Combining Photovoltaics with the Rewetting of Peatlands—A SWOT Analysis of an Innovative Land Use for the Case of North-East Germany
<p>Venn diagram to illustrate the different land uses of open-space photovoltaics, agriculture, and peatland rewetting, as well as possible combinations. The position of Peatland PV investigated in this study is highlighted.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Overall assessment of opportunities and threats of Peatland PV by the 10 interview partners on a scale of 1 (threats very much predominate) to 10 (opportunities very much predominate).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Venn diagrams of different land uses, based on <a href="#land-13-01548-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>. Exemplary representation of some SWOT aspects [areas of application (green) and reference (orange)]: (<b>a</b>) Strength of carbon store function and opportunity for climate change mitigation through peatland rewetting compared to drainage-based land use. (<b>b</b>) Weaknesses and threats for species and nature conservation in Peatland PV compared with rewetting without PV. (<b>c</b>) Strength of renewable energy production and opportunity to substitute fossil fuels through land use with PV. (<b>d</b>) Weaknesses for technical project implementation and threat of lacking profitability of PV on rewetted peatlands. (<b>e</b>) Weakness of loss of agricultural biomass production and threat of lacking social acceptance. (<b>f</b>) Strength of synergy effects through land use combinations and opportunity to defuse the land use conflict.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Thematic Dimensions of the Assessment
- (1)
- Ecological;
- (2)
- Technological;
- (3)
- Economic;
- (4)
- Legal.
2.3. Literature Review
2.4. Expert Interviews
2.5. Data Analysis
2.6. SWOT and TOWS Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Ecological Dimension
3.1.1. Perspectives on Peatland PV Differ According to the Reference
3.1.2. Hydrology of Peatlands and Climate Change Mitigation
3.1.3. Effects of Shading on the Vegetation
3.1.4. Nature Conservation, Species, and Soil Protection
3.1.5. SWOT Analysis on the Ecological Dimension of Peatland PV
3.2. Technological Dimension
3.2.1. Project Planning and Geological Analysis
3.2.2. Adaptation of Construction Equipment, Infrastructure, and Soil Protection Measures
3.2.3. Installation and Foundation of the Modules
3.2.4. Durability and Service Life of Materials
3.2.5. Maintenance, Care, and Mowing
3.2.6. Dismantling
3.2.7. Alternative Construction Methods
3.2.8. SWOT Analysis of the Technological Dimension of Peatland PV
3.3. Legal Dimension
3.3.1. Spatial Planning, Suitability Areas, and Construction Legislation
3.3.2. Energy Legislation
3.3.3. Nature Conservation Legislation
3.3.4. Land Status in Interim and Subsequent Use
3.3.5. Consequences for Valuation and Inheritance Tax Legislation
3.3.6. Eco-Account Regulation and Guidelines on the Impact Mitigation Regulation
3.3.7. SWOT Analysis on the Legal Dimension of Peatland PV
3.4. Economic Dimension
3.4.1. Economic Profitability for the PV Project Developer
3.4.2. Economic Profitability for the Landowner and User
3.4.3. Subsidies and Incentives Affect Land Use Decisions
3.4.4. Social Acceptance of Land Use Transformation
3.4.5. SWOT Analysis on the Economic Dimension of Peatland PV
3.5. Assessment of the Future Prospects of Peatland PV
3.5.1. The Need for Pilot Projects to Gain Practical Knowledge
3.5.2. Overall Assessment of the Opportunities and Threats of Peatland PV
3.5.3. TOWS Analysis and Recommendations for the Implementation of Peatland PV
4. Discussion
4.1. Contribution and Transferability of This Study
4.2. Lack of Implementation and Missing Stakeholder Perspectives
4.3. Limitations of the SWOT Method
4.4. Increasing Transparency in the Discussion: What Is the Reference System?
4.5. Contribution to the Energy Transition: Spatial Relevance of Peatland PV
4.6. Strategies for Implementing Peatland PV
- ➢
- Great need for pilot sites with accompanying research
- ➢
- Consider the introduction of a temporary regional area cap
- ➢
- Ensure complete rewetting for subsidized Peatland PV
- ➢
- Prevent PV construction on peat soils without rewetting
- ➢
- Provide guidelines for dealing with conflicts of interest during the approval processes
- ➢
- Consider the introduction of suitability areas
- ➢
- Designate renewable energies and peatland rewetting to be of overriding public interest
- ➢
- Create legal certainty
4.7. Can Peatland PV Become Economically Feasible?
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Role/ Function | Institution |
1 | Expert with specialisation in peatland protection projects, the water framework directive, and approval procedures for PV plants | Lower Nature Conservation Authority |
2 | Expert responsible for the political representation of the farmers’ interests with a focus on agricultural production and renewable energies | Farmers’ Association |
3 | Expert with specialisation in nature conservation funding projects, eco-account measures, and intervention compensation measures, including peatland rewetting | Land Agency |
4 | Expert from a consulting agency for public authorities, companies, and citizens | Regional Energy and Climate Protection Agency |
5 | Expert in environmental engineering with specialisation in the realisation of PV systems | Renewable Energy Company I |
6 | Expert with specialisation in peatland conservation, ecosystem services, education for sustainable development, and eco-value certificates | Highest Authority for Climate Protection, Agriculture and Nature Conservation |
7 | Expert with specialisation in project development of PV systems | Renewable Energy Company II |
8 | Expert from a leading research institute in the field of peatlands | Research Institute for Peatlands |
9 | Expert in civil engineering with specialisation in geotechnics, tunnelling, and construction management | Geotechnics Company |
10 | Expert in agricultural law | Law Firm |
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Opportunities | Threats |
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Opportunities | Threats |
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Opportunities | Threats |
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Opportunities | Threats |
Strengths | Weaknesses | |
| |
Opportunities | SO: Leverage strengths to benefit from opportunities | WO: Overcome weaknesses by seizing opportunities |
Threats | ST: Use strengths to protect against threats | WT: Overcome weaknessesby minimising threats |
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Share and Cite
Seidel, M.; Wichmann, S.; Pump, C.; Beckmann, V. Combining Photovoltaics with the Rewetting of Peatlands—A SWOT Analysis of an Innovative Land Use for the Case of North-East Germany. Land 2024, 13, 1548.
Seidel M, Wichmann S, Pump C, Beckmann V. Combining Photovoltaics with the Rewetting of Peatlands—A SWOT Analysis of an Innovative Land Use for the Case of North-East Germany. Land. 2024; 13(10):1548.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSeidel, Melissa, Sabine Wichmann, Carl Pump, and Volker Beckmann. 2024. "Combining Photovoltaics with the Rewetting of Peatlands—A SWOT Analysis of an Innovative Land Use for the Case of North-East Germany" Land 13, no. 10: 1548.
APA StyleSeidel, M., Wichmann, S., Pump, C., & Beckmann, V. (2024). Combining Photovoltaics with the Rewetting of Peatlands—A SWOT Analysis of an Innovative Land Use for the Case of North-East Germany. Land, 13(10), 1548.