Revealing the Complexity of Host-Parasite Relationships Between Syringophilid Mites and Sunbirds in Their Global Range
<p>Examples of bird species deposited in SNSB-ZSM and infested by quill mites. (<b>A</b>) <span class="html-italic">Anthreptes longuemarei</span> (Lesson); (<b>B</b>) <span class="html-italic">Cinnyris mariquensis</span> Smith; (<b>C</b>) <span class="html-italic">Cinnyris shelleyi</span> Alexander; (<b>D</b>) <span class="html-italic">Nectarinia tacazze</span> (Stanley); (<b>E</b>) <span class="html-italic">Aethopyga siparaja</span> (Raffles); (<b>F</b>) <span class="html-italic">Leptocoma zeylonica</span> (Linnaeus); (<b>G</b>) <span class="html-italic">Cinnyris mediocris</span> Shelley; (<b>H</b>) <span class="html-italic">Hedydipna collaris</span> (Vieillot); (<b>I</b>) <span class="html-italic">Cyanomitra olivacea</span> (Smith); (<b>J</b>) <span class="html-italic">Cinnyris venustus</span> (Shaw).</p> "> Figure 2
<p><span class="html-italic">Aulonastus aethopygus</span> Sikora and Unsoeld sp. n., female. (<b>A</b>)—dorsal view; (<b>B</b>)—ventral view; (<b>C</b>)—peritremes; (<b>D</b>)—fan-like seta <span class="html-italic">p’III</span>. Scale bars: (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) = 50 µm, (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) = 25 µm.</p> "> Figure 3
<p><span class="html-italic">Aulonastus arachnotherus</span> Sikora and Unsoeld sp. n., female. (<b>A</b>)—dorsal view; (<b>B</b>)—ventral view; (<b>C</b>)—peritremes; (<b>D</b>)—fan-like seta <span class="html-italic">p’III</span>. Scale bars: (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) = 50 µm, (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) = 25 µm.</p> "> Figure 4
<p><span class="html-italic">Syringophiloidus haeckeli</span> Sikora and Unsoeld sp. n., female. (<b>A</b>)—dorsal view; (<b>B</b>)—ventral view; (<b>C</b>)—peritremes; (<b>D</b>)—propodonotal seta <span class="html-italic">si</span>; (<b>E</b>)—solenidia of leg I; (<b>F</b>)—fan-like seta <span class="html-italic">p’III</span>; (<b>G</b>)—pseudanal setae <span class="html-italic">ps1–2</span>. Scale bars: (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) = 50 µm, (<b>C</b>–<b>G</b>) = 25 µm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Bipartite network graph of interactions between quill mite species (<b>left</b>) and their Sunbird hosts (<b>right</b>).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Modules (1–8), generated for quill mite species and Sunbirds. The intensity of the colours of the squares indicates the strength of the interaction between particular parasite species (vertical axis) and their host species (horizontal axis).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Potential distribution of quill mites of the genus <span class="html-italic">Aulobia</span> according to the host range.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Potential distribution of quill mites of the genus <span class="html-italic">Syringophiloidus</span> according to the host range.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Potential distribution of quill mites of the genus <span class="html-italic">Aulonastus</span> according to the host range.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Potential distribution of quill mites of the genus <span class="html-italic">Neoaulonastus</span> according to the host range.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Potential distribution of quill mites of the genus <span class="html-italic">Picobia</span> according to the host range.</p> ">
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Mites Collection, Preparation, Description, and Deposition
2.2. Statistical Analysis
2.3. Bird Systematics, Host Specificity, and Zoogeographical Regions
3. Results
3.1. Revision of Quill Mite Species Associated with Sunbirds
3.2. Key to the Genera and Species of Syringophilid Mites Associated with Sunbirds (Nectariniidae)
3.3. Prevalence
3.4. Host-Specificity and Bipartite Network Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Quill Mite Species | Host | Habitat | Distribution | References |
