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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter April 21, 2010

Prevalence and habitat preference of quill mites (Acari, Syringophilidae) parasitizing forest passerine birds in Poland

  • Maciej Skoracki EMAIL logo , Jerzy Michalik and Bozżena Sikora
From the journal Acta Parasitologica


We surveyed the prevalence of quill mites in wild passerines captured in Wielkopolski National Park, Poland. A total of 438 birds of 12 species were mist-netted during three consecutive spring seasons from 2006–2008. Eight bird species were infested with syringophilid mites: Erithacus rubecula (L.) (index of prevalence, IP = 16.2%), Turdrus merula L. (IP = 22.4%), T. philomelos Brehm (IP = 10.5%), Fringilla coelebs L. (IP = 36.2%), Coccothraustes coccothraustes (L.) (IP = 7.4%), Sturnus vulgaris L. (IP = 53.6%), Sylvia atricapilla (L.) (IP = 6.1%) and Troglodytes troglodytes (L.) (IP = 7.1%). In four cases, multiple infestation was observed, where one bird species was parasitized by 2–3 species of quill mites occupying separate niches in the plumage of the host.

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Published Online: 2010-4-21
Published in Print: 2010-6-1

© 2010 W. Stefański Institute of Parasitology, PAS

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.

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