Student Assessment of the Use of Kahoot in the Learning Process of Science and Mathematics
<p>Evaluation percentages of the levels per questionnaire item among Mathematics students.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Evaluation percentages of the levels per questionnaire item among science students.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparison between the average values in Mathematics and Science.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. The Constructivist Approach and the Use of ICT in the Didactics of Science and Mathematics
- Teaching methods based on the different ways of master exposure (master class, speech, conference, etc.).
- Teaching methods oriented towards teamwork and debate (cooperative teaching, seminars, project-based learning, case studies, etc.).
- Teaching methods based on autonomous work or individual learning (learning contract, distance learning, programmed teaching, etc.).
- Theoretical Classes: to speak to students.
- Seminars-Workshops: to build students´ knowledge throughout their interaction.
- Practical classes: to show students how they should act.
- External Practices: to complete the training of students in a professional context.
- Tutorials: to pay personal attention to students.
- Group work: to make students learn from each other.
- Autonomous work: to develop students´ self-learning capacity.
- Active and manipulable: since it involves students and encourages them to explore and interact, being aware of how this positively affects the outcome of their learning.
- Constructive and reflective: as it allows the student to acquire new knowledge and accommodate it to the previous one, performing a thinking process on their own learning.
- Intentional: as it is the student who determines the own goals and challenges, while the teacher supervises the process.
- Authentic, challenging and contextualized: since it prepares students to perform their tasks in real situations, preparing them for future challenges.
- Cooperative, collaborative and conversational: as it fosters social interaction among equals, being able to share ideas, clarify doubts and discuss problems.
- It is possible that the students tend to be distracted due to the recreational time they are accustomed to make of.
- The volume of information can cause, for both students and teachers, the feeling of overflow when working with such a large amount of information.
- The lack of teachers´ and students´ training would reduce the potential of ICT in terms of its implementation in the classroom.
- Its implementation can lead to some situations in which students and teachers get used to making the least effort in the teaching-learning process, since the use of such a resource performs this task for them without needing any additional effort.
3. Smartphones and Online Questionnaires in the Classroom
4. Kahoot
5. Methodology
5.1. Sample
5.2. Investigation Design
5.3. Information Collection Tools
- My learning results have increased
- I had fun while learning
- My learning has been more autonomous
- I have improved my learning process
- I have worked more on my oral or written expression
- I have increased my creativity
- I have increased my motivation
- I think learning is more active and experiential
- I see more possibilities to show what I have learned
- I have more possibilities to work at my own pace
- I have had the facility to access the materials and contents
- I have been able to self-evaluate my learning process
5.4. Procedure
5.5. Data Analysis
6. Results and Discussion
- The items “My learning results have increased” and “My learning has been more autonomous” have very similar values for the subjects of both science and for mathematics, 3.6 and 3.7 respectively, which are also the same as the average global value (3.6). These values indicate that students of both subjects consider that the tool has helped them to increase their learning results, which have also been more autonomous. Something similar happens with the items “I think learning is more active and experimental”, with values of 3.8 and 4, for Science and Mathematics respectively, “I see more possibilities to show what I have learned”, with 3.7 and 3.8 respectively and “I have been able to self-evaluate my learning process”, with 3.8 and 4.1. These results lead us to conclude that students appreciate the use of Kahoot in terms of the benefits for the learning process when they have taken the main role, while they have developed a reflective metacognition and have been able to self-assess.
- Regarding the item “I had fun while learning”, it can be seen that the students of mathematics have enjoyed using Kahoot more than science students since the average values are 4.3 and 3.6 respectively. The results obtained in the item “I have increased motivation”, show that there also exists a difference between the students of science (3.1) and mathematics (3.8) in this area. However, the item “I have more possibilities to work at my own pace” has been better assessed by students of science that by the students of mathematics (3.8 and 3.5 respectively) These facts may be a consequence of the teaching of mathematics, which tends to use more traditionalist and less innovative methodologies that can have a negative impact on the student’s motivation and the possibility to learn at their own pace, which means that the use of this type of tool can influence positively on it.
- According to the results of the item “I have worked more on my oral or written expression” (2.6 and 2.9 in science and mathematics respectively), we can say that in general students believe they have not used these skills much, although the score in Mathematics is higher. We believe this fact can be due to the idiosyncrasy of the mathematical concepts and definitions which are more abstract, so in some situations they did not spend as much time on their explanation as in their application. Something similar happens with the item “My creativity has increased”, in which the average value for science is 2.6 and for mathematics is 3.1. Although in general terms, students consider that they have not used creativity much, the ones of Mathematics value this item better than the ones of Science. We believe this conclusion is an obvious one, since students did not have to create the questionnaire.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Curto Prieto, M.; Orcos Palma, L.; Blázquez Tobías, P.J.; León, F.J.M. Student Assessment of the Use of Kahoot in the Learning Process of Science and Mathematics. Educ. Sci. 2019, 9, 55.
Curto Prieto M, Orcos Palma L, Blázquez Tobías PJ, León FJM. Student Assessment of the Use of Kahoot in the Learning Process of Science and Mathematics. Education Sciences. 2019; 9(1):55.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCurto Prieto, Marta, Lara Orcos Palma, Pedro Jesús Blázquez Tobías, and Francisco Javier Molina León. 2019. "Student Assessment of the Use of Kahoot in the Learning Process of Science and Mathematics" Education Sciences 9, no. 1: 55.
APA StyleCurto Prieto, M., Orcos Palma, L., Blázquez Tobías, P. J., & León, F. J. M. (2019). Student Assessment of the Use of Kahoot in the Learning Process of Science and Mathematics. Education Sciences, 9(1), 55.