Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: A Review of Challenges and Applications
<p>(<b>a</b>) In the single-agent RL paradigm, an agent interacts with an environment by performing an action for which it receives a reward. (<b>b</b>) In the MARL paradigm, from the agent’s point of view, the other agents may be considered to be part of the environment, which of course changes due to the actions of all the agents.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The structure of an actor–critic algorithm.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The taxonomy of reinforcement learning algorithms.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Challenges encountered by each algorithm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Traffic junction environment.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Multi-Agent Framework
2.1.1. Markov Decision Process
- S is the state space;
- A is the action space;
- is the transition probability from state to given the action ;
- is the reward function, whose value is the reward received by the agent for a transition from the state–action pair to the state ;
- is the discount factor and is a parameter used to compensate for the effect of instantaneous and future rewards.
2.1.2. Markov Game
- is the set of agents;
- S is the space observed by all agents;
- is the action space of the i-th agent and is called the joint action space;
- is the transition probability to each state given a starting state and a joint action ;
- is the reward function of the i-th agent representing the instantaneous reward received, transitioning from to ;
- is the discount factor.
2.1.3. A Partially-Observable Markov Decision Process
2.1.4. Dec-POMDP
- I is the set of n agents;
- S is the state space;
- is the joint action space;
- is the observation space with .
2.2. Single-Agent RL Algorithms
- The critic, which has the task of estimating the value function, typically using TD methods;
- The actor, which represents the parameterized policy and updates its action distribution in the direction "suggested" by the critic using a policy gradient.
2.2.1. Q-Learning
- Initialize the policy parameters at random;
- Use to generate a trajectory, which is a sequence of states, actions and rewards, ;
- For each time-step ,
- Estimate the return ;
- Update policy parameters using Equation (12);
- Iterate the process.
2.2.3. A3C
Algorithm 1 A3C Pseudocode [20]. |
3. The Limits of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
3.1. Nonstationarity
Varying Learning Speed
3.2. Scalability
Deep Reinforcement Learning
3.3. Partial Observability
3.3.1. Centralized Learning of Decentralized Policies
Algorithm 2 COMA pseudocode [39]. |
3.3.2. Communications between Agents
4. Benchmark Environments for Multi-Agent Systems
5. Applications
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ML | Machine Learning |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
MAS | Multi Agent System |
MARL | Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning |
MDP | Markov Decision Process |
MG | Markov Game |
POMDP | Partially-Observable Markov Decision Process |
Dec-POMDP | Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process |
TD | Temporal Difference |
DQN | Deep Q-Network |
IL | Independent Learner |
JAL | Joint Action Learner |
Q-RTS | Q Learning Real Time Swarm |
LMRL | Lenient Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning |
DRL | Deep Reinforcement Learning |
DQN | Deep Q-Network |
cDQN | Contextual DQN |
LDQN | Lenient Deep Q-Network |
DRQN | Deep Recurrent Q-Network |
LSTM | Long Short Term Memory |
Dec-HDRQN | Decentralized Hysteretic Deep Recurrent Q-Network |
CERT | Concurrent Experience Replay Trajectories |
TRPO | Trust Region Policy Optimization |
PS-TRPO | Parameter Sharing Trust Region Policy Optimization |
COMA | Counterfactual Multi-Agent |
A3C | Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic |
cA2C | Contextual Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic |
VDN | Value Decomposition Network |
DDRQN | Distributed Deep Recurrent Q-Network |
MA | Multi-Agent |
MADQN | Multi-Agent Deep Q-Network |
SC2LE | Starcraft 2 Learning Environment |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial vehicle |
FOV | Field of View |
MUTAPP | Multi-UAV Target Assignment and Path Planning |
MADDPG | Multi Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
LoS | Line of Sight |
nZEC | Nearly Zero Energy Community |
CMS | Community Monitoring Service |
ES-MARL | Equilibrium Selection Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning |
RG | Renewable Generator |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
V2G | Vehicle to Grid |
PPO | Proximal Policy Optimization |
