Geometric Theory of Heat from Souriau Lie Groups Thermodynamics and Koszul Hessian Geometry: Applications in Information Geometry for Exponential Families
<p>Souriau Scheme about mysterious “affine group” of a true thermodynamics between Galileo group of classical mechanics, Poincaré group of relativistic mechanics and Smooth group of general relativity.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Extract from the second paper of François Massieu to the French Academy of Sciences [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B61-entropy-18-00386">61</xref>,<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B62-entropy-18-00386">62</xref>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Remark of Massieu in 1876 paper [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B64-entropy-18-00386">64</xref>], where he explained why he took into account the “good advice” of Bertrand to replace variable 1/<italic>T</italic>, used in his initial paper of 1869, by the variable <italic>T</italic>.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>“Théorie analytique de la chaleur (analytic theory of heat)” by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B88-entropy-18-00386">88</xref>], “théorie mécanique de la chaleur (mechanic theory of heat)” by François Clausius [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B89-entropy-18-00386">89</xref>] and “théorie mathématique de la chaleur (mathematic theory of heat)” by Siméon-Denis Poisson [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B90-entropy-18-00386">90</xref>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Global Souriau scheme of Lie group thermodynamics.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Broken symmetry on geometric heat <italic>Q</italic> due to adjoint action of the group on temperature <italic>β</italic> as an element of the Lie algebra.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Fourier heat equation in seminal manuscript of Joseph Fourier [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B88-entropy-18-00386">88</xref>].</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Clairaut-Legendre equation introduced by Maurice Fréchet in his 1943 paper [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B141-entropy-18-00386">141</xref>].</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Generation of Koszul elements from Cartan inner product.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Introduction of potential function for multivariate Gaussian law in Souriau book [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B10-entropy-18-00386">10</xref>].</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Affine Lie group action for multivariate Gaussian law.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Maps between algebras.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Geodesic shooting principle.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>GeodesicsShooting between two multivariate Gaussian in case <italic>n</italic> = 2.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Coding of homogeneous Galileo algebra by vestibular system and otolithes.</p> ">
:Lorsque le fait qu’on rencontre est en opposition avec une théorie régnante, il faut accepter le fait et abandonner la théorie, alors même que celle-ci, soutenue par de grands noms, est généralement adoptée—Claude Bernard in “Introduction à l’Étude de la Médecine Expérimentale” [1]
Au départ, la théorie de la stabilité structurelle m’avait paru d’une telle ampleur et d’une telle généralité, qu’avec elle je pouvais espérer en quelque sorte remplacer la thermodynamique par la géométrie, géométriser en un certain sens la thermodynamique, éliminer des considérations thermodynamiques tous les aspects à caractère mesurable et stochastiques pour ne conserver que la caractérisation géométrique correspondante des attracteurs.—René Thom in “Logos et théorie des Catastrophes” [2]
1. Introduction
- The Souriau model of Lie group thermodynamics is presented with standard notations of Lie group theory, in place of Souriau equations using less classical conventions (that have limited understanding of his work by his contemporaries).
- We prove that Souriau Riemannian metric introduced with symplectic cocycle is a generalization of Fisher metric (called Souriau-Fisher metric in the following) that preserves the property to be defined as a hessian of partition function logarithm as in classical information geometry. We then establish the equality of two terms, the first one given by Souriau’s definition from Lie group cocycle and parameterized by “geometric heat” Q (element of dual Lie algebra) and “geometric temperature” β (element of Lie algebra) and the second one, the hessian of the characteristic function with respect to the variable β:For the maximum entropy density (Gibbs density), the following three terms coincide: that describes the convexity of the log-likelihood function, the Fisher metric that describes the covariance of the log-likelihood gradient, whereas that describes the covariance of the observables.
- This Souriau-Fisher metric is also identified to be proportional to the first derivative of the heat , and then comparable by analogy to geometric “specific heat” or “calorific capacity”.
- We observe that the Souriau metric is invariant with respect to the action of the group , due to the fact that the characteristic function after the action of the group is linearly dependent to . As the Fisher metric is proportional to the hessian of the characteristic function, we have the following invariance:
- We have proposed, based on Souriau’s Lie group model and on analogy with mechanical variables, a variational principle of thermodynamics deduced from Poincaré-Cartan integral invariant. The variational principle holds on the Lie algebra, for variations , where is an arbitrary path that vanishes at the endpoints, :
- We have deduced Euler-Poincaré equations for the Souriau model:
- We have established that the affine representation of Lie group and Lie algebra by Jean-Marie Souriau is equivalent to Jean-Louis Koszul’s affine representation developed in the framework of hessian geometry of convex sharp cones. Both Souriau and Koszul have elaborated equations requested for Lie group and Lie algebra to ensure the existence of an affine representation. We have compared both approaches of Souriau and Koszul in a table.
