Advancement in the Modeling and Design of Composite Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen Storage: A Comprehensive Review
<p>Storage modes of hydrogen, source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> accessed on 15 June 2024.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Axial strain contour with the corresponding stacking configuration; the simulation was obtained using Abaqus software [<a href="#B27-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">27</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Damage to composite structures. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B32-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">32</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Flowchart representing the MD curing procedure preceded by the initial equilibration of the liquid mixture. Curing periods were followed by annealing and equilibration phases until the target curing extent of 95% was reached. At each time step within a curing period, fix bonds and react, identify relevant reaction sites, modify their topology as necessary, and finally apply relaxation. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B54-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">54</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>A polymer network emerged in the system during curing. (<b>a</b>) A snapshot from MD simulations of the curing reaction of a DGEBA-DDS epoxy resin of a system with 2000 and 1000 DGEBA and DDS molecules. The box length of the cubic periodic system is indicated by arrows and is approximately 11.9 nm. The largest cross-linked molecular group is shown as balls and sticks, at the point of percolation. Other groups, which are not part of the largest molecular group, are made transparent. (<b>b</b>) The molecular structures of the precursor DGEBA and the hardener DDS. The block chemistry approach does not require the usage of unchemical preactivated species, and therefore, these structures also represent the actual simulated species. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B54-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">54</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Multiscale modeling scheme. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B56-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">56</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>(<b>a</b>) Variation of elastic properties along various directions in the x-y plane. (<b>b</b>) Elastic Modulus and Shear modulus for epoxy model. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B57-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">57</a>].</p> "> Figure 8
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of an atomistic model of epoxy resin for NEMD simulation. The heat sink is located at the center of the system and the heat sources are at both ends to generate constant heat flux. (<b>b</b>) Thermal conductivities of DGEBA/4,4′-DDS as a function of degree of crosslinking from MD simulations. (<b>c</b>) Mass densities and Young’s moduli of DGEBA/4,4′-DDS as a function of degree of crosslinking from MD simulations. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B65-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">65</a>].</p> "> Figure 9
<p>MD calculations of thermal expansion is superposed with experimentally measured dilatometric curves reported in Reference [<a href="#B76-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">76</a>]. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B57-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">57</a>].</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Diffusion coefficients of <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>H</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> </semantics></math> in <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>P</mi> <msub> <mi>A</mi> <mn>6</mn> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> with 30.00% crystallinity at 288 K and different pressures. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B81-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">81</a>].</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Permeability coefficients of <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>H</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> </semantics></math> in PA6 with 30.00% crystallinity at 0.1 MPa and different temperatures. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B81-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">81</a>].</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Dome thickness and shape influence on the strain contour of the transient region between the cylindrical part and the dome region of the tank. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B26-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">26</a>].</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Postmortem picture of a hydrogen tank after burst failure. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B94-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">94</a>].