Aulobia afroanthreptes Skoracki and Zmudzinski, 2018 | Anthreptes neglectus Neumann * | sec, w-cov | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
“ | Anthreptes longuemarei (Lesson) | sec, w-cov | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
Aulobia anthreptes Skoracki and Glowska, 2008 | Anthreptes malacensis (Scopoli) | sec, w-cov | Ocea: SE Asia; Indonesia (Java) | [15]; current study |
Aulobia nectariniae Skoracki and Glowska, 2008 | Cinnyris jugularis (Linnaeus) * | sec, w-cov | Ocea: Papua New Guinea | [15]; current study |
“ | Cinnyris mariquensis Smith | sec, w-cov | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
“ | Cinnyris shelleyi Alexander | sec, w-cov | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
“ | Cinnyris osea Bonaparte | w-cov | Saha-Arab: Palestine | current study |
“ | Leptocoma aspasia (Lesson and Garnot) | sec, w-cov | Ocea: Papua New Guinea | [15]; current study |
Aulonastus nectariniiphilus Skoracki and Zmudzinski, 2018 | Anthreptes reichenowi Gunning * | utc | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
“ | Nectarinia tacazze (Stanley) | utc | Afro: Ethiopia | [18] |
Aulonastus aethopygus Sikora and Unsoeld sp. n. | Aethopyga siparaja (Raffles) | utc | Ocea: Philippines | current study |
Aulonastus arachnotherus Sikora and Unsoeld sp. n. | Arachnothera robusta Müller and Schlegel | utc | Ocea: Indonesia (Borneo) | current study |
Neoaulonastus sidorchukae Zmudzinski, Skoracki and Hromada, 2019 | Leptocoma zeylonica (Linnaeus) | utc | Orie: Sri Lanka | [19] |
Neoaulonastus cinnyris Klimovicova, Smolak, Njoroge and Hromada, 2014 | Anthreptes neglectus Neumann | utc | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
“ | Athreptes longuemarei (Lesson) | utc | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
“ | Cinnyris mediocris Shelley * | utc | Afro: Tanzania | [39] |
Syringophiloidus haeckeli Sikora and Unsoeld sp. n. | Aethopyga siparaja (Raffles) | w-cov | Ocea: Philippines | current study |
Syringophiloidus nectariniae Skoracki and Zmudzinski, 2018 | Hedydipna collaris (Vieillot) | w-cov | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
Picobia hedydipna Skoracki and Zmudzinski, 2018 | Hedydipna collaris (Vieillot) | con | Afro: Kenya | [18] |
Picobia oritis Skoracki, Antczak and Riegert, 2009 | Cinnyris chalybeus (Linnaeus) | con | Afro: South Africa | [18] |
“ | Cinnyris erythrocercus (Hartlaub) | con | Afro: Uganda, D.R. Congo | [18,39] |
“ | Cinnyris oustaleti (Bocage) | con | Afro: Angola | [39] |
“ | Cinnyris talatala Smith | con | Afro: Botswana, Zambia | [39] |
“ | Cinnyris venustus (Shaw) | con | Afro: Somalia, Tanzania | [18,39] |
“ | Cyanomitra olivacea (Smith) | con | Afro: Kenya, Tanzania | [17,18] |
“ | Cyanomitra oritis (Reichenow) * | con | Afro: Cameroon | [16] |
“ | Cyanomitra verreauxii (Smith) | con | Afro: Tanzania | [18] |
Host Species | Examined/Infested | Prevalence (CISterne method) | Quill Mite Species |
Anthreptes longuemarei | 18/3 | 16.7 (4.7–41.4) | Neoaulonastus cinnyris |
” | 18/1 | 5.6 (0.3–27.1) | Aulobia afroanthreptes |
Anthreptes malacensis * | 24/1 | 42 (0.2–20.4) | Aulobia anthreptes |
Anthreptes neglectus | 9/4 | 44.4 (16.9–74.9) | Aulobia afroanthreptes |
” | 9/3 | 33.3 (9.8–67.7) | Neoaulonastus cinnyris |
” | 9/1 | 11.1 (0.6–44.4) | Aulobia afroanthreptes + N. cinnyris |
” | 9/1 | 11.1 (0.6–44.4) | Aulonastus nectariniphilus |
Anthreptes reichenowi | 23/7 | 30.4 (14.5–52.2) | Aulonastus nectariniphilus |
Aethopyga siparaja * | 13/1 | 7.7 (0.4–34.2) | Aulonastus aethopygus + Syringophiloidus haeckeli |
Arachnothera robusta * | 1/1 | 100 (50–100) | Aulonastus arachnotherus |
Cinnyris erythrocercus | 4/3 | 75.0 (24.9–98.7) | Picobia oritis |
Cinnyris jugularis * | 14/5 | 35.7 (15.3–62.9) | Aulobia nectariniae |
Cinnyris osea * | 1/1 | 100 (50–100) | Aulobia nectariniae |
Cinnyris mariquensis | 20/2 | 10.0 (1.8–32.0) | Aulobia nectariniae |
Cinnyris mediocris | 4/1 | 25.0 (1.3–75.1) | Neoaulonastus cinnyris |
Cinnyris oustaleti | 3/1 | 33.3 (1.7–86.5) | Picobia oritis |
Cinnyris shelleyi | 12/3 | 25.0 (7.2–54.3) | Aulobia nectariniae |
Cinnyris talatala | 12/2 | 16.7 (3.0–45.7) | Picobia oritis |
