölder condition for each of the expressions separately.
According to the definition of the Hölder seminorm, and taking into account that
(as claimed above), so
, we come to the following conclusion:
, using the continuity properties of maps
and according to the mean value theorem, there exists
such that
Consequently, taking into account the various possible cases concerning the value of
h, we have
, and
. We, therefore, obtained the expected estimates for
In a similar way, we can also estimate
Note again that there exists
such that
, after the substitution
, we obtain that
Hence, if
, we arrive at
, and by calculating the integrals under consideration, we obtain
), bearing in mind that
, and then there exists a constant
such that
So if we go back to the function
x and remember that
, and using the acting properties of
, we obtain
such that
and for some
calculated on the basis of Lemma 1. □
Example 1. Define
. It is easy to calculate that
Obviously, without loss of generality, we can assume that
and set
. Then, we have
, for any
We will now present a quantitative version of the rather expected fact that the integral operator transforms Hölder spaces into their subspaces, so we should output what is the limiting case. According to (
9), we obtain
Corollary 1. Define . Then, for any with Therefore, if in addition , then for any , as
Corollary 2. Let be a positive increasing function such that for all with . For arbitrary , such that , we have Proof. - (1)
Let , and note, in view of the particular case of Theorem 1, Again, by the particular case of Theorem 1, it follows that .
- (2)
Let , and define a number . Since , from Theorem 1, it follows that . Again, by the particular case of Theorem 1, we obtain .
Remark 5. For any , we have . By ([15], Lemma 4) , and consequently (see [15], Formula (4)) We can now study the inhomogeneous integral linear equation, which is the basis for any further study of integral problems of the type studied.
Theorem 2. If with , then for sufficiently small , the linear fractional integral equationadmits a Hölder continuous solution . Let us start with an observation. From the properties of the seminorm, we obtain an estimation:
Then, for sufficiently small
, the series is convergent and then any continuous solution
x of (
10) must lie in the space
provided that
. Next, for any
, we know that (cf. [
5], Lemma 3)
It is not difficult to see that
Now, we use the Banach fixed point theorem in order to prove that (
10) admits a solution
. But we also check its regularity, i.e., whether it belongs to the Hölder space with exponent
Proof. Define the linear operator
Obviously, given Remark 4 and Theorem 1,
T is well defined. Since (cf. ([
5], Theorem 5))
, then for any
, we have (in view of (
Then, for sufficiently small , by the Banach contraction principle, T admits a (unique) fixed point . □
In view of Lemma 1, we have:
Lemma 3. - 1.
For any , and we have - 2.
For any ,
In this context, we revisit the question raised in the framework of the problem (
3): To obtain its formal integral form, we apply the results of Lemma 3. It is essential to consider the need to regulate the exponent of fractional integrals. We note that we can calculate the integral form of the differential equation under consideration: Consider the problem (
3) with
, and either
Conversely, let
. By Corollary 2, we know that
. Then, Theorem 2 shows that, for sufficiently small
, the above integral form admits a Hölder continuous solution
. Therefore, by Lemma 3,
x must satisfy the problem (
3): Obviously, as in the proof of corollary 2, we know (given
) that
and, therefore, by Lemma 3, we have
Remark 6. As already claimed in Remark 3, for , , the equivalence between (2) and (7) fails outside . Now, using the fractional integral operator defined in (8), we are able to solve such a problem outside : Let , . Then, (2) takes the form Since , ([15], Lemma 5) together with our observation that is in , give a reason to believe that (11) admits a solution . Conversely, Therefore, since , it follows in view of Lemma 3 thatis meaningful for . Now, in order to clarify our idea, we will proceed to present the following
Example 2. Let and define , where . Here, denotes the classical Weierstrass function: It is well known that the Weierstrass function is Hölder continuous of any order less than 1 (cf. ([27], Lemma 1)), but nowhere differentiable. Let such that and consider ω as a function from . Lemma 1 implies and (cf. Lemma 2)
Consider now the following particular case of (3) with : According to our first investigation, outside , the fractional differential problem (12) and the corresponding integral formare not necessary equivalent even on the Hölder spaces: Obviously, as already mentioned, is nowhere differentiable on , so is “meaningless”. Alternatively, as our second investigation shows that Since , it follows as in the proof of Corollary 2 that , and, therefore, by Lemma 3, we have 3.1. -Tempered Hilfer Fractional Langevin and Bagley–Torvik Problems
In the following, we extend the above discussion by replacing the tempered Caputo fractional derivatives with the most general one, namely,
Definition 4. (ψ-tempered Hilfer fractional derivative) The ψ-tempered Hilfer fractional derivative of order , with parameter and type applied to a function is defined as For completeness, we define
Obviously, when , we arrive at the -tempered Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives where all the following results are well known and standard. So, we concentrate on the most overlapping case when ; we start with the following:
Lemma 4. - 1.
For any and , and we have - 2.
For any ,
Proof. Let
and note that
As in [
15], (proof of Lemma 4) (see also [
20], (Lemma 2.1)), we have
We can now apply our results to a Langevin problem with
-tempered Hilfer fractional derivatives. Let us consider the
-tempered Hilfer fractional Langevin differential equation:
, combined with appropriate initial or boundary conditions. Of course, (
13) and the corresponding “standard” integral form are not equivalent in the space
. As in the case of
the Caputo case, we use our lemmas to formally obtain the “new” corresponding standard integral form:
Let us examine the inverse relationship again. Let
. By Corollary 2, we know that
. Then, Theorem 2 shows that, for sufficiently small
, the above integral form admits a Hölder continuous solution
. Therefore, by Lemma 4,
x must satisfy the problem (
13). In fact, we have
All the above results can be obtained for the following fractional differential Bagley–Torvik equation:
, combined with appropriate initial/boundary conditions, where
The problem (
14) has attracted some interest, e.g., [
15] and some references therein. Unlike [
15], we consider the most interesting case when
. Compared to the results of ([
15], Example 6), our result here holds for all
without imposing an absolute continuity condition on
Let and assume that .
