2.2. Preliminaries
We consider the fast displacements due to the sound waves. Thus,
be the drift velocity determined by Formula (
1) where the fast displacement field
is defined in (
2). Then,
as article [
3] had reported. They omitted the proof. It is not very difficult, although it is not completely obvious as well. So, here is it. Since
the following identity holds true
Let us now consider
. Departing from (
4) via straightforward calculations, we arrive at the expression
To be more specific, let us restrict ourselves to within the waves propagating at the unit speed so that
where the abbreviation
c.c. indicates the complex conjugate summand. Then,
, and
. Hence,
and it becomes clear that the case of
represents a degeneration.
The wave amplitude,
, reads as
is a complex-valued Borel’s measure on the unit sphere
. Hence,
where (and everywhere in what follows) the expression in the form
denotes the canonical inner product in
, and superscript * indicates the complex conjugated value. At this point, we see that the irrotational Stokes drifts exist despite the fact that this is a degenerate case. For example, set
Then, Stokes drift reads as
One more uniform drift arises from a triplet of waves, the fronts of which are orthogonal, that is,
where the set
constitutes an orthogonal basis for
. Then,
For simplicity, we restrict ourselves from here on to within the class of amplitudes,
, which are the purely atomic measures with finite numbers of atoms. Let positions of the spectral atoms constitute a set
. Then,
For every field of (
12) and every polynomial
p on
, the function
possesses a well-defined temporal average (
3) at every point
and a well-defined spatial average at every point
. The latter reads as
The mappings
define smooth and bounded functions on
and on
, and there exists the
total average . In particular, averaging the drift velocity (
13) gives us the uniform component of the drift, namely,
Further, every displacement of (
12) possesses the mean energy that takes the form
We normalize the displacements by setting the energy to unity so that
in subsequent work. Averaging the drift velocity (
13) gives us the uniform component of the drift, namely,
For every drift velocity (
13), the mean energy is also well defined and reads as
includes a subset denoted as
below, that is trivial in the sense that it is not empty for every configuration of the spectral atoms. Namely,
Definition 1. A quartet of the spectral atoms is resonant if the following inequalities hold true: We denote the set of all resonant quartets emergent from configuration as . The set of indices of the elements of set is .
The atoms of a resonant quartet lay in some plane, and, moreover, they place themselves at the vertices of some rectangle. It follows by the definition of resonance since the atoms are at the unit sphere by construction.
Note that the resonant set,
, is invariant with respect to the following permutations:
The set of resonant indices,
, possesses the same invariance. Permutations (
23) form the following finite group with the composing operation:
The permutation subgroup (
24) can be identified with the symmetry group of the square, also known as a dihedral group of order 8, which is usually represented by the notations
Appendix A).
2.3. Energy Transfer
To begin, let the resonant set (
22) be empty, so that
, then the mean drift energy takes the form
is the uniform drift component that we have expressed with Formula (
18). Clearly, the second summand on the right-hand side of (
25) is non-negative as well, and one can see it as the mean non-resonant energy of the purely non-uniform component of a drift.
The mean non-resonant energies of the uniform and non-uniform components can (though not obliged, of course) be quite commensurable. For example, according to condition (
17), the value of 2 is the upper bound for both mean non-resonant energies, and they reach this limit when the atoms come together at a given point on
Further, let all the atoms except for one gather around a given point, while the exceptional atom with squared amplitude equal to 1/2 places itself at the opposite point. Then, the mean energy of the non-uniform drift tends to , and that of the uniform component tends to zero. Hence, the purely non-uniform drift itself can possess an energy commensurable with that of the purely uniform one.
Now, the objective is to determine how much energy is due to the resonances. First, we set up a suitable resonant configuration, namely,
So, the notation of
stands for a rotation around the axis determined by
, and the atom positions read
Next, we assign the atom amplitudes as follows
where numbers
are free parameters obeying restriction
which is just another form of (
17). Let
be the resonance subset in
. Since element
determines the axis of rotation
Consequently, by the dihedral invariance pointed out above, the resonant set also includes a subset
stands for the orbit generated by the action of
-group on some quartet
For a while, let us assume that
Then, the contribution to the mean energy due to the resonances,
, taking into account partition (
31), reads as
For our purposes, it is convenient to put this using the semi-angle between elements
a and
b, which we denote as
. With this in mind, we arrive at the following expression:
Quite a simple transformation brings this into the form
Evaluating these sums becomes easier when the number of summands is great enough. Namely, let
f be a continuous positive function on
Given constraint (
17), put
where the coefficients,
, have been specified by Formulae (
33) and (
Next we calculate the non-resonant contribution into the mean energy of configuration
in the same manner but using Formulae (
18) and (
25) and arrive at equalities as follows
Further, the limit of the mean non-resonance energy of the non-uniform flow reads
Remark 1. The uniform drift component vanishes for every configuration (26)–(29) such that the absolute values of all the amplitudes are equal, that is . This follows easily from expression (18). The left-hand side of the limit identity (36) is consistent with this conclusion, and the right-hand side also becomes consistent provided that , as it should be (see the discussion on concrete examples below). Yet, it does not follow from any of the considerations above that set includes every resonant quartet of the atoms that configure set . We have been assuming that it is so, and we believe that it holds true for every prime number M, or, at least, the exceptions are rare to such an extent that their contribution into the resonant energy becomes negligible when M tends to infinity. Below, we put a number of rationales for this conjecture.