Cinnyris venustus | 37/3 | 8.1 (2.2–21.4) | Picobia oritis |
Cyanomitra olivacea | 73/1 | 1.4 (0.1–7.3) | Picobia oritis |
Cyanomitra veroxii | 14/1 | 7.1 (0.4–31.7) | Picobia oritis |
Hedydipna collaris | 25/5 | 20.0 (8.2–39.8) | Syringophiloidus nectariniae |
” | 25/1 | 4.0 (0.2–19.6) | Picobia hedydipna |
Leptocoma aspasia * | 13/5 | 38.6 (16.6– 65.8) | Aulobia nectariniae |
Leptocoma zeylonica * | 8/2 | 25 (4.6–63.5) | Neoaulonastus sidorchukae |
Nectarinia tacazze | 12/1 | 8.3 (0.4–37.0) | Aulonastus nectariniphilus |
Sunbird Species | Examined | Sunbird Species | Examined |
Aethopyga christinae * | 8 | Cinnyris chloropygius | 1 |
Aethopyga eximia * | 1 | Cinnyris cupreus * | 40 |
Aethopyga ignicauda * | 5 | Cinnyris habessinicus | 4 |
Aethopyga mystacalis * | 5 | Cinnyris johannae | 1 |
Aethopyga nipalensis * | 11 | Cinnyris lotenius * | 3 |
Aethopyga saturata * | 5 | Cinnyris loveridgei | 8 |
Anthreptes orientalis | 1 | Cinnyris minullus * | 7 |
Anthreptes rectirostris | 2 | Cinnyris moreaui * | 4 |
Anthreptes rubritorques | 4 | Cinnyris nectarinoides | 1 |
Anthreptes seimundi | 5 | Cinnyris notatus | 1 |
Arachnothera affinis * | 8 | Cinnyris pembae * | 17 |
Arachnothera chrysogenys * | 3 | Cinnyris pulchellus | 1 |
Arachnothera flavigaster * | 1 | Cinnyris regius | 1 |
Arachnothera longirostra * | 7 | Cinnyris reichenowi | 2 |
Arachnothera magna * | 1 | Cinnyris solaris * | 2 |
Chalcomitra amethystina | 48 | Cinnyris superba | 1 |
Chalcomitra fuliginosa | 1 | Cyanomitra alinae * | 12 |
Chalcomitra hunteri | 12 | Cyanomitra cyanolaema * | 7 |
Chalcomitra rubescens | 10 | Cyanomitra verticalis | 10 |
Chalcomitra senegalensis | 15 | Drepanorhynchus reichenowi * | 3 |
Chalcoparia singalensis | 1 | Leptocoma calcostetha* | 2 |
Cinnyris afer | 2 | Leptocoma sperata * | 5 |
Cinnyris asiaticus * | 9 | Nectarinia famosa | 1 |
Cinnyris bifasciatus | 13 | Nectarinia johnstoni * | 75 |
Cinnyris bouvieri * | 8 | Nectarinia kilimensis | 1 |
Cinnyris chalybeus * | 16 | Nectarinia purpureiventris | 2 |
Quill Mite Species | d’ | Mite Species | Host Spectrum |
Monoxenous parasites | 1 | Aulobia anthreptes | Anthreptes malacensis |
0.82 | Aulonastus aethopygus | Aethopyga siparaja | |
1 | Aulonastus arachnotherus | Arachnothera robusta | |
1 | Neoaulonastus sidorchukae | Leptocoma zeylonica | |
0.82 | Syringophiloidus haeckeli | Aethopyga siparaja | |
0.94 | Syringophiloidus nectariniae | Hedydipna collaris | |
0.6 | Picobia hedydipna | Hedydipna collaris | |
Oligoxenous parasites | 0.71 | Aulobia afroanthreptes | Anthreptes neglectus |
Anthreptes longuemarei | |||
Mesostenoxenous parasites | 1 | Aulobia nectariniae | Cinnyris jugularis |
Cinnyris mariquensis | |||
Cinnyris shelleyi | |||
Cinnyris osea | |||
Leptocoma aspasia | |||
0.82 | Aulonastus nectariniiphilus | Anthreptes reichenowi | |
Nectarinia tacazze | |||
0.77 | Neoaulonastus cinnyris | Anthreptes neglectus | |
Athreptes longuemarei | |||
Cinnyris mediocris | |||
1 | Picobia oritis | Cinnyris chalybeus | |
Cinnyris erythrocercus | |||
Cinnyris oustaleti | |||
Cinnyris talatala | |||
Cinnyris venustus | |||
Cyanomitra olivacea | |||
Cyanomitra oritis | |||
Cyanomitra verreauxii |
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Sikora, B.; Unsoeld, M.; Melzer, R.R.; Friedrich, S.; Hromada, M. Revealing the Complexity of Host-Parasite Relationships Between Syringophilid Mites and Sunbirds in Their Global Range. Animals 2025, 15, 110.
Sikora B, Unsoeld M, Melzer RR, Friedrich S, Hromada M. Revealing the Complexity of Host-Parasite Relationships Between Syringophilid Mites and Sunbirds in Their Global Range. Animals. 2025; 15(1):110.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSikora, Bozena, Markus Unsoeld, Roland R. Melzer, Stefan Friedrich, and Martin Hromada. 2025. "Revealing the Complexity of Host-Parasite Relationships Between Syringophilid Mites and Sunbirds in Their Global Range" Animals 15, no. 1: 110.
APA StyleSikora, B., Unsoeld, M., Melzer, R. R., Friedrich, S., & Hromada, M. (2025). Revealing the Complexity of Host-Parasite Relationships Between Syringophilid Mites and Sunbirds in Their Global Range. Animals, 15(1), 110.