The Tumor Suppressor Par-4 Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptional Repression of PPARγ
<p>Adipogenesis and PPARγ expression are inversely associated with Par-4 status. (<b>A</b>) Loss of Par-4 in MEFs enhances adipogenesis. Par-4<sup>+/+</sup> and Par-4<sup>−/−</sup> MEFs were grown in adipocyte differentiation media and subjected to Oil-red O (ORO) staining (left panel). Percentage of ORO-positive cells is shown (right panel). (<b>B</b>) Adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells was confirmed by growing them in adipocyte differentiation (AD) medium or control (Con) medium and performing ORO staining. Percentage of ORO-positive cells is shown. (<b>C</b>) Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells is accelerated by Par-4 knockdown and prevented by PPARγ knockdown. Preadipocyte 3T3-L1 cells were transfected with siRNAs for Par-4 or PPARγ, or co-transfected with these siRNAs, and subjected to treatment with adipogenesis differentiation medium. For control, the cells were treated with scrambled siRNA and maintained in adipogenesis differentiation medium (left panels). After staining the cells with ORO, the percentage of cells with oil droplets was calculated (middle panel). Knockdown of Par-4 and PPARγ was confirmed by Western blot analysis (right panel). (<b>D</b>) Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells accelerated by Par-4 knockdown is reversed by Par-4 re-expression. 3T3-L1 cells were transfected with siRNA duplexes for mouse Par-4 or control siRNA and then infected with rat Par-4-expressing adenovirus (P) or control GFP adenovirus (G). The cells were grown in differentiation medium and adipogenesis was examined via oil red O staining (top left panels) and quantified (top right panel). Western blot analysis confirmed Par-4 siRNA knockdown and Par-4 adenoviral expression (bottom panel). (<b>E</b>) Par-4 protein expression is downregulated during adipogenesis. Whole-cell extracts were prepared from Par-4<sup>+/+</sup> and Par-4<sup>−/−</sup> MEFs (left panel) or 3T3-L1 cells (right panel) grown in normal growth medium (control, C) or in adipocyte differentiation medium (AD) for up to 10 days and subjected to Western blot analysis. (<b>A</b>,<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) Scale bar, 200 μm. (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) Mean <span class="underline">+</span> SEM of three independent experiments shown. Asterisks: (*) indicates <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05, (***) indicates <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.005, and (****) indicates <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001; n.s. indicates not significant according to the Student’s <span class="html-italic">t</span> test. Molecular weights, β-actin: 42 kDa; Par-4: 40 kDa; GAPDH: 36 kDa; PPARγ: 53,57 kDa.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>PPARγ expression is inversely associated with Par-4 expression. MEFs or adult fibroblasts from Par-4<sup>+/+</sup> and Par-4<sup>−/−</sup> mice (<b>A</b>), human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) differentiated into adipocytes by growing them in adipocyte differentiation (AD) medium or undifferentiated control cells (Con) (<b>B</b>), or MCF7 cells with CRISPR/Cas9 induced Par-4 knockout (Par-4 KO) or control cells (<b>C</b>) were lysed in RIPA buffer and the whole-cell lysates were subjected to Western blotting for Par-4, actin, and PPARγ.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>PPARγ gene transcription is inversely associated with Par-4 expression. (<b>A</b>) Par-4<sup>−/−</sup> MEFs display increased transcription of PPARγ. RNA was extracted from Par-4<sup>+/+</sup> and Par-4<sup>−/−</sup> MEFs and subjected to qPCR for Par-4, PPARγ, and GAPDH. Data normalized to corresponding GAPDH levels are shown. (<b>B</b>) PPARγ expression is inhibited by Par-4 overexpression. 3T3-L1 cells were infected with GFP or GFP-Par-4 producing adenovirus, and whole-cell lysates were subjected to Western blot analysis. (<b>C</b>) Generation of luciferase constructs containing PPARγ2 promoter deletion fragments 1, 2, and 3. The deletion fragments 1, 2, and 3 of the mouse PPARγ (isoform 2) promoter were cloned into pGL4 luciferase expression constructs (left panel). MEFs were transfected with either the luc constructs containing PPARγ promoter fragments or an empty pGL4, in the presence of a β-galactosidase (β-gal) expression construct. Whole-cell extracts were then subjected to luciferase activity assays. The luciferase activity normalized to β-gal activity is shown for Fragments (Frag) 1, 2, and 3 (right