</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Damaged vessel obtained using Hashin criterion and the tank response using conventional shell elements model at failure for a stacking of 24 plies: (<b>a</b>) magnitude of the displacement, (<b>b</b>) yield response in the polymeric liner, (<b>c</b>) axial strain in the liner, (<b>d</b>) compression damage of the matrix in the first ply, (<b>e</b>) tensile damage of the matrix in the first ply, (<b>f</b>) damage of the matrix in tension at the third ply, (<b>g</b>) damage of the fiber in tension at the first ply, (<b>h</b>) damage of the fiber in compression at the first ply [<a href="#B37-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">37</a>].</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Temperature and velocity distribution at fill time t = 2 s in the 2D and the 3D model. For the 3D model, plots were taken on the middle x z plane. (<b>a</b>) Temperature distribution in the 2D model, (<b>b</b>) temperature distribution in the 3D model, (<b>c</b>) velocity distribution in the 2D model, (<b>d</b>) velocity distribution in the 3D model. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B112-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">112</a>].</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Ultrasonic scanning detection results of the filament-wound COPV after impact: (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>) point 1, (<b>d</b>–<b>f</b>) point 2, and (<b>g</b>–<b>i</b>) point 3. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B116-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">116</a>].</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Framework of the proposed method for real–time structural health monitoring using strain gauge sensors. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B123-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">123</a>].</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Two shapes of COPVs: (<b>a</b>) cylindrical COPV, (<b>b</b>) spherical COPV obtained by filament winding. Reprinted with permission from Reference [<a href="#B134-jcs-08-00339" class="html-bibr">134</a>].</p> "> Figure 19
<p>Ring-winding unit of LSE GmbH, designed and manufactured by Cetex Institute GmbH.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Stress in fiber direction (S11) envelope of TCPV.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Design and Simulation of COPVs
2.1. Continuum Damage Modeling and Micromechanical Analysis
2.2. Molecular Dynamics Modeling
2.2.1. Mechanical Properties
2.2.2. Thermal Properties
2.2.3. Dynamic Properties
2.3. Dome Thickness Effect
2.4. Progressive Failure and Burst Analysis
2.5. Fatigue Analysis
2.6. Structural Optimization
2.7. Dynamic Refueling Conditions
2.8. Low-Velocity Impact Resistance
2.9. Structural Health Monitoring
3. Process and Manufacturing of COPVs
3.1. Cylindrical COPVs
3.2. Toroidal COPVs
4. Concluding Remarks and Future Works
- 1.
- This review aimed to find cost-efficient hydrogen storage solutions and investigates the effects of design parameters such as stacking sequence and orientation on the composite shell quality, vessel’s behavior under operating conditions and the resistance to bursting pressure. We discuss the experimental and analytical analysis of stacking sequences in composite pressure vessels. The review emphasizes the considerable influence of the stacking sequence on the vessel properties, highlighting the need for analytical and numerical strategies to address transition-related effects between the cylinder and the dome. Some published papers explore numerical simulation and optimization in high-pressure hydrogen storage vessels, focusing on damage modeling, burst pressure prediction, and lightweight design. They investigate liner geometry, dome shapes, and liner thickness, offering insights into COPV performance and structural analysis methods. Various studies propose numerical procedures and optimization methods to enhance the mechanical performance and design efficiency of composite pressure vessels. Combining Matlab and Abaqus software, the influence of the dome on vessel mechanics is analyzed. New techniques optimize dome thickness and liner charge pressure, enhancing structural integrity. Nonlinear finite element methods and optimization algorithms offer valuable insights into composite pressure vessel design, thus ensuring safety and efficiency. Recent research explores innovative approaches to optimize the design and manufacturing of composite pressure vessels using techniques such as variable winding angles and optimized stacking sequences. These techniques significantly enhance buckling strength and burst pressure prediction accuracy. Furthermore, it was found that the utilization of genetic algorithms and finite element analysis facilitates weight reduction and improved structural integrity, advancing efficient design strategies for composite pressure vessels.
- 2.
- In terms of materials development, the effect of the size on a composite pressure vessel’s fiber strength was examined, employing experimental and analytical methods. The focus of the investigation was the high-pressure strength of carbon fiber-reinforced vessels whereby the superior performance of carbon/vinylester composite was noted. Furthermore, alternative fibers were explored for sustainable vessel design, proposing hybrid configurations for improved performance.
- 3.