- We have applied the Souriau model for exponential families and especially for multivariate Gaussian densities.
- We have applied the Souriau-Koszul model Gibbs density to compute the maximum entropy density for symmetric positive definite matrices, using the inner product , given by Cartan-Killing form. The Gibbs density (generalization of Gaussian law for theses matrices and defined as maximum entropy density):
- For the case of multivariate Gaussian densities, we have considered a sub-group of affine group, that we defined by a (n + 1) × (n + 1) embedding in matrix Lie group , and that acts for multivariate Gaussian laws by:
- For multivariate Gaussian densities, as we have identified the acting sub-group of affine group , we have also developed the computation of the associated Lie algebras and , adjoint and coadjoint operators, and especially the Souriau “moment map” :Using Souriau Theorem (geometrization of Noether theorem), we use the property that this moment map is constant (its components are equal to Noether invariants):
- For the families of multivariate Gaussian densities, that we have identified as homogeneous manifold with the associated sub-group of the affine group , we have considered the elements of exponential families, that play the role of geometric heat in Souriau Lie group thermodynamics, and the geometric (Planck) temperature:
- Finally, we have computed the Souriau-Fisher metric for multivariate Gaussian densities, given by:
2. Position of Souriau Symplectic Model of Statistical Physics in Historical Developments of Thermodynamic Concepts
3. Revisited Souriau Symplectic Model of Statistical Physics
- The coadjoint representation of is the contragredient of the adjoint representation. It associates to each the linear isomorphism , which satisfies, for each and :
- The adjoint representation of the Lie algebra is the linear representation of into itself which associates, to each , the linear map . Tangent application of at neutral element of :
- The coadjoint representation of the Lie algebra is the contragredient of the adjoint representation. It associates, to each , the linear map which satisfies, for each and :Then, the curve from tangent to is given by and transform by :
- where the map is the one-cocycle of the Lie algebra with values in , with where the one-cocycle of the Lie group G. is constant on M and the map is a skew-symmetric bilinear form, and is called the symplectic cocycle of Lie algebra associated to the moment map , with the following properties:where is constant, the symplectic cocycle is replaced bywhere is one-coboundary of with values in . We also have properties and .
- The geometric temperature, element of the algebra , is in the thekernel of the tensor :
- The following symmetric tensor , defined on all values of is positive definite:These equations are universal, because they are not dependent on the symplectic manifold but only on the dynamical group G, the symplectic cocycle , the temperature and the heat . Souriau called this model “Lie groups thermodynamics”.
- Action of Lie group on Lie algebra:
- Transformation of characteristic function after action of Lie group:
- Invariance of entropy with respect to action of Lie group:
- Action of Lie group on geometric heat, element of dual Lie algebra:
It is obvious that one can only define average values on objects belonging to a vector (or affine) space; Therefore—so this assertion may seem Bourbakist—that we will observe and measure average values only as quantity belonging to a set having physically an affine structure. It is clear that this structure is necessarily unique—if not the average values would not be well defined. (Il est évident que l’on ne peut définir de valeurs moyennes que sur des objets appartenant à un espace vectoriel (ou affine); donc—si bourbakiste que puisse sembler cette affirmation—que l’on n’observera et ne mesurera de valeurs moyennes que sur des grandeurs appartenant à un ensemble possédant physiquement une structure affine. Il est clair que cette structure est nécessairement unique—sinon les valeurs moyennes ne seraient pas bien définies.).
4. The Souriau-Fisher Metric as Geometric Heat Capacity of Lie Group Thermodynamics
5. Euler-Poincaré Equations and Variational Principle of Souriau Lie Group Thermodynamics
6. Souriau Affine Representation of Lie Group and Lie Algebra and Comparison with the Koszul Affine Representation
6.1. Affine Representations and Cocycles
6.2. Souriau Moment Map and Cocycles
6.3. Equivariance of Souriau Moment Map
6.4. Action of Lie Group on a Symplectic Manifold
6.5. Dual Spaces of Finite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
6.6. Koszul Affine Representation of Lie Group and Lie Algebra
6.7. Comparison of Koszul and Souriau Affine Representation of Lie Group and Lie Algebra
6.8. Additional Elements on Koszul Affine Representation of Lie Group and Lie Algebra
- If is quasi-compact, then the universal covering manifold of M is affinely isomorphic to a convex domain of an affine space not containing any full straight line.