There is an orthogonal decomposition
, as element
determines the axis of rotation
by construction. Hence, every occurrence of a resonance entails an equality
where the quartet of exponents includes at least two different numbers. Since point
lays in the plane orthogonal to the axis of the rotation, this condition reduces to the following equation
, and
is the angle of revolving around the rotation axis. Evidently, this equation holds true for every
provided that an action of the
-group brings the quartet
into the form
. Every such a resonance belongs to
and vice versa. For any other resonances, one of the following equations must hold true for some
No equation holds in the first group provided that
, and
M is a prime number. A direct numeric check using the Maple software (
https://www.maplesoft.com/) does not reveal any equation that is held true in any of five other groups for at least the first hundred of the primes. As the one-hundredth prime number is as great as 541, the above limits deliver quite reasonable approximations of the resonant energy for the primes being comparable in magnitudes.
We have addressed the limits
for two concrete configurations (
29) with different power spectra.
Figure 1 illustrates the results. One configuration corresponds to the uniform distribution of amplitudes, that is,
and another one corresponds to the periodization of the normal distribution density, so that
For a finite number
M and specific distribution density
f, Equation (
35) gives numbers
, which, in turn, determine the power spectra by Equation (
29). In particular, the uniform distribution leads to the power spectra that consists of equal real amplitudes, namely,
. We will proceed with discussing
Figure 1 in
Section 3.
Remark 2. Every drift velocity (13) build on configuration (26)–(29) is periodic along the rotation axis with period and its projection on this axis is constant along it. Additionally, this projection is equal to zero in the case of constant power spectrum, that is, when . This follows easily by construction. 2.4. Generating Helicity
denote a 3-torus with a planar Riemann’s metric. For a divergence-free vector field
, the common definition of the helicity reads as
where the round bracket represents the inner product in the tangent spaces determined by the Riemann’s metric, and inverting the
-operator operates the vector fields obeying condition
by definition.
The helicity (also known as Hopf’s invariant) represents an invariant of action of the volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. We refer the reader to book [
7] for more details, including a discussion on the links to the complexity of phase trajectories.
Analogous to the above, we restrict ourselves to within the drifts with a zero uniform component and define the helicity of the Stokes drift as follows
Note that assuming no uniform drift means that all the summands with equal summation indices cancel themselves while calculating the drift velocity,
, by Formula (
13). Hence, while doing so, it is correct to neglect the sum over coinciding indices. Then, inverting the operator of
Further, the mean helicity takes the form
where the notation of
stands for the set indices enumerating the set of resonant quartets,
(see (
Now, we assert that there is a Stokes drift that obeys restriction (
17), possesses as high of a helicity as one wishes, and such a drift can arise from a quintet of atoms. Let points
and rotation
be the same as those employed for constructing configuration
Section 2.3, and let
be the semi-angle between
a and
b. Consider a configuration
with the power spectrum
where the order of writing defines the correspondence between the amplitudes and the atoms’ positions set above.
is resonant, as are all those belonging to its
-orbit. This orbit produces a mean helicity that reads as
In the derivation of this expression, the key point is the orthogonal decomposition using the rotation axis; however, we omit these quite routine details. Now, set
Then, the expression (
48) simplifies to
Thus, the helicity produced by quartet
together with its
-orbit grows unboundedly when
and the equality (
49) holds true provided that the power spectrum obeys the following condition
is an independent constant. Further, let us assume that another resonance has occurred in the same atoms’ configuration. Then,
and, moreover, the sign of one term on the right-hand side is always opposite to the other two signs. Hence,
Thus, the quartet
exhausts the resonant set emergent from the configuration
provided that
(since it contradicts to the previous equality).
Given the condition (
52), to eliminate the uniform component from the drift, the power spectrum of the configuration must meet the following constraints
Using equality (
49), we obtain the following expression:
Hence, Equations (
54) and (
55) define point
correctly. Further, constraints (
55) are homogeneous in variables
. Therefore, if such a quintet meets them, then there is another one that meets them and restriction (
17) at the same time.
Thus, let angles
obey the constraint (
49), points
belong to
, and
. Let element
define the axis of rotation
and let
be the rotation angle. Finally, let elements
and the complex numbers
obey the restrictions (
55). Then, the configuration
with a power spectrum
produces the drift without a uniform component. Hence, the helicity is well-defined for such a drift, and Formula (
50) gives its value. Moreover, this value exceeds any bounds provided that angle
is small enough while the power spectrum obeys condition (
51). Clearly, plenty of configurations meet all conditions listed here. For example,
Slightly different examples result from the configurations (
29). Let
be a prime number and let the power spectrum read as
Since the absolute values of amplitudes do not vary within this spectrum, the corresponding configurations produce drifts with no uniform components. Hence, the helicity is well defined. Since it results from the resonant quartets only, let us follow the method employed for calculating the resonant energy in
Section 2.3 but with the use of Formula (
48) for the contribution of the individual
-orbits of a resonance from
. The sum of these contributions over set
gives the helicity of the whole configuration, which reads
is a real-valued linear function in variable
z. Next, we write this expression as follows
using the transformation similar to that exploited in
Section 2.3. Since the sums of exponents are equal to zero here, we do not specify the values of
. Hence, the total helicity of the aforementioned configuration is equal to
and reads
Thus, we have arrived at one more family of configurations that can produce drifts with arbitrarily high helicities. They can include from six to infinitely many atoms.