Energy Demand Response in a Food-Processing Plant: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
<p>Scheme of the food-processing plant including the building envelope and the warehouse showing considered mass flows, heat flows, and the electrical power of the industrial cooler.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Schematic of agent–environment interface in RL showing the agent, the environment and their interaction via the action, the reward, and the state.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Results for load shifting over three consecutive example days to comparing the RL and MILP with the reference scenario. (<b>a</b>) The refrigeration system’s electrical power consumption. (<b>b</b>) Cooling hall temperature variations, where 0 °C corresponds to a fully charged TES and 5 °C represents an empty TES state. (<b>c</b>) The electricity price profile over the same period, illustrating the price-driven adjustments in system operation.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Results for load shifting over the complete year evaluating RL and MILP depending on the electricity price. (<b>a</b>) The weekly energy savings via RL and MILP, (<b>b</b>) the relative weekly energy savings, and (<b>c</b>) the EXAA spot market price for the test period (May 2022 to April 2023).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>EXAA spot market price from May 2020 to April 2023 showing the electricity prices with its fluctuations. The white area is the training data, whereas the testing period is shaded in grey.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>RL training process showing the return of single episodes and the moving average with a window length of 100. The return is proportional to the negative energy costs, while the absolute value is irrelevant and only chosen to be an appropriate scale for the training process. Maximizing the negative energy costs is equal to minimizing the energy costs.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>RL training process showing the cost reduction (<b>a</b>) and runtime (<b>b</b>) of different training period lengths.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Food-Processing Plants for Demand Response
1.2. Reinforcement Learning for Demand Response
1.3. Contributions
- Instead of directly controlling the cooling power, the set point temperature of a PI controller was optimized. This enhances stability and simplifies practical implementation.
- DDQL—a state-of-the-art RL algorithm—for load shifting was applied to reduce energy costs in an RTP scenario.
- The problem was additionally formulated as MILP to compare RL with a state-of-the-art MPC controller.
- The respective energy cost savings and computation times of RL and MILP were evaluated.
2. Methods
2.1. Data Acquisition and Processing
2.2. Industrial Warehouse Model
Algorithm 1 PI controller with saturation |
2.3. Optimization via Reinforcement Learning
Algorithm 2 Double Deep Q-Learning—Training |
2.4. Validation via Mixed Integer Linear Programming
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Evaluation of the RL Training Process
3.2. Analysis of Computational Complexity
3.3. Practical Applicability and Future Research Directions
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
DR | Demand response |
DDQL | Double deep Q-learning |
DDPG | Deep deterministic policy gradient |
DQL | Deep Q-learning |
DQN | Deep Q-networks |
DRL | Deep reinforcement learning |
DSM | Demand side management |
EXAA | Energy exchange Austria |
HVAC | Heating, ventilation and air conditioning |
IoT | Internet of things |
LP | Linear programming |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
MILP | Mixed integer linear programming |
MINLP | Mixed integer nonlinear programming |
ML | Machine learning |
MPC | Model predictive control |
PI | Proportional integral |
PPO | Proximal policy optimization |
PV | Photovoltaic |
RL | Reinforcement learning |
RTP | Real-time pricing |
SAC | Soft actor-critic |
TES | Thermal energy storage |
TOU | Time-of-use |
xLSTM | Extended Long Short-Term Memory |
Appendix A. MILP Formulation
- is the set point temperature of the warehouse during the time period p.
- is the warehouse temperature at the time point t.
- is the output signal of the P-controller before saturation during the time period p.
- is a helper variable for calculating the saturation during the time period p.
- are binary variables to calculate the saturation during the time period p.
- is the electrical power consumption of the industrial refrigeration system p.
- is the price signal during the time period p.
- is the heat flow rate of the load during the time period p.
- is the length of a time period.
- is the initial warehouse temperature at the time point 0.
- is the energy efficiency ratio of the industrial refrigeration system.
- proportional factor of the controller.
- integral factor of the controller.
- is the minimum electrical power.
- is the maximum electrical power.
- is the minimum set point temperature.
- is the maximum set point temperature.
- N is the number of time periods.
- and are big M constraints.
- is the set of time period indices.
- is the set of time point indices.
- is a set to index of every hour of a day.
- is a set to index every minute in a hour.
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Parameter | Value |
4360 MJ/K | |
500 t | |
1260 t | |
480 J/(kg K) | |
3270 J/(kg K) | |
4.938 | |
202,511 W | |
0 W | |
5 °C | |
0 °C | |
60 s | |
500,000 W/K | |
2 W/(K s) |
Parameter | Value |
Training episodes | 2000 |
Batch size | 1250 |
Memory buffer size | 10,000 |
Update rate | 0.005 |
Adam learning rate | |
Initial exploration rate | 0.9 |
End exploration rate | 0.05 |
Exploration decay rate | 2000 |
Discount factor | 0.999 |
Neural net layers | 3 |
Layer 1 | (50, 256), ReLu activation |
Layer 2 | (256, 256), ReLu activation |
Layer 3 | (256, 101), ReLu activation |
Huber loss parameter | 1 |
Optimization | Costs (EUR) | Savings (EUR) | Relative Savings (%) | Relative Costs (EUR/MWh) |
RL | 116,831 | 24,911 | 17.57 | 208.00 |
MILP | 115,301 | 26,441 | 18.65 | 205.30 |
Reference | 141,742 | - | - | 252.10 |
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Share and Cite
Wohlgenannt, P.; Hegenbart, S.; Eder, E.; Kolhe, M.; Kepplinger, P. Energy Demand Response in a Food-Processing Plant: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Energies 2024, 17, 6430.
Wohlgenannt P, Hegenbart S, Eder E, Kolhe M, Kepplinger P. Energy Demand Response in a Food-Processing Plant: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Energies. 2024; 17(24):6430.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWohlgenannt, Philipp, Sebastian Hegenbart, Elias Eder, Mohan Kolhe, and Peter Kepplinger. 2024. "Energy Demand Response in a Food-Processing Plant: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach" Energies 17, no. 24: 6430.
APA StyleWohlgenannt, P., Hegenbart, S., Eder, E., Kolhe, M., & Kepplinger, P. (2024). Energy Demand Response in a Food-Processing Plant: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Energies, 17(24), 6430.