Standard arguments using ([
15], Lemma 8) show that
Then, the formal integral form (any solution) of (
14) is the following:
, Theorem 1 tells us that
. According to Theorem 2, for sufficiently small
, the linear fractional integral Equation (
15) admits a Hölder continuous solution
Let us examine the inverse relationship again. Let
solves (
15). Therefore,
Then, by ([
15], Lemma 8), it follows that
as expected.
In what follows, we extend the above discussion when replacing the usual differential operators with the most general ones, namely, the proportional (or conformable) derivatives.
3.2. Applications
Let us present a short example of applications of obtained results for the fully nonlinear Langevin boundary value problems. We propose to treat this example also as a set of open problems, still insufficiently studied and solved for equations of fractional order. It turns out that the choice of Hölder spaces suitable for equivalence studies of differential and integral problems leads to questions about the behavior of nonlinear operators in them, in particular, superposition operators.
The study of equations in Hölder spaces is natural and, due to the compact embeddings of these spaces in
, allows the use of compactness methods. Moreover, it is inefficient to try to formulate assumptions in the language of measures of noncompactness in these spaces (however they are defined), since superposition operators are contractions with respect to classical measures of noncompactness if, and only if, they are Lipschitz operators [
Let us consider the following
-tempered fractional Langevin nonlinear problem:
with boundary-value conditions
. Let us consider the case
The three-point BVP for the Langevin fractional equation with classical Hilfer fractional derivatives has been studied, for example, in [
29], but for continuous solutions and a jointly continuous function
f satisfying some additional assumptions.
For tempered fractional derivatives, the problem has not yet been investigated. Apart from investigating the problem with a much more general fractional-order derivative, as will be shown below, our result is much deeper in terms of the theory of fractional differential equations and the problem in Hölder spaces is more interesting. The proofs in that paper are based on the properties of the operators for absolutely continuous functions, and in this paper, we simply show how to go beyond that case. In this context (also taking into account the various derivatives), it is worth noting the difference between our Lemma 4 proved in two cases and ([
29], Lemma 7). Neither the results nor the proofs from that paper apply to the case of the Hölder space. For the sake of clarity and to highlight the differences, we will restrict ourselves here to the two-point BVP (cf. [
9]), as this involves only minor adjustments to the definition of the operator and the fixed point theorem used (cf. [
Proposition 1. Let , , , , . Moreover, assume that
- (a)
generates the superposition operator such that being bounded and continuous.
- (b)
there exists such that .
Ifthen there exists at least one global solution of the problem (16) on . Remark 7. Before starting the proof, we should recall why we chose the abstract form of assumption (a). It is worth remembering this in order to justify the considerable variety of assumptions for problems studied in Hölder spaces.
In contrast to the situation in , the fact that the superposition operator acts in some Hölder space does not imply its continuity or even boundedness. Even more surprising, in this case, the generating function need not be continuous on . But it means that it need not be defined on . Moreover, if this operator is autonomous, it is always bounded, but need not be continuous (cf. ([28], Section 2)). Our condition is, then, more general than for continuous solutions. And this is precisely the reason for proposing studies of nonlinear operators on these spaces. As we have shown, we have sufficient conditions for research, but they are neither optimal nor necessary. Interesting ideas and examples can be found in [31]. Proof. First of all, we will make use of the equivalence of differential and integral problems, which will allow us to study the integral equation:
The converse relation between integral and differential forms can be proved again as in Lemma 3.
The fact that in such a general problem, by obtaining an integral form equivalent to the differential problem, it is possible to carry out the classical fixed point theorems is one of the advantages of the present treatment of the subject.
We need to investigate also the superposition operator on Hölder spaces.
As claimed above, our assumption (a) is very general. We will look for a fixed point of the following operator
since we are looking for functions from little Hölder spaces, i.e., with
(which is consistent with our assumption). Thus, this operator should be given by
defined on the expected space of Hölder continuous functions. The constant
can be calculated from
and as
is Hölder continuous,
For the sake of brevity, let us retain this notation. Now, let us construct an invariant ball for
T. By our assumption on
N, we obtain
. Let us estimate both parts of the norm on
separately. Let us suppose that
x is a solution of the problem under investigation. It is possible to demonstrate the following “a priori” estimation. First, we need to estimate the supremum norm:
From this inequality, we obtain an estimation:
Now, we need to estimate the seminorm on the Hölder space:
and then
. Put
. By
, denote the ball
We just proved that .
Now, we need to discuss the continuity property of the operator T on the ball . Since this operator is a sum and a composition of some operators: , where is a constant function. By Theorem 1, tempered fractional integral operators are bounded on , then being linear are continuous. From our assumptions, it follows that N is also continuous between the considered Hölder spaces. Thus, all operators composing T are continuous on .
As claimed before, we will apply the Schauder fixed point theorem, so we need to present a compactness argument. Since , the space is compactly embedded into , we have and then is compact in . Thus, we are able to apply the Schauder fixed point theorem in the last space and we are done. □
Remark 8. It is worth noting that compared to an earlier paper, e.g., [29], with weaker assumptions on the function we obtain more properties of the solutions, e.g., Hölder continuity. Of course, it is possible to obtain an analogous result for multivalued problems, but nevertheless, it is first worthwhile to investigate multivalued superposition operators in Hölder spaces (cf. [16]). We leave this as an open problem for the reader. Remark 9. Arguing similarly as in (16), we can also obtain similar results for the following fractional differential Bagley–Torvik equation:with boundary-value conditions , in case , , , , .