- If is compact, then is a sharp convex cone.
7. Souriau Lie Group Model and Koszul Hessian Geometry Applied in the Context of Information Geometry for Multivariate Gaussian Densities
8. Affine Group Action for Multivariate Gaussian Densities and Souriau’s Moment Map: Computation of Geodesics by Geodesic Shooting
9. Souriau Riemannian Metric for Multivariate Gaussian Densities
10. Conclusions
Lorsque il y un tremblement de terre, nous assistons à la mort de l’Espace. … Nous vivons avec nos habitudes que nous pensons universelles. … La neuroscience s’occupe rarement de la géométrie … Pour les singes qui vivent dans les arbres, certaines propriétés du groupe d’Euclide sont mieux câblées dans leurs cerveaux (When there is an earthquake, we are witnessing the death of Space … We live with our habits that we think are universal.... Neuroscience rarely is interested in geometry … For the monkeys that live in trees, some properties of the Euclid group are better coded in their brains).
L’élève demanda à Bohr qu’il ne comprenait pas le principe de correspondance. Bohr lui demanda de s’assoir et il tourna autour de lui. Bohr lui dit tu dois commencer à avoir mal au cœur, c’est que tu commences à comprendre ce qu’est le principe de correspondance (The student said to Bohr that he did not understand the principle of correspondence. Bohr asked him to sit and he turned around. Bohr said, you should start to be seasick, it is then that you begin to understand what the correspondence principle is.).
Si on ajoute que la critique qui accoutume l’esprit, surtout en matière de faits, à recevoir de simples probabilités pour des preuves, est, par cet endroit, moins propre à le former, que ne le doit être la géométrie qui lui fait contracter l’habitude de n’acquiescer qu’à l’évidence; nous répliquerons qu’à la rigueur on pourrait conclure de cette différence même, que la critique donne, au contraire, plus d’exercice à l’esprit que la géométrie: parce que l’évidence, qui est une et absolue, le fixe au premier aspect sans lui laisser ni la liberté de douter, ni le mérite de choisir; au lieu que les probabilités étant susceptibles du plus et du moins, il faut, pour se mettre en état de prendre un parti, les comparer ensemble, les discuter et les peser. Un genre d’étude qui rompt, pour ainsi dire, l’esprit à cette opération, est certainement d’un usage plus étendu que celui où tout est soumis à l’évidence; parce que les occasions de se déterminer sur des vraisemblances ou probabilités, sont plus fréquentes que celles qui exigent qu’on procède par démonstrations: pourquoi ne dirions –nous pas que souvent elles tiennent aussi à des objets beaucoup plus importants?—Joseph de Maistre in L’Espit de Finesse [221]
Le cadavre qui s’acoutre se méconnait et imaginant l’éternité s’en approrie l’illusion … C’est pourquoi j’abandonnerai ces frusques et jetant le masque de mes jours, je fuirai le temps où, de concert avec les autres, je m’éreinte à me trahir.—Emile Cioran in Précis de decomposition [222]
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Clairaut(-Legendre) Equation of Maurice Fréchet Associated to “Distinguished Functions” as Fundamental Equation of Information Geometry
Clairaut Equation and Legendre Transform
Appendix B. Balian Gauge Model of Thermodynamics and its Compliance with Souriau Model
Appendix C. Casalis-Letac Affine Group Invariance for Natural Exponential Families
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Souriau Model of Affine Representation of Lie Groups and Algebra | Koszul Model of Affine Representation of Lie Groups and Algebra |
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Barbaresco, F. Geometric Theory of Heat from Souriau Lie Groups Thermodynamics and Koszul Hessian Geometry: Applications in Information Geometry for Exponential Families. Entropy 2016, 18, 386.
Barbaresco F. Geometric Theory of Heat from Souriau Lie Groups Thermodynamics and Koszul Hessian Geometry: Applications in Information Geometry for Exponential Families. Entropy. 2016; 18(11):386.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBarbaresco, Frédéric. 2016. "Geometric Theory of Heat from Souriau Lie Groups Thermodynamics and Koszul Hessian Geometry: Applications in Information Geometry for Exponential Families" Entropy 18, no. 11: 386.
APA StyleBarbaresco, F. (2016). Geometric Theory of Heat from Souriau Lie Groups Thermodynamics and Koszul Hessian Geometry: Applications in Information Geometry for Exponential Families. Entropy, 18(11), 386.