panel). (<b>D</b>) Deletion fragment 6 is necessary for Par-4-mediated regulation of the PPARγ2 promoter. PPARγ promoter Fragment 3 was subdivided into five smaller fragments (left panel), and the luc assay was repeated as above in MEFs. Luciferase activity normalized to β-gal is shown (right panel). (<b>E</b>) Nuclear entry is necessary for Par-4 mediated regulation of the PPARγ2 promoter. Par-4<sup>−/−</sup> MEFs were co-transfected with the luc construct containing fragment 6 along with a β-gal expression vector combined with (i) an empty pCB6 control plasmid, (ii) full length Par-4-expression plasmid, (iii) Par-4 plasmid containing deletion of NLS1 sequence (ΔNLS1), or (iv) Par-4 plasmid with deletion of both NLS1 and NLS2 (ΔNLS2). The whole-cell lysates were subjected to luciferase assays; luciferase activity normalized to β-gal is shown. (<b>A</b>,<b>C</b>–<b>E</b>) Means of 3 experiments <span class="underline">+</span> SEM are shown. Asterisks: (***) indicates <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.005 and (****) indicates <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 according to the Student’s <span class="html-italic">t</span> test.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Par-4 binds to the PPARγ promoter. (<b>A</b>) Endogenous Par-4 protein binds the PPARγ2 promoter sequence in Fragment 6. NIH 3T3 cells were transfected with either an empty control vector, Fragment 6-containing plasmid, or Fragment 7-containing plasmid. These transfected cells were then subjected to ChIP with pull-down accomplished with either anti-Par-4 antibody (Ab) or IgG control Ab. Immunoprecipitated DNA fragments were analyzed using primers for Fragment 6, Fragment 7, or negative control primers. (<b>B</b>) Endogenous Par-4 protein binds the endogenous PPARγ2 promoter region. Non-transfected NIH 3T3 cells were subjected to ChIP analysis with either the anti-Par-4 antibody (Ab), IgG control Ab or C/EBPα Ab. Immunoprecipitated DNA fragments were analyzed using primers for Fragment 6, C/EBP positive-control primers, or negative control primers. (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) Means of 3 experiments + SEM are shown. Asterisk (****) indicates <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 according to the Student’s <span class="html-italic">t</span> test.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Animals
2.2. Cell Culture
2.3. Constructs and RNA-Interference
2.4. In Vitro Adipogenesis
2.5. Antibodies
2.6. Western Blot Analysis
2.7. Real-Time qPCR
2.8. Oil Red O Staining of Cultured Cells
2.9. Luciferase Reporter Assays
2.10. Promoter Subcloning
2.11. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
2.12. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Par-4 Inhibits Adipogenesis In Vitro
3.2. Par-4 Overexpression Inhibits Adipogenesis
3.3. Adipogenesis Downregulates Par-4 Expression
3.4. PPARγ Expression Is Inversely Associated with Par-4 Status
3.5. Par-4 Transcriptionally Inhibits PPARγ
3.6. Par-4 Overexpression Inhibits PPARγ1 and γ2 Isoforms
3.7. Par-4 Inhibits Transcriptional Activity of the PPARγ2 Promoter
3.8. Nuclear Localization of Par-4 Is Required for Regulation of the PPARγ2 Promoter
3.9. Par-4 Binds the PPARγ2 Promoter
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Target | Forward Primer (5′-3′) | Reverse Primer (5′-3′) |
Fragment | Forward Primer (5′-3′) | Reverse Primer (5′-3′) |
Primer Pair Designation | Forward Primer (5′-3′) | Reverse Primer (5′-3′) |
Mouse Negative Control Primer Set 2 | Proprietary Sequence | Proprietary Sequence |
Mouse Positive Control Primer Set (GAPDH) | Proprietary Sequence | Proprietary Sequence |
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Sledziona, J.; Burikhanov, R.; Araujo, N.; Jiang, J.; Hebbar, N.; Rangnekar, V.M. The Tumor Suppressor Par-4 Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptional Repression of PPARγ. Cells 2024, 13, 1495.
Sledziona J, Burikhanov R, Araujo N, Jiang J, Hebbar N, Rangnekar VM. The Tumor Suppressor Par-4 Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptional Repression of PPARγ. Cells. 2024; 13(17):1495.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSledziona, James, Ravshan Burikhanov, Nathalia Araujo, Jieyun Jiang, Nikhil Hebbar, and Vivek M. Rangnekar. 2024. "The Tumor Suppressor Par-4 Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptional Repression of PPARγ" Cells 13, no. 17: 1495.
APA StyleSledziona, J., Burikhanov, R., Araujo, N., Jiang, J., Hebbar, N., & Rangnekar, V. M. (2024). The Tumor Suppressor Par-4 Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptional Repression of PPARγ. Cells, 13(17), 1495.