Functionality and Robustness of Injured Connectomic Dynamics in C. elegans: Linking Behavioral Deficits to Neural Circuit Damage
Fig 1
(a) In our model, stimulating PLM neurons drives two-mode motorneuron oscillations. We project all dynamics onto these modes. We map these projected dynamics onto the behavioral modes from [37] to reconstruct theoretical body motion. (b) We model neuron injury by scaling membrane capacitance and conductance with surface area. The relative swelling of neuron i is set by pulling its individual swelling level ai randomly from a distribution, and scaling all swellings by an overall “injury amplitude” μ. (c) We refer to a particular set of ai values as the same “injury”. Here we illustrate the same injury in three different regimes of μ. Compare the common experimental case of ablation, in which only one neuron is injured very severely (as opposed to our distributed injuries).