RCS | Reactive Control Strategy |
PCS | Predictive Control Strategy |
GVM | Gross Volume of Merchandise |
IDQN | Independent Deep Q-Network |
CPR | Common Pool Resources |
SSD | Sequential Social Dilemma |
BS | Base Station |
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Algorithm | Type of Agent | Learning Structure | Features | Scientific Spreading |
Hysteretic Q-Learning [26] | Value based | Independent learners | Uses a different learning rate for increasing and decreasing Q-values. No need for communication between agents | 1100 |
Lenient Q-Learning [27] | Value based | Independent learners | Accumulates rewards for a state–action-pair and then update it using the maximum reward | 333 |
QD-learning [28] | Value based | Networked agents | Receives the Q-values from agents in the proximity with the objective of minimizing the difference and reaching consensus | 104 |
Actor–Critic with Networked Agents [29] | Actor–critic | Networked agents | Both the policy of the actor and the Q-estimates of the critic are parameterized. The agents share the parameters of their critic to reach consensus | 3050 |
Lenient deep Q-network [32] | Value based | Independent agents | Stores a temperature variable in the experience replay to decide the amount of leniency to apply to the updates | 97 |
Multi-Agent Deep Q-Network [33] | Value based | Independent agents | Use of importance sampling and low-dimensional fingerprints to disambiguate samples in the experience replay | 3380 |
Dec-HDQRN [35] | Value based | Independent agents | Integrates the recursive neural network to estimate the non observed state and hysteretic Q-learning to address non stationarity. Possibility to use transfer learning to adapt to multi task applications | 49 |
PS-TRPO [36] | Policy optimization | Centralized training | Shares parameters between agents during training. The policy parameters are bounded to change in a trust region. Can scale progressively to more agents using curriculum learning | 23 |
COMA [39] | Actor–critic | Centralized training | A centralized critic is used only during the training phase. Can differentiate rewards between agents using a conterfactual baseline | 4750 |
VDN [40] and QMIX [41] | Value based | Networked agents | The Q-table of the joint action can be factorized as a sum or a combination of independent Q-Tables | 847 |
CommNet [42] | Policy optimization | Networked agents | The agents communicate for a number of rounds before selecting their action. The communication protocol is learned concurrently with the optimal policy | 319 |
DDRQN [43] | Value based | Networked agents | Uses a deep recursive network architecture in a partial observable setting with the use of parameter sharing to speed-up the learning process | 3510 |
Q-RTS [24] | Value based | Centralized training | Agents create a global knowledge Q-matrix combining their most valuable experiences and make updates on a linear combination of the matrix and their local Q-table. | 108 |
Sector | Applications |
UAVs | Drone field coverage [47] Target assignment and path planning [48] LoS Networks [50] Packet routing relaying [52] Recharging towers [53] |
Image processing | Joint active objective search [54] |
Energy sharing and scheduling | Zero-energy community [55] Residential microgrid with V2G exchange [56] Industry production control [58] Lithium battery lifetime optimization [64] |
Automotive | Safe driving [59] Fleet control for ride sharing platform [61] Intersection traffic light control [62] |
Social Science | Common Pool Resource Approximation [66] Sequential Social Dilemmas [67] |
Networking | Base-station parameter approximation [68] |
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Canese, L.; Cardarilli, G.C.; Di Nunzio, L.; Fazzolari, R.; Giardino, D.; Re, M.; Spanò, S. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: A Review of Challenges and Applications. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4948.
Canese L, Cardarilli GC, Di Nunzio L, Fazzolari R, Giardino D, Re M, Spanò S. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: A Review of Challenges and Applications. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(11):4948.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCanese, Lorenzo, Gian Carlo Cardarilli, Luca Di Nunzio, Rocco Fazzolari, Daniele Giardino, Marco Re, and Sergio Spanò. 2021. "Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: A Review of Challenges and Applications" Applied Sciences 11, no. 11: 4948.
APA StyleCanese, L., Cardarilli, G. C., Di Nunzio, L., Fazzolari, R., Giardino, D., Re, M., & Spanò, S. (2021). Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: A Review of Challenges and Applications. Applied Sciences, 11(11), 4948.