Digital Escape Room, Using Genial.Ly and A Breakout to Learn Algebra at Secondary Education Level in Spain
<p>Description of the different game sequences of the escape room. Source [<a href="#B7-education-10-00271" class="html-bibr">7</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Algebraic mission to open the padlock.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Difference of means between the exams.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Assessments of Items 1–5.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Assessments of Items 6–10.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Assessment of Items 11–16.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Intellectual benefits: It promotes logic, memory, concentration, attention, deductive thinking, creativity, imagination, mental agility, conflict resolution, time management and management of available resources;
- Social benefits: It favors teamwork, cooperation, the sum of skills, coordination and leadership;
- Emotional benefits: It promotes the expression of emotions and the feeling of accomplishment;
- Psychological benefits: It causes avoidance of routine and self-knowledge.
- Context: Contextualization is required to place the action. The context should be described to facilitate the experience to motivate the students. The game is intended to be of the interest to the player. Some of the most used themes are escape from somewhere, solve a murder and escape from prison;
- General information: It is important to detail the logic of the game rules, the operation of certain objects, the purpose, the objective, etc.;
- Game director or game master: They are responsible for exposing the participants to the context, the rules and general information. They will also verify the development of the action. In the case that participants are stuck in any part of the challenges, they can contact the game master to get some guidance or clue;
- Participants: These types of activities are designed to be developed in groups. It is through the cooperation of a group of people that challenges are overcome. With the contribution of the whole group and with the complementarity of the capacities of each one, it is possible to achieve success. The capacities are observation, memorization, pattern recognition, logic, etc. To guarantee the participation and the greatest potential for learning of the whole group, the number of participants must be of four to six members.
- Puzzles: These must be in relation to the context of the game and can be related to logic, precision, joining pieces, manipulating objects, etc. When solving these puzzles, a certain pattern must be followed, such as: opening a box closed with a padlock, finding a solution or having a reward.
- Sequence of the game: The main objective can be achieved in different ways:
- Linear path. This involves following a linear or sequential pattern. That is, one challenge must be achieved to access the next one.
- Open path. This implies an open pattern where it is not necessary to follow a certain sequence.
- Multilinear: This is a multi-sequential pattern where there is a high level of optionality and different options to complete the game.
2. Methodology
2.1. Sample
2.2. Procedure
- In order to open a new clue, you must play a song with the piano—but which melody should you play?
- The keys you must press are the solutions of the polynomial:
- Once the correct keys were pressed a note appears with another clue to continue with the following enigma, which is hidden, so they first need to find the location of that new clue.
- You need to find the combination that open the padlock, the solution is written as RKX, where those values are:
- ○
- R is the rest of the quotient:
- ○
- K is the value that makes the rest of the quotient equal to −4:
- ○
- X is the positive solution of:
2.3. Variables and Data Collection Tools
- Item 1—My learning results have increased;
- Item 2—I have fun while learning;
- Item 3—I have greater autonomy in my learning;
- Item 4—I have improved my learning process;
- Item 5—I have worked more on my oral expression;
- Item 6—I have worked more on my written expression;
- Item 7—I have increased my creativity;
- Item 8—I have increased my motivation;
- Item 9—I believe that learning is more active and experiential;
- Item 10—I see more possibilities to show, to the teacher or to my classmates, what I have learned;
- Item 11—I have more possibilities to work at my own pace;
- Item 12—I have facility to access the materials and contents;
- Item 13—I have been able to self-evaluate my learning process;
- Item 14—I have increased my learning working as a team;
- Item 15—I have increased my learning by helping my classmates;
- Item 16—I have increased my learning by the help of my classmates.
2.4. Data Analysis
2.5. Research Questions
- Can a digital escape room and a breakout help students in algebra learning process?
- Is it possible to develop a digital escape which increases the motivation of students?
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Results Obtained in the Algebraic Fractions Exam
3.2. General Descriptive Statistics in the Equations Exam
3.3. Means Comparison in the Equations Exam
3.4. Satisfaction Questionnaire of the Escape Room
4. Conclusions and Limitations
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Variable | Number of Responses | Mean |
2019 | algebraic fractions | 51 | 5.1171 |
2020 | algebraic fractions | 48 | 5.2347 |
Exam | Value of F | Associated Significance |
Algebraic fractions | 0.022 | 0.882 |
Exam | Value of t | gl | Sig; (bil) | Mean Differences |
Algebraic fractions | −0.208 | 98 | 0.836 | −0.11764 |
Year | Variable | Number of Responses | Mean |
2019 | Equations | 48 | 5.1510 |
2020 | Equations | 48 | 7.0469 |
Exam | Value of F | Associated Significance |
Equations | 1.381 | 0.243 |
Exam | Value of t | gl | Sig. (bil) | Mean Differences |
Equations | −3.131 | 94 | 0.002 | −1.89583 |
Items | Tau b de Kendall | Sig. |
15–16 | 0.681 | 0.000 |
8–13 | 0.655 | 0.000 |
3–4 | 0.537 | 0.000 |
14–15 | 0.511 | 0.000 |
1–8 | 0.456 | 0.000 |
2–10 | 0.455 | 0.000 |
8–9 | 0.417 | 0.001 |
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Jiménez, C.; Arís, N.; Magreñán Ruiz, Á.A.; Orcos, L. Digital Escape Room, Using Genial.Ly and A Breakout to Learn Algebra at Secondary Education Level in Spain. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10, 271.
Jiménez C, Arís N, Magreñán Ruiz ÁA, Orcos L. Digital Escape Room, Using Genial.Ly and A Breakout to Learn Algebra at Secondary Education Level in Spain. Education Sciences. 2020; 10(10):271.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJiménez, Cristina, Nuria Arís, Ángel Alberto Magreñán Ruiz, and Lara Orcos. 2020. "Digital Escape Room, Using Genial.Ly and A Breakout to Learn Algebra at Secondary Education Level in Spain" Education Sciences 10, no. 10: 271.
APA StyleJiménez, C., Arís, N., Magreñán Ruiz, Á. A., & Orcos, L. (2020). Digital Escape Room, Using Genial.Ly and A Breakout to Learn Algebra at Secondary Education Level in Spain. Education Sciences, 10(10), 271.