- Predictive damage models using continuum damage mechanics and finite element analysis, simulating cryogenic conditions, have been employed. In addition, many researchers have developed progressive failure analysis algorithms for composite vessels. The Hashin failure criterion and Abaqus and Ansys software facilitate comprehensive damage prediction, which is crucial for composite material behavior under varied loads. Hybrid composites, comprising carbon fibers and various nanoparticles dispersed in epoxy resins, are extensively utilized in hydrogen tank vessels. Some research focused on microscale simulations, such as molecular dynamics (MD), to predict mechanical, thermal, and dynamic properties. Other studies investigated epoxy curing, mechanical reinforcement by carbon nanotubes (CNTs), thermal expansion, glass transition behavior, and gas diffusion in polymer matrices for hydrogen tanks. Recent studies emphasize micromechanical modeling for assessing effective properties and failure modes and mechanisms in fiber reinforced composites. Parametric studies investigate stress distribution and failure mechanisms, which are crucial for aerospace and transportation. Predictive methods for burst pressure and deformation have developed, utilizing progressive failure analysis and probabilistic strength analysis, thereby contributing to improved structural design and safety. Finite element analysis and strength theories offer insights into stress distribution and crack behavior, facilitating safety enhancement.
- 4.
- SHM is crucial for assessing the condition of structures, aiming to detect, localize, and quantify damage early on to prevent catastrophic failures and extend their lifetime. Various methods, including fiber optic sensors, electrical impedance tomography, and ultrasonic guided waves, are employed for effective monitoring. Smart services enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime risk, and contribute to cost savings in industries reliant on fluid storage and management.
- 5.
- Filament winding is pivotal when manufacturing composite vessels. Many investigations consider factors influencing burst pressure prediction, manufacturing variables, mechanical performance, and the feasibility of vessel manufacturing techniques. These studies emphasize the need for advancements to address manufacturing uncertainties and enhance structural performance. A non-geodesic method for designing winding patterns with unequal polar openings of filament-wound composite pressure vessels was used in several studies. LSE GmbH’s innovative ring winding technology for toroidal composite pressure vessels (TCPVs) offers substantial mass savings (up to 30%) and cost reductions. Analytical and numerical simulations were conducted for TCPV development, considering thick-walled structures and the local thickening of metallic inserts for reinforcement.
- 6.
- Future research should assess the impact of manufacturing and material property variations on Variable Angle Filament Winding (VAFW) cylinder performance, considering reliability-based design. The potential of VAFW designs for imperfection-insensitive structures in space applications remains unexplored, presenting possibilities for less conservative designs. Burst failure, often due to laminate failure, results from excessive internal pressure, such as overfilling or overheating. Advanced data analysis techniques, such as neural networks and Bayesian inference, enhance the accuracy of damage assessments. Challenges include sensor placement and environmental influences, which require robust solutions and advanced machine learning algorithms for future research. Smart SHM integrates IoT and data analytics to provide real-time data analysis, leading to timely decision-making for maintenance and safety.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Bouhala, L.; Karatrantos, A.; Reinhardt, H.; Schramm, N.; Akin, B.; Rauscher, A.; Mauersberger, A.; Taşkıran, S.T.; Ulaşlı, M.E.; Aktaş, E.; et al. Advancement in the Modeling and Design of Composite Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen Storage: A Comprehensive Review. J. Compos. Sci. 2024, 8, 339.
Bouhala L, Karatrantos A, Reinhardt H, Schramm N, Akin B, Rauscher A, Mauersberger A, Taşkıran ST, Ulaşlı ME, Aktaş E, et al. Advancement in the Modeling and Design of Composite Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen Storage: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Composites Science. 2024; 8(9):339.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBouhala, Lyazid, Argyrios Karatrantos, Heiner Reinhardt, Norbert Schramm, Beril Akin, Alexander Rauscher, Anton Mauersberger, Senagül Tunca Taşkıran, Muhammed Erdal Ulaşlı, Engin Aktaş, and et al. 2024. "Advancement in the Modeling and Design of Composite Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen Storage: A Comprehensive Review" Journal of Composites Science 8, no. 9: 339.
APA StyleBouhala, L., Karatrantos, A., Reinhardt, H., Schramm, N., Akin, B., Rauscher, A., Mauersberger, A., Taşkıran, S. T., Ulaşlı, M. E., Aktaş, E., & Tanoglu, M. (2024). Advancement in the Modeling and Design of Composite Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen Storage: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Composites Science, 